Azhar Mohamad Ahmad Ghleyoun
- Name: Azhar Mohamad Ahmad Ghleyoun
- appointment date at Sana’a University : 01/04/1990 .
- Academic Rank : ( Assistant ) Professor of the History obtained 5/2002 .
- Range Academic : ( Associate Professor) of the History obtained 8/2010 .
- Range Academic : ( Associate Professor) of the History obtained 8/2010 .
- Range Academic : Professor the date of acquisition 15/6/2016 .
- College: Education Department: ( curricula and methods of teaching science )
- Born in: 1/8/1967
- Nationality: Yemeni
- Address: 68 Gamal Street – Al threer Sana’a
- Mobil : 7733485558 Te 479326
- Box : 4468 Threer – Sana’a
Email: gazharyem@yahoo.com
Degree | duration of study for a qualification
General Specialization
Date of obtaining the degree | University donor and her | |
From | to | |||||
BK | 1985-1986 | 1989-1988 | Department of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching | Chemistry-
Physics |
1989-1988 | Sana’a University |
M.A | 1995 | 1997 | Department of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching | Chemistry-
Physics |
6-7-1997 | Cairo University Institute of Educational Studies & Research |
PH. D | 1999 | 2002 | Department of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching | Chemistry-
Physics |
7-8-2002 | Cairo University Institute of Educational Studies & Research |
The Subject of M.A. thesis was:
The Fundamental Concepts Contained in The Chemistry Courses in the Secondary Schools in the Republic of Yemen and the Extent Secondary Third Grade Student Understand Them
The Subject of DH thesis was:
The Effectiveness of Ausubel Model and Guided Discovery Method in Teaching Chemistry on the Achievement and Scientific Thinking Skills of the Eighth Grade Students in the Republic of Yemen
Cairo University Institute of Educational Studies and Research
Department of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching
Academic experience obtained since his appointment at the University of Sana’a: –
Academic Rank
Date | date of acquisition time spent in Rank
Teaching Assistant
4-1-1990 | Four Years | |
Teaching Assistant
14-8-1997 | Three Years | |
Assistant Professor
7-9-2002 | Seven Years | |
Assistant Professor
10-8-2008 | Until now | |
Professor | 15-8-2016 | Now |
Academic and scientific , administrative and professional activity
Tuition Courses taught during the current academic Rank: –
Decisions of the college bachelor
Graduate courses
The teaching of science and its applications (1)
Elementary Science Curriculum
The teaching of science and its applications (2)
Assessment and curriculum
Optional – materials science history | Methods of Teaching Science
Scientific research Advanced (M S)
Curriculum analysis
Issues and problems (MS)
The basics of educational research | The challenges of science curricula (PhD) |
Breeding process (1) , (2)
Research skills (PhD)
Supervision of graduate students Thesis: –
م | Title
The level of supervision
The completion date of the Thesis |
1 | The effectiveness of Brain Storming using the Cooperative Learning in Developing the Skills of Creative Thinking in Secondary School Female Students in Chemistry Course | Maim Supervisor | 2010 |
2 | Assessment of the Seasonal Examinations for the Science Subject at the 6th Grade of the Basic Education. | Maim Supervisor | 2009 |
3 | The level of scientific literacy among students in the second-grade secondary argument province | Co-Supervisor | 2008 |
4 | The Effect of Using 3D Computer Program in Misconception about Atomic Structure of Freshmen Student, Chemistry Major, at the Faculty of Education, Hodeida University. | Maim Supervisor | 2010 |
5 | The Extent of Using Feedback Among Biology Teachers in Sana’a Secondary Schools. | Co-Supervisor | 2010 |
6 | The Level of Read ability (TIMSS) for the Fourth grade Students and its Relation with Their Achievement in Basic Education- Republic of Yemen. | Co-Supervisor | 2010 |
7 | The Integration of SIS Issues in Physics Textbook of Vocational Education. | Co-Supervisor | 2010 |
8 | The effect of teaching science by using multiple-intelligence strategies on the scientific achievement of students in eighth grade at the Capital Governorate. | Co-Supervisor | 2009 |
9 | The Extent of the Availability of Sciences Textbook of Grade One for Teaching mental Handicapped Students Accepting for Learning Their Special Criteria. | Co-Supervisor | 2009 |
10 | Scientific Literacy in Science Books of the Primary Stage in the Republic of Yemen. | Co-Supervisor | 2006
11 | The Effectiveness of an Enrichment Program Based on The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Developing the Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking of The Talented Students at High School | Co-Supervisor | 2010 |
12 | The impact of the implementation of the scientific enrichment activities on the achievement level of the basic ninth-grade students. | Co-Supervisor | 2011 |
