Najat Hassan Hassan Alfakih
Dr. Najat Hassan Hassan Alfakih
Assoc. Prof
Qualification: Ph.D.
Academic Rank: Associate Professor in Cities Geography
Place of work: Sana’a University / Faculty of Education / Department of Social Studies and Early Childhood Development Center
I started my career as a researcher in human geography education (Anthropogeography) through my specialization in the geography of cities. Through that it was my interest in the environment and its relationship with the population and I have many research and studies in that area.
I worked on linking my academic specialization in geography with social and demographic issues in Yemeni society.
Female in Yemeni society, although they represent half of society, suffer marginalization and violence; thus, I became an expert and trained in gender and development issues.
I have been actively contributing to reducing violence and illiteracy among women, and working to empower women through research and training participation for all levels, especially in rural areas through the Yemen Women Union centers and active Yemeni community organizations.
Proceeding from my educational specialization, believing that childhood is the basis of society, and that the focused work toward its development work is the first source of advancement of society towards sustainable development.
Because of the childhood’s problems, which has not been paid attention to, I have effortfully worked to identify these problems and their causes, for the sake of finding the best ways to face them and reduce them, through many training courses and many scientific contributions ; until I became an expert, researcher and trainer in early childhood issues.
I have a clear role in this field through researches, consultancy studies, and training courses that have been implemented in many institutions and organizations through out Yemen and outside Yemen, as well as teaching in the Division of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education, Sana’a University.
I held several administrative positions in the Faculty of Education and Early Childhood Center at Sana’a University. I was active in many civil society organizations, most notably the Yemen Women Union.
I was also commissioned a numerous research consultancy and in-depth studies for national, regional, and international organizations
• PhD in Geography of Cities. University of Baghdad – 1999
• Master in Geography of Cities. University of Baghdad – 1995
• Higher Diploma in Education; Curricula and Methods of Teaching. Sana’a University – 1992
• Bachelor of Education. Sana’a University – 1986
• Many training courses in the early childhood and kindergartens field.
• Director of the Center for Early Childhood Development and Care. Sana’a University
• Head of the Department of Early Childhood. Sana’a University, 2007-2016.
• Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education for Student Affairs. Sana’a University, 2004 – 2007.
• Committee Member of the preparation and characterization of the curriculum for teachers. Faculty of Education, Sana’a University.
• Committee Member of the Technical, Early Childhood Center. Ministry of Education.
• Committee Member of the Geography Curriculum Review. Ministry of Education for many years.
• Consultant at the Social Fund for Development in early childhood issues.
• Expert in early childhood and kindergarten programs in many organizations.
• Committee Member of the Center for Research and Studies of Gender and Development. Sana’a University
• Head of the Activities Department, Faculty of Education, 2003/2004.
• Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and Tongues, Dhamar University, 2001/2002.
• Work in university education since 1990. Department of Social Studies, Faculty of Education – Sana’a University.
• Work in the field of education. Ministry of Education, 1980 – 1989
• Supervising many field graduation researches in the educational and geographical fields.
• Supervision of Master Theses. Faculty of Education – Sana’a University.
• Supervising and discussing master’s theses in the field of geography. Sana’a University & the University of Dhamar / Faculty of Arts and Alsun.
• Training in many areas including early childhood development and care, gender, leadership and other areas mentioned elsewhere.
Expert, researcher and trainer on the following fields:
• Urban geography and environment,
• Early childhood issues and female education.
• Gender and rapid participation research, evaluation and follow-up, modern management, strategic planning, and other areas.
• An active researcher in social and demographic issues.
Empowering women and defending their rights.
Conferences and Workshops:
• Head of the national team Assigned by the World Bank and the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation to execute a field study on social analysis in Yemen (Rural livelihoods analysis), 2006-2007.
• Head of the team tasked with the field study on Evaluation the Poverty Alleviation Projects in the Capital city of Sana’a, 2006
• Jury Member of Hayel Saeed Ana’am award for Science and Arts, 2014.
• Participating in reviewing the geography curriculums in the Ministry of Education for many years.
– Research and scientific papers
• Urban Transport Network Function Roles in Sana’a City (PhD Thesis). Baghdad University – Iraq 1999.
• Educational Function of Sana’a City, (Master Thesis). Baghdad University – Iraq 1994
• Spatial and physical requirements and their availability for children subject to mobility challenge in Yemeni cities. Amman, Jordan 2002
• Research entitled “Reality of Solid Waste and its Recycling Effect on Improving the Urban Environment of Sana’a City”, 2002
• A Book Entitled “Population and Development” joint with a group of researchers, 2003.
• Research entitled “Traffic Safety is a Human Rights”, 2008.
• Research entitled “Causes of accidents in the Republic of Yemen”, 2010.
• Providing training in Developing Skills of the Higher Education Leaders, Institutional and Financial Resources Management. Ministry of Higher Education, Sana’a University, 12-18 February 2008.
