Faculty of Education
Sana’a University
Republic Of Yemen.
Tel:- (Mobile) +967- 771393772 (Home):-+967(1)581347
Email: a_shamsan@hotmail.com
- 1981 B.Sc. in Education, Major Biological Sciences, Faculty of Education, Sana‘a University. Sana, Republic of Yemen.
- 1986 M.A. Biological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado, Greely, USA.
- 1989 Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education, Pittsburgh University, PA, USA.
- Participated in development of document’s standards of science curricula of basic education and secondary education, curricula division, ministry of education 2016.
- Team leader of development of basic education science curricula classes(4-6)Feb2016……….now
- Reviewed of the first draft of first grade textbook of science Ministry of education, August 2013.
- Reviewed of general curricula document for basic &secondary education Ministry of Education, Mar 2013.
- Evaluation of the evaluation tools of mathematics and science teachers programs in Yemen (MASTERY) ,the new teacher” education in Yemen, May 2010. MASTERY project, Sana’a University.
- Evaluation of course specification of the (biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics ) if it align to the objectives and standards of document of mathematics and sciences teachers reform in Yemen (MASTERY), the new teacher education in Yemen, June 2010. MASTERY project, Sana’a University.
- Coordinator of the science curricula development (1-6) grades of basic education. Ministry of Education May 13- Jun 18, 2000 Sana’a – Republic of Yemen.
- Participation as a member in the team of assessment of the Yemeni private universities, assigned by the minster of higher education, number “154” March 29 and 2000 Republic of Yemen – .
- Reviewed of science curriculum document (the science curriculum) (6-9) basic education, March 1999. Center for research and educational development – Sana’a.
- Reviewed of science curriculum document (the biology curriculum) (10-12) secondary education, March 1999. Center for research and educational development – Sana’a.
- Participation “discussion and evaluation of a draft document science curriculum for grades (7-12) of the basic and secondary education and discussion the science teacher guides of (7-12) grades, November 1999.
- Reviewed the document of sciences curricula for (7-12) grades at basic and secondary education – a project for developing the sciences and mathematics – center of researches and educational development. August 1999, Republic of Yemen.
- Prepared and submitted a paper at the workshop entitled “development of curriculum of technical education and technical training teachers in technical education institutes. Entitled (evaluation and development of curriculum) technical training and technical sector – the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training – September 1999 Sana’a.
- Participated in a conference (the analysis the attitudes of students in basic and secondary education toward, the vocational and the technical education) introduction to the study of the national education and vocational and technical training, held in Sana’a, 23-27 February 1999.
- Participated as an expert about (a general strategy for the educational guidance) the main task discuss the (a general educational guidance manual) to be validate and approved – Ministry of Education .25-27 August 1998 Sana’a.
- Participated as an expert in curriculum development workshop (for the preparation evidence for the development of science curricula for classrooms (7 to 9) of basic education and classrooms (10-12) secondary education) – Center of educational researches and development – Sana’a – March 1998.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Holding a number of lectures in spreading the culture of quality and academic accreditation in several Yemeni universities, namely:
Terms of Quality and Accreditation, which was held on Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Teaching and learning outcomes December 19, 2018
Quality systems and academic accreditation
Quality assurance and programmatic and institutional evaluation
The mechanism of preparing the corresponding programs: Bunch Mark
How to prepare descriptions for programs and courses
Exam systems
Self evaluation and quality standards
Professional Development on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 AD
Teaching strategy (effective education) for faculty members on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 AD
Self-evaluation for information systems, linguistics and oil and gas engineering programs on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 AD
Develop the necessary skills for university employees
The standards of the College of Human Medicine and the study of self-evaluation according to the standards of the International Federation for Medical Education 14-15 October 2021 AD
The mechanism for preparing the strategic plan for medical patients on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 AD
- A special workshop was held by the Dean of the Quality Center on the preparation of the strategic plan for the deans of the university faculties for the committee in charge of preparing the strategic plan for the university, on February 25, 2020
- The preparation of the strategic plan with all its components was followed up with the committee charged with preparing the strategic plan within 4 months, as the preparation of the university’s strategic plan was completed.
- Carrying out a workshop on “Self-Assessment for Program Accreditation” 6|29 to 1|7|2021 at Dar es Salaam International University.
- Holding a number of workshops to spread the culture of quality at Dar es Salaam International University 2019 for Science and Technology.