13 | The Level of Science Book Readability and its Relation to Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence for Sixth Grade Students in Sana’a City . | Maim Supervisor | 2012 |
14 | Imagine a proposal for the number of science teachers at the secondary level to keep up with the requirements of a knowledge society. | Co-Supervisor | 2012 |
15 | Effect of One Unit Including Pictures of Scientific Phenomenon in Physics Text Book on Scientific Contemplation Skills Among Secondary School Grade II Students | Co-Supervisor | 2012 |
15 | The impact of the teaching unit, including the scientific miracle of physics on scientific thinking among third grade secondary students’ skills. | Co-Supervisor | 2012 |
16 | The Readability of 9th &10th Grades Biology Science Textbooks and its Relationship with Achievement Gender & District. | Maim Supervisor | 2013 |
17 | A proposal for the Development of Science Curriculum for Fifth Grade Students Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory and its Effect on the Development of Basic Science. | Maim Supervisor | 2014 |
18 | The Effecting of Using of Computer in Teaching Iconic Equilibrium in Aqueous Solutions on the non- attainment and Deferred to the Second Secondary Students. | Maim Supervisor | 2014 |
19 | The level of the collection of fourth grade pupils of scientific concepts in science, according to a system of continuous evaluation | Maim Supervisor | 2015 |
20 | The effectiveness of the use of roles to play in the teaching of science strategy on the development of creative thinking among students of the seventh grade in Sana’a. | Maim Supervisor | 2015 |
21 | The effect of using the web Coast strategy in the teaching of science to the development of thinking methods to the basic eighth-grade students. | Maim Supervisor | 2015 |
22 | The effect of teaching Science Via Drama Development the Scientific Concepts for Grade Five Students. | Maim Supervisor | 2017 |
23 | The effectiveness of the use of the entrance to the collection of scientific anecdotes and trends in the seventh-grade students about science. | Maim Supervisor | |
24 | The effect of educational activities on the oven biological development of the first year of secondary students. | Maim Supervisor | |
25 | Program impact in teaching physics based on assessment strategies for learning in the development of critical thinking and cognitive thinking Mata cognitive the second-grade students at secondary level. | Maim Supervisor | 2016 |
26 | The Effect a Program Based Assessment for Learning in Developing Critical Thinking and Mata cognitive Thinking For 11th Grade Students | Maim Supervisor | 2017 |
27 | Effectiveness of the use of the entrance of scientific educational games on achievement and the trend towards the subject of science in the ninth-grade female students | Maim Supervisor | 2017 |
28 | The effectiveness elementary developer according to Goleman’s theory of the development of emotional intelligence and life skills to the students of the Department of Science Faculty of Education – Arhab. | Maim Supervisor | 2018 |
29 | The effectiveness of a training program based on TRIZ theory for Acquainting Kindergarten Teachers with the Skills for development Kindergarten Childs creative Imagination Al- Amaan. | Maim Supervisor | 2018 |
30 | Extent of inclusion of topics Test Timss science in curricula 1-4 of basic education in Yemen. | Maim Supervisor | 2018 |
31 | Research arbitration for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, University of Aden Dr. Altaf Ramthn | Examination of scientific production | 2016 |
32 | Research arbitration for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, University of Amrn Dr. Ali Hamed | Examination of scientific production | 2017 |
33 | Research arbitration for promotion from associate professor to professor University of Aden Dr. Altaf Rmdan Ebrahem | Examination of scientific production | 2018 |
34 | A proposed scenario for developing the teaching performance of physics teachers
Considering performance quality standards |
Maim Supervisor | 2019 |
35 | |||
36 | The Effectiveness OF McCarthy Model on Developing Skills of Writing Chemical Equations and The Reflective Thinking Among Second-Grade Students of Secondary | Maim Supervisor | 2019 |
37 | The Extent to Which 1 Grade Students Comprehend Scientific Concepts in The Illustrations of Science Textbook | Maim Supervisor | 2019 |
39 | A Proposed Scenario for Developing the Teaching Performance of Physics Teachers Considering Performance Quality Standards. | Maim Supervisor | 2019 |
40 | The effectiveness of teaching a course developed according to Golman theory to develop the emotional intelligence and life skills of the students of the Faculty of Education at Sana’a University. | Maim Supervisor | 2019 |