• Participated in a Workshop about the Higher Education Quality and the Self-Evaluation of University Programs. Ministry of Higher Education, Sana’a University, 9-11 September 2007.
• Providing training in designing teaching medias and computer programs. Sana’a University, 15-21 July 2007.
• Participated in a workshop about the strategy of development of the city of Sana’a; In cooperation with the Arab Institute for Urban Development. September 2005
• Participated in the Fourth National Conference on Population Policies. National Population Council. Yemen 2007.
• Participation in the Fourth Islamic Conference of Ministers in Charge of Childhood entitled “Children and the Challenges of Cities in the Islamic World”. Baku – Islamic Republic of Azerbaijan, (Represented of Yemen), 2013
• Participation in the Childhood Fourth National Conference. Yemen, 2009
• Participated in review the results of the field experiment of the kindergarten nannies manuals. Ministry of Education, Yemen, 2009
• Participated in the discussion of the organizational and educational regulations for kindergartens. Ministry of Education, Yemen, 2009
• Participation in the Childhood and Youth National Conference. Ministry of Youth and Sports, and Motherhood and Childhood Council, 2006
• Participated in reviewing the experience of Eritrea on the work of information Resource centers of the early childhood development; Representative of Sana’a University in cooperation with UNICEF and the Motherhood and Childhood Supreme Council, Sana’a Yemen, 2004
• Participation in the Regional Conference of Education for Sustainable Development. UNESCO, Sana’a, 2004
– Research and scientific papers
• National expert to prepare a study on raising the rates of absorption in kindergarten programs in the Arab countries. Arab Network for Early Childhood Development. 2018
• The national consultant for the preparation of the training package for the non-formal pre-school education program. Ministry of Education UNICEF, and SOUL Development Organization. 2016
• Committee Member to review the nannies manual of implementation the integrated experiences curriculum for three age of kindergarten. Ministry of Education, 2013
• Training team Member for preparation of national trainers in the development and care of early childhood in accordance with the principles of a holistic approach integrated. Social Fund for Development and Motherhood and Childhood Council. Since 2012.
• National expert to prepare a study on the reality of early childhood programs in the Republic of Yemen (survey study). World Bank and Wolfenstone Institute, 2011.
• National expert to prepare the survey of a kindergartens sampling in Yemen. UNESCO, Sana’a 2008/2009.
• Committee Member for the preparation and characterization of the class teacher curriculum. Sana’a University, 2013
• Team Leader to review and adaptation the training package for early childhood development. Issued by AGFUND and UNESCO, 2011.
• Committee Member of Preparation the National Strategy for Early Childhood. Motherhood and Childhood Council, 2010.
• Participated on the preparation of the manual of the Professional Diploma for Early Childhood, 2007 and its final amendment in 2009 with the expert Dr. Jacqueline Sfeir. Sana’a Yemen.
• Participated on the preparation of the curriculum early childhood diploma, with the expert Dr. Jacqueline Sfeir. San’a Yemen, 2007 • 2008 • 2009.
• Participate in the development of the Initial conceptualization master program of the early Childhood with the expert, Dr. Jacqueline Sfeir. Sana’a Yemen, 2008-2009
• Team Member of the preparing a study entitled “Integration between curricula in kindergarten and the curriculum of the first grade of basic education in Yemen”. Were fulfilled for UNICEF, 2005
• Participated in seminar about the The systematic content of the “Open Sesame” TV show; Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, Riyadh, 2011.
• Preparing and presenting a TV program of 16 episodes entitled “Hands with Childhood”, 2010.
• Participated in a workshop on supporting the early education within the framework of education for girls; Organized by the Lebanese American University and MEPI, Sana’a Yemen 2010.
Several training courses were implemented including:
• Training the Trainers on the non-formal pre-school education program. CLDC Community Development Center, Yemen, 2015
• Training on the integrated holistic approach to early childhood care development; Through the developing program of the abilities and skills of workers in the field of early childhood, Early Childhood Development Center and Ministry of Education, 2013
• Training on the program of Preparation for national trainers in the early childhood care and development; in accordance with the principles of an integrated holistic approach. Social Fund for Development, Motherhood and Childhood Council, 2012
• Training caregivers in the early childhood care and development. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 2010/2012
• Training in the field of early childhood care and development. Yemen, 2010.
• Training in the partnerships for a better childhood • the leading role of Sana’a University. It was given for deans and professors of some of Sana’a University faculties, 2009
• Training in early childhood care and development • learning through playing; the program of uplifting the capacities of kindergarten nannies. Motherhood and Childhood Council, 2007
• Training courses in many private kindergartens in the following field:
– The needs of children in early childhood.
– Early childhood care and development.
– Learning through playing.
– Behavioral problems of kindergarten children.
– Educational and Learning Pillars.
