Ahmed Ahmed Mahyoub
C.V (in one page)
Personal Identification:-
Name: Dr. Ahmed Ahmed Mahyoub
Position: Assistant professor at Sana’a University faculty of education-Science Department. Head Department of Educational Technology
Qualifier: Ph.D in Science Education – Instruction and Learning from University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America USA.
Nationality: Yemen Place of birth: Qadas -Taiz, Yemen 1997
Address: Mathbah Sana’a Yemen Tel: Mobile: (967)771077059 or (for watsUp (967) 777120121)
E-Mail: mahyouba@gmail.com & a.mahoub@su.edu.ye
Getting Qualifications:
1996 Ph.D in Science Education from University of Pittsburgh, USA
1992 Ma in Science Education from Western Michigan University, USA
1984 B.Sc & Ed in Chemistry and physics from faculty of education, Sana’a University, Ye
Others Courses:
-2003 intensive course in Oracle Program(SQL and Developer) by SQL Star International Ltd. performed in Community College, In Sana’a, Ye.
Posted and Nominations:
From 13/10/2024 Head department of Educational Technology in College of Education, Sana’a University
From July2008 until 2023 Dean Collage of Engineering and Computer sciences at Arabian University, Sna’a.
September 2003 to March 2005 Head department of chemistry in College of Education, Sana’a University
1999-2001 Officer of student activities in Faculty of Education, Sana’a University.
1996-1998 Vice director for Saudi’s Students School in Pittsburgh, USA.
1984-1985 General supervisor in Al_Shokani Teacher Institute in Ministry of Education, Yemen.
Academic experiences and the ability of teaching courses:
Since 1998 I get an experience, as my academic duties at College of Education ,In Sana’a university, and private university in teaching the following courses: Computer skills requirement – Elective computer course – Computer language for physics – Databases for physics students Welcome to Education – Learning resources – Basics of educational research – Basics of statistics – Educational statistics – Biostatistics for life sciences – Statistics and probability for a computer teacher – Statistics with spss applications for graduate students for departments (English – Science – and educational technology) – Measurement and evaluation for bachelor’s and master’s degrees – Supervision of bachelor’s graduation research – Supervision of master’s and doctoral theses – Courses in science teaching methods (2;1) – Practical education (2;1) – General chemistry (1) and other courses. I got an experience in teaching courses such as: Computer skills requirement – Computer applications – Statistical software SPSS – Introduction to computer science – Internet computing and web design HTML – Advanced web design PHP – Operating systems – Measurement and evaluation – Computer maintenance – Systems analysis and design – E-commerce – Computer profession ethics – Basics of statistics – Statistics and probability for engineering and computer students – Research methods and Biostatistics
1996-1998 I taught computer science and some courses in science at Saudi’s Students School in Pittsburg, USA.
1991- 19996 I was a graduate student in USA,
1985-1990 teacher assistant at faculty of Education in Sana’a University, Yemen.
1984-1985 science teacher in Al-Shokani Teacher Institute, in Ministry of Education, Yemen.
Courses I have implemented:
- From 1/1/2005 to 13/1/2005:intensive teaching and training computer skills to Participants of health teachers at Higher Health Science Institute.
- From 4/6/2005 to 16/6/2005: Teach and train the computer skills to granny Participants at Higher Health Science Institutes .
- From 9/9/2006 to 21/1/2006 :intensive teaching and training computer skills to Participants of health teachers at Higher Health Science Institute the second period
- I implemented a number of training courses for Sana’a University and private universities, including training Sana’a University faculty members within the training courses organized by the Development and Quality Assurance Center around 2008 in computer application skills, Word, Excel and PowerPoint at the Computer Center.
- Implementing statistical data analysis training using the SPSS statistical program for master’s students and faculty members at the Faculty of Education at Sana’a University.
- Implementing a training course in Access databases for higher education staff at the Arab University for Science and Technology.
- 2005 Implementation of training courses for the employees of the University of Science and Applied Sciences before its closure in the use of computers and applications Microsoft Office.
– Computer Skills and Applications Book (Computer Principles and Information Technology – Windows 10 – Microsoft Office 2021 & internet) Latest Edition March 2023
– Computer Leadership Skills Book (Basics – Windows – 7 – Microsoft Office Applications 2003 – 2007) editions were issued from 2007 to 2014)
– Computer Basics and Applications 2005 First Edition (Basics – Windows – XP – Microsoft Office Applications 2003)
– Documents in statistics with the application of SPSS for courses (Principles of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics – Statistics and Probability – Biostatistics – Biostatistics and Research Methods). And a companion to other courses that I taught at Sana’a University or private.
– A book on measurement and evaluation 2006
– A joint published research on common errors in lesson presentation skills published in the scientific journal of the College of Education, Dhamar University, issue 4, January 2007.
– Other research under preparation.
– Preparing a comprehensive guide (lists, graduates, field training, and graduation projects) for students of the Faculty of Science and Computers at the Arab University of Science and Technology before its closure in 2022.
Description and review of several different courses in addition to references describing documents and appendices for specialized programs in university colleges.
– Participated in describing the programs of the specializations of the College of Engineering and Computer Science and its courses for the Arabian University for Science and Technology according to the instructions, templates and local national standards of the Academic Accreditation Council and other international standards according to the specialization.
– Participated in a team in describing the computer science program at the College of Education, Sana’a.
– Participated in writing science books for basic education in Yemen from 7-9. And describing many basic education courses
– Head of the workshop team describing the educational research curricula course within the higher diploma program for school principals, training and qualification sector, Ministry of Education from 12/9 – 23/9 2007.
– Preparing the computer-assisted learning course for students of the Faculty of Education, Sana’a, Dhamar and Hodeidah. Within the Master’s program.
– Since 2000 until now, supervising and discussing a large number of master’s theses in the Faculty of Education, Sana’a and private universities.
Other Experiences:
– Statistical analyzer
-SPSS training Expert and Help graduate Students in Analysis their statistics for their master degree research by using SPSS
– Ability of maintaining and assembling computers.
– Supervisor of the Yemenia University branch in the province of in Dalie Governorate from 2002 to 2006.
– Chairman of the Examinations Committee at Yemenia University in the year 2008.
– Experience in the describing of programs and courses in according with the higher academic accreditation.
– Experience in managing and conducting administrative and academic work.
– Experience working within a group of administrative and academic working committees.