41 | A Proposed Perception of a Unit in the Protective Education on Developing the Health awareness of Epidemic Diseases in the Light of the 5E Learning Cycle among Eighth Grade Pupils. | Maim Supervisor | 2020 |
42 | The Extent to Which the Standards of aesthetic education and reflective thinking skills are included in the school chemistry curricula in the republic of Yemen, extent to which students possess reflective thinking skills | Maim Supervisor | 2022 |
43 | The level of acquisition of science students in the College of Education of bio-ethical issues and their attitudes towards it. | Maim Supervisor | 2022 |
43 | A proposed vision for a proposed conceptual framework for preparing secondary school science teachers in the Republic of Yemen to keep pace with the requirements of the knowledge society. | Examination of scientific production | 2022 |
44 | The Effectiveness of a Proposed Program Based on the
Constructivist Theory in Developing the Nano Technology Concepts for Students of Chemistry at the Faculty of . |
Maim Supervisor | 2022 |
45 | The Effectiveness of Teaching an IM-based Developed Course on Developing Problem Solving and Decision-Making Skills of Students at the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University. | Maim Supervisor | 2022 |
46 | Effectiveness of a Proposed Program Based on Biological Innovation in Developing Biological Enlightenment, ScientificSense and Love of Learning among the Student-Teachers of
Biology, Faculty of Education, Sana’a University. |
Maim Supervisor | 2023 |
47 | Arbitration of research for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor University of Aden. | Examination of scientific production | 2015 |
48 | Arbitration of research for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor University of Fallujah University | Examination of scientific production | 2022 |
49 | Arbitration of research for promotion from associate professor to professor Dr. Altaf Ramadan Ibrahim Faculty of Education – University of Ade
n |
Examination of scientific production | 2018 |
50 | Arbitration of research for promotion from associate professor to professor Abdul Salam Suleiman Dawood Al-Hadabi, Amran University | Examination of scientific production | 2020 |
51 | Arbitration of research for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor, Saba Region University – Dr. Muhammad Al-Bart | Examination of scientific production | 2022 |
52 | Arbitration of research for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor, Aden University Dr. Ittifaq Mahmoud Ali Hassan Al-Saqqaf. | Examination of scientific production | 2022 |
53 | . The level of awareness of educational innovations in the field of science teaching among student teachers at the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University | Maim Supervisor | 2022 |
54 | The effectiveness of a proposed training program based on blended learning for teaching physics in developing academic achievement and twenty-first century skills among second-year secondary school students in the capital, Sana’a | Maim Supervisor | 2023 |
55 | The effectiveness of a proposed vision for developing the chemistry curriculum according to chemical innovations in developing future thinking skills and scientific sense among secondary school students in the Republic of Yemen | Maim Supervisor | 2023 |
56 | The effectiveness of a proposed program based on green chemistry in developing scientific sense and decision-making skills among secondary school students in the Republic of Yemen. | Maim Supervisor | 2024 |
57 | Arbitration of research in educational scientific journals at Gaza University in Palestine – Al-Turbah in Taiz – Dhamar in Sana’a and |
Discuss Theses Master and Doctorate
م | Title
Discuss the theses |
The completion date of the theses |
1 | Trends Toward Specialization of Science teachers and its Relationship to the Collection of Their Students the Third Grade Average in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. | External
Eden University |
10-10-2011 |
2 | Effect of Enrichment Activities in Biology on Developing Creative Thinking of First Grade Female Students in The Secondary School at Sanaa city- Yemen |
Internal |
17-7-2010 |
3 | The impact of the use of ninth-grade students of the resources of the environment in the scientific activities of the altitude in Batch development and creative thinking have. | Internal |
1-3-2010 |
4 | The reality of the implementation of scientific experiments and activities of physics at the secondary level schools in the capital secretariat | Internal |
4-7-2010 |
5 | The effectiveness of meta cognitive strategies in the development of innovative thinking and the achievement of the first-grade students of secondary material physics.