- Supervising the process of preparing program documents and course descriptions in accordance with the standards of quality assurance and academic accreditation for the programs of Dar es Salaam International University of Science and Technology.
- Holding a number of workshops in all colleges of the University of Dar es Salaam for International Science and Technology on how to prepare the program document in accordance with the quality requirements required by the Academic Accreditation Council.
- Participation in the preparation and implementation of a “workshop for preparing curricula according to educational standards” April 16 to May 4, 2016. Curriculum and Guidance Sector – General Administration of Curricula, Ministry of Education, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen.
- Participation in the workshop entitled ((Preparing a plan to evaluate education outcomes for the Applied Physics Program)) Ibb University, December 31 – January 2, 2014.
- Participation in the activities of the workshop ((Program for preparing experts for the development of academic programs)) organized by the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research March 8-12, 2014.
- Participation in the activities of the workshop ((the third workshop for preparing the strategic plan for the council)) organized by the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, August 27-29, 2013.
- Participation in the activities of the workshop ((preparing a strategic plan for quality assurance in Yemeni universities)) organized by the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, July 6-8, 2013.
- Passing the course ((Preparation of Quality Coach in Higher Education)) organized by the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education in cooperation with the Arab Board for Consultation, Training and Human Development April 6-10, 2013.
- Participation in the activities of ((The First Quality Week at Sana’a University)) in the Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, March 17-20, 2013.
- Participation in the workshop entitled ((Preparing Learning Outcomes Frameworks for the Mechatronics Program Phase II)) in the Mechatronics Program, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, March 25-26, 2012.
- Participation in a workshop entitled “Development of university program curricula for development program teams in universities June 9-10, 2012 – Movenpick Hotel, University Education Quality Improvement Project – Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
- Participation in the workshop entitled ((Preparing Learning Outcomes Frameworks for Quality Improvement Programs)) held in the Higher Education Improvement Project, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sana’a, February 5-6, 2012.
- Participation in a workshop entitled ((Improving the Quality of University Programs)) Higher Education Development Project, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sana’a, October 24-25, 2009.
Research and scientific papers:
- Evaluation of Master program at the department of curriculum and instruction faculty of education at Sana’a University (Studies on higher Education and quality assurance, center of Academic and quality assurance at Sana’a University Issue6 number10 Jan- Jun2018– page 34-84.
- Evaluation of the level of achievement of quality standards in the program of preparing secondary stage teacher in the faculty of education at Sana’a university(from fourth level students point of view) published at the journal of(Studies on higher Education and quality assurance ,center of Academic and quality assurance at Sana’a university Issue6 number10 Jan- Jun 2018- page 85-114.
- The extent of family influences on the selection of both males and Females the specialization in the university and the impact of that on their future careers. Center of Applied Research and Women’s Studies Sana’a University _ July 2000.
- Reasons of the disinclination of girls to study science at secondary school and university. Journal of studies in the curricula and teaching methods, Egyptian Association for the curricula and teaching methods Ninth Session (p:2-32) September 1999, College of Education, Ain Shams University. Egypt.
- The appropriateness of secondary education to achieve its objectives facing the changes the twenty-first century – Journal of the affairs of the times – the second issue (p.: 101 to 121) winter 1997 – The Yemeni Center for Strategic Studies – Sana’a.
- Difficulties in sciences education in Yemen, “Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences” of Baghdad, the Iraqi educational and psychological sciences. Journal of Educational Sciences and psychological _ _ Baghdad in August 1997
- The contribution of sciences questions in sciences textbooks in the development of creativity at classroom (1-3) of the preparatory school in Republic of Yemen – Journal of the Faculty of Education – Issue IV (p :1-27) 1995 – Sana’a University.
- The summer holiday and the importanceØ of the participation of university faculty member in the service of society. Publications Scientific Conference of the members of the faculty – University of Sana’a and Aden in November 1993 – Sana’a.
- Critic Vision to the biological sciences curriculum at the secondary school in the Republic of Yemen. Journal of curricula and teaching methods studies- the twenty-second issue (p.: 153 to 185) November 1993 – issued by the Egyptian Association for the curricula and teaching methods ,College of Education, Ain Shams University , Egypt.
- Scientific Literacy among sample of pupils in the basic education in the Republic of Yemen. Altanwir journal – Issue 1 (p: 59 to 73) January 1993 quarterly magazine, educational Court – Sana’a Republic of Yemen