3- Gender Sector
• Team Member of a study titled “The Yemeni Chambers of Commerce Role on promoting gender equality”. Women & Development Studies Center, Sana’a University, General Federation of Yemeni Chambers of Commerce, and International Labor Organization, 2004.
• Team Member of the develop training manuals for Decent work and social justice. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor
• Evaluation Team Member of the violence resistance against women program. With Oxfam, 2004
• Team Member of reviewing the Third periodic report of the Republic of Yemen on the level of implementation the Convention on the child Rights. Ministry Human Rights, 2003
• Committee Member of the Preparation the National Strategy for Women. Women National Committee, 2003-2005.
• Reviewed a book titled “Women in the shadows of Sharia and the laws issued” published by the Yemeni Women Union, 2004
• Reviewing all training manuals issued by the Yemeni Women Union.
• Participated in the regional meeting of the Arab Family Organization, Representative of the Yemeni Women Union. Jordan, 2004.
• Participated in the expanded forum about resolve gender issues, entitled “Women in the Millennium Development, and Poverty Reduction Strategy”. Women National Committee, Yemen 2004.
• Participated in a panel discussion on the importance of gender data and statistics in poverty analysis. Ministry of Planning and Development, Yemen 2003.
• Team Member for preparing the report of the status of women in Yemen • education part. Women National Committee, 2003.
• Participated in the expanded forum to discuss the issues of the gender merging / women within the framework of the Millennium. Yemen
• Participated in the Women Third National Conference. Women National Committee, Yemen 2006.
• Participated in a conference about the Future Prospects Opportunities and Challenges of Arab Women’s, and Obstacles achievement of Excellence Levels with International Standards. Ghantoot Center for Consultations, UAE, November 2006.
• Participated in the First Conference on the violence resistance against women program. Yemen, March 2004.
• Participated in the First National Seminar about Human Rights and Future Vision. National Human Rights Committee, Yemen, 2003
• Participated in the first national conference of the Yemeni Women Union; toward activating the participation of women in development. Yemen, 2003
• Participated in the conference of women’s rights in the Arab world; from words to actions. Ministry Human Rights, 2005.
• Participated in the unification conference of the Arab Women Union.
• Participated in the International Conference about Women and Science and Development. Women’s Center for Research and Training, Yemen 2006.
• Participated in the development of the Yemeni Women Union strategic plan. Yemen
– Research and scientific papers
• A Book Entitled “legal and legislative development and its repercussions on the development of the situation of Yemeni women and their roles and reality and prospects) joint with a group of researchers. Under printing.
• Research entitled “Community violence and female education”. The first conference on violence resistance against women program, 8-9 March 2004.
• Research entitled “Female Teaching, between reality and applicability”. Women National Committee, 2003
• Research entitled “Gender analysis in Yemen in the educational field”. The World Bank, 2003
• Research entitled “The relationship between education and poverty”. Regional Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, organized by UNESCO, Sana’a, 2004.
• Research entitled “knowledge of the investment environment in Yemen”. Women and Children Development Association & SOUL, 2005
• Writing many presentations and papers in various fields, presented by the Yemeni Women Union•
• Training course in how to draw the general policies and its analysis. The regional program and support women leaders. Yemen 2014.
• Training course in how to attract support, and conflict resolution. Yemeni Women Union, 2005
• Workshop in how to review the results of early marriage study in Yemen. Center for Women and Development Studies, Yemen 2005.
• Workshop in the National Strategy of the Women’s work. Organized by Amnesty International and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Yemen 2004
• Workshop in measuring the feminization of poverty in the Republic of Yemen. Ministry of Planning and Cooperation, Yemen 2004
• Training course in how to train trainees on the gender types, leadership, participatory research, planning, and follow-up. Yemeni Women Union, 2004
• Training course in volunteer work and community development. Yemeni Women Union, 2004
• Training course in modern management. Yemeni Women Union, 2004
• Training Course in Participatory Rapid Assessment. Yemeni Women Union, 2004
• Training course on monitoring, evaluation and impact measurement. Yemeni Women Union, 2004
• Training course in the support basic principles. Women Economic Empowerment Association, 2004
• Training course in strategic planning. Yemeni Women Union, 2003
• Workshop on Education for Democratic Citizenship. Women Forum for Studies and Training, 2003
• Training course in the gender role on monitoring and evaluation. World Bank Institute (online learning), 2003
• Training courses in the voluntary organizations management; Introduction to the gender concept. Women Economic Empowerment Association, 2003
• Training course in health and educational rights constructing capacity. Higher National Committee for Human Rights, 2003
• Workshop on requirements and procedures in support of the population policies implementation. Population Training and Studies Center, Sana’a University 2002
Several training courses were provided including:
• Training in the field of Gender, rapid participatory assessment, strategic planning, girls’ education, and other several topics. Provided and implemented in