Taiz University |
20-7-2010 |
6 | The effectiveness of a program based on the model Bybee in the collection of science and the development of multiple intelligences preferences among eighth grade pupils essential. | External
Taiz University |
20-11-2010 |
7 | Using Boner Strategy in Correcting the Wrong Notions in Chemistry Course for the Secondary School Students. | Internal | 2009 |
8 | The Impact of Teaching a Developed Unit According to the Integration Approach on
Improving G11th Science Grade Students Problem Solving Skills |
Internal |
2-6-2008 |
9 | Students Gainer Score of the Concepts of Thermodynamics and Scientific Integrated Operations Level Four – Physics Department-Amran Education Faculty | Internal |
5-12-2007 |
10 | An Evaluation of 12th Grade Physics Curriculum in Yemeni Schools. | Internal | 23-5-2006 |
11 | Scientific literacy of the Eleventh Grade Students in Hajjah Governorate | Internal | 29-8-2005 |
12 | The effect of using a strategy beyond the knowledge -based modeling in the collection of physics at high school students | External
Taiz University |
15-7-2012 |
13 | Program in chemistry in the light of the structural theory and its impact in the modification and development of alternative conceptions tendencies and scientific thinking among secondary school students | External
Taizc University |
2-2-2013 |
14 | The level of mastery of the fourth level students Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Sana’a soil laboratory skills necessary to teach chemistry, according to the developer of the program (MASTERY Project) | Internal | 2012 |
The Effective of Using Animation Strategy in the Critical Thinking Development Skills in Science Subject for Third Grade Class. | External
Eden University |
2013 | |
15 | The Effectiveness of a Proposed Program to Develop the Geographical Thinking Skills and the Attitude towards Geography Subject. | External
Eden University |
2018 |
15 | Effect of Using Therapeutic Education in Tackling Difficulties of Academic Learning Among Basic Fourth-Class Pupils | External
12-11-2013 |
16 | The availability of critical thinking in the book of physics and tests ministerial secondary third grade skills. | Internal | 2-1-2-14 |
17 | The effectiveness of a program based on multiple intelligences strategy to instill in secondary school students to science operations in chemistry. | External
Eden University |
22-11-2014 |
18 | Assment rehabilitation science teachers in basic education program at the Higher Institute for training and qualification of teachers in-service Dharma in the light of contemporary professional standards. | External
Dhamar University
24-1-2015 |
19 | The effect of using style games and role-playing in the development of scientific concepts underlying material science at the third-grade students. | External
Gaza University |
15-12-2015 |
20 | The effect of the teaching unit in chemistry using cooperative education strategy in the development of skills beyond the knowledge of the students of the second grade secondary Sana’a. | Internal | 5-1-2016 |
21 | Students understand the extent of the physics department at the University of E bb to the nature of science and operations | External
Ebb University |
22-7-2018 |
22 | Creative capabilities of students of the physics department and its relationship to academic achievement to have the Faculty of Education, University of Dhamar. | Dhamar
23 | The effectiveness of Teaching Unit, including life skills in chemistry on Developing Decision Making by eleven Grad Students in Sana’a City. | Internal | 2-3-2016 |
25 | The effect of the teaching unit in chemistry using cooperative education strategy in the development of Meta cognition the skills of students grade II secondary Sana’a | External
Taiz University |
27-9-2016 |
26 | The effectiveness of a program based on the generative education in the development of life skills and achievement motivation among students first grade secondary | External
Taiz University |
27 | Creative capabilities of students of physics and its relationship with the Department of the level of academic achievement they have in the College of Education Dharmar | external Dhamar University | 16-3-2016 |
28 | Effectiveness of a Developed Training Program Based on The Training Needs of the Professional Growth of Science Teachers in the Basic Stage. | External
14-11-2017 |
29 | Effectiveness of the Generative Learning Program on The Development of life Skills and Achievement Motivation of Grad ten Students. | External
Taiz University |
30 | The Effectiveness of a Unit Developed Based on Service Learning in Science in The Development of Social Responsibility Among Eighth Grade Students in Sana’a Capital | Internal | 11-7-2019 |
31 | Opinions of male university students in the Faculty of Education, University of Aden, on the role of social networking sites in developing their awareness. | External
Eden University |
12- 11-2018 |
32 | The Effectiveness of Integration between Reciprocal Teaching and Scientific Stations in Teaching Science for Developing Some Life skills and Self Efficiency among Eighth Grade Pupils of the Primary Education Stage in Dhamar City. | External
Dhamar University |
2021 |
Scientific Conferences and Symposia, Workshops and Courses:
م | Name activity
Date held
) Post type) research or attend
1 | Workshop in the Netherlands, ” the teaching of science and its applications 1 “ | Amsterdam- Leiden
10/25 /8/2008 | The work of educational activities |
2 | Workshop in the Netherlands, ” the teaching of science and its applications 2 “
Amsterdam- Leiden
11/21/8/2009 | The work of educational activities |
3 | Education curriculum and building the Arab human Conference | Arab republic of Egypt
25/26/7/2006 | Search |
4 | Education and cultural identity curricula Conference | Arab republic of Egypt
21-22/7/2008 | Presence |
5 | Seminar on ” Quality Assurance for Higher Education “
Sana’a University | 20/21/7/2009 | Presence |
6 | Second Conference on Higher Education
The Ministry of Education and Scientific Research
12/13/3/2008م | Presence |
7 | Union Conference Albiologin Arabs XII
Hodeidah University
19/24/2005 | Participation in
The number of nursing curricula |
8 | Workshop on ” quality in higher education and self- Calendar for university programs.”
Sana’a University | 9-11/9/2007 | Attend – a member of the university calendar programs
9 | MASTERY Project in the development of the College of Education Member (Holland)
Attend all workshops MASTERY Project
2005-2009 | basic post |
10 | Workshop Directory kindergarten
Educational Research Center
22-24-2009 | Post to modify Guide |
11 | Workshop to guide the statistical test to affect international | Ministry of Education
2009 | Post to modify Guide |
12 | Scientific Society Conference Faculty of Education, Ain Shams | Ismailia Fayed Morgan Hotel
2009-2010 | Sharing
13 | Symposium Arab Center for Strategic Studies | Beirut, Lebanon
16-6-2006 | Research |
14 | A workshop for characterization area teacher decisions | 2014 | University Sana’a | |
15 | Workshop Faculty of Education, Sana’a quality assurance | University Sana’a | 2015 | University Sana’a |
16 | here are many conferences and seminars attended at the inside and outside Yemen. | |||
17 | Basic Education Project in teacher preparation member (4-9) at Sanaa University College of Education 11-3-2013. | Member educational essential
11-3-2013 | basic post |
18 | Workshop to enrich the document academic standards for teachers of specialized area of sciences of 4.9 of the basic education stage. | Member educational enrichment
27-30 2015 | basic post |
19 | Workshop to build a basic diploma program phase Sanaa University. | A basic member of an educational | ||
20 | Workshops prepare documents curriculum development and author of the study work books and teacher guides. | A basic member of an educational | ||
21 | Curriculum development cycle in the light of the second generation of global standards | A basic member of an educational | ||
22 | Course descriptions in the decisions of the College of Education, according to the requirements of modern quality | A basic member of an educational |
To contribute to the administrative work and membership committees or scientific associations within the university or in the community: –
م | Contribution Type | Time period
1 | Head of Department of Computer and Control Unit in the Faculty of Education for two years. | 22-9-2003 | |
2 |
Head of the curricula and methods of teaching science for four years section. |
12-3-2008 | |
3 |
A member of the evaluation and development of teaching methods in Azal school – Sana a University for six years. |
18/4/2006 | |
4 | Decision of the Ministry of Education to arbitration textbooks for technical teaching chemistry.
19-6-2006م | |
5 | Head of Technical Education Department for three years. | 12-3-2005
6 | Head of Computer Department at Queen Arwa University. | 2008-2009 | |
7 | Evaluation and development courses at colleges – the University of Sanaa. | 26-12-2006 | |
8 |
Commissioned by the Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education to review the educational programs for community colleges. |
7-1-2008 | |
9 | Training teachers and Ministry of Education on the use of modern teaching methods with the Ministry software. | 2009م | |
10 | Member Seminar Dean for Graduate Studies. | 2007-2010 | |
11 | Teaching students of the Faculty of Computer and IT-Sana’a University. | 2008 | |
12 | Training teachers mnarat international schools (teaching methods). | 2011 | |
13 | raining school teachers azal alwadi – Sanaa University. | 2010 | |
14 | Review Chemicals in teaching aids center commissioned by the Social Fund | 2013 | |
15 | Participation in the evaluation in alrashed schools – the University of Science and Technology | 2013 | |
16 | Participation in early reading program. | 2012 | |
17 | Prime Paradise legal entity for the quality of the College of Education – University of Sanaa. | 21-11-2014 | |
18 | Training teachers Yemen Modern Schools (Action Research) | 1-3-2014 | |
19 | A member of the commission of inquiry of quality assurance in college – the University of Sanaa | 2014 | |
20 | In the development of programs by field teacher. | 2012 | |
21 | Author of the authorship writing a book of science for the second-grade primary. | 2014 | |
22 | Evaluation Alnhdah schools. | 2014 | |
23 | Preparation authored computational German Giz guide | 2015 | |
24 | Evaluation azal schools at the University of Sana’a | 2016 | |
25 | Author of science books for basic stage (second and fifth grade) | 2014-2017 |
Research, studies:
N | Title Research | Imprint
(*) |
Publishing date and number of pluralism (folder) Journal Name
Sort researcher
(**) |
1 | The effectiveness of the use of the basic education of the ninth -graders learning cycle in achievement and attitudes toward science in the Republic of Yemen. | Single
Studies in the curriculum and teaching methods, in August 2006 Fifth Issue Hundred, Ain Shams University, Cairo | First |
2 | The relationship between readability of the book Physics and scientific thinking skills among third grade secondary students |
Single Publication
Journal of Education, in March 2008, First Issue atheist ten folder, the Egyptian Society for Education, Cairo. | First |
3 | Evaluation final tests for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Education Sana’a in the light of good testing standards
Single Publication
The scientific journal of the Faculty of Education, No. VIII, the first volume in December 2009, Dhamar University | First
4 | The Extent of the Availability of Sciences Textbook of Grade One for Teaching mental Handicapped Students Accepting for
Learning Their Special Criteria. |
Sana’a University for Educational and Psychological Science magazine, the number (2) from June to December , the folder (6) 0.2009 , the University of Sanaa | First |
5 | Girls’ education in Yemen presented in a workshop
Project MASTERY |
Project MASTERY2006
First |
6 | Arabic scientific manuscripts in Alahqaf Library and the Library of Leiden – Amsterdam analysis. | Publication
Project MASTERY In entrmet 2007
Grope |
7 | The effectiveness of brainstorming fatty cooperative learning style in the development of innovative thinking among secondary school students. |
Site: www.ust.edu/uaqe
Journal of University of Science and Technology – Sanaa |
8 | Multiple intelligences preferences with basic stage and secondary school students gifted and ordinary in the Republic of Yemen and its relationship achievement scientific. | Publication
The Egyptian Association for Educational, Scientific Journal of Science Education Volume(15) Issue( 3) 2012 Cairo
9 | The Effect of Using 3D Computer Program in Misconception about Atomic Structure of Freshmen Student, Chemistry Major, at the Faculty of Education, Hodeida University. | Publication
Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences – University of Sanaa, Volume (8), Number (2), June-December 2011. | Frist |
10 | The Actuality of Educational Researches of Sciences Teaching Through the Period 2000 – 20010 in Sana’a University
(Analytic Study) |
Journal of Sanaa University for Educational and Psychological Science magazine semi-annual Academy Court, Vol. 9, No. (1) January-June 2012. | Single
11 | Evaluation of the Effectiveness of system Learning in Sana’a University and the Attitude of Students Toward it. | publication
In Abb University – Faculty of Education
Single |
12 | Visiting Professor at Cairo University | 2011 | Seminar work and discuss Thiess Ph.D.
Single |
13 | The Level of Read ability (TIMSS) for the Fourth grade Students and its Relation with
Their Achievement in Basic Education- Republic of Yemen. |
Gulf Arab message number (129).2013
Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
First |
14 | Effective of a Suggested Professional Development Programmers for Developing Biology Teachers Professional Performance in Yemen | Accepted for publication
University of Science and Technology Sudan Journal of Educational Sciences and Humanities 2015
First |
15 | The Current Position and Challenges that face Programs of Professional Development of Teachers in Yemen. | Publishing
University of Science and Technology Sudan Journal of Educational Sciences and Humanities 2015 | First |
16 | Reading Comprehension content level Alaelmelldy basic eighth-grade students in the science book in Sana’a and its relationship with achievement. | Publishing
Gulf Arab message number 129.2013
Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States Riyadh, Saudi Arabia |
Single |
17 | The effectiveness of teaching a course developed according to Golman theory to develop the emotional intelligence and life skills of the students of the Faculty of Education at Sana’a University. | Publishing | curriculum and teaching methods , in August 2020 Fifth Issue Hundred , Ain Shams University, Cairo. | Frist |
18 | A proposed scenario for developing the teaching performance of physics teachers Considering performance quality standards | Publishing | The scientific journal of the Faculty of Education, No (13). the first volume in December 2019 , Dhamar University | |
19 | The Effectiveness of McCarthy Model on Developing Skills of Writing Chemical Equations And The Reflective thinking Among Second-Grade Students Of Secondary | Publishing | Egyptian Society for Science Education, Science Education Journal
Volume (23) Issue (2) February 2020 |
Grope |
20 | A Proposed Perception of a Unit in the Protective Education on Developing the Health awareness of Epidemic Diseases in the Light of the 5E Learning Cycle among Eighth Grade Pupils. | Publishing | Malisya Conference 2022 | First |
21 | Developing Chemistry Curricula according to Collaborative Learning and its Effectiveness in Developing Personal Knowledge Management of the First Secondary Grade Female Students in the Sana’a City | Publishing | Conference The Fifth Scientific of Albayadha University – September , 22-25- 2024. | First |
22 | The Prophetic Approach to Family Education
An Analytical Study |
Publishing | The Second International Conference of the Great Messenger – September 28-30-2024 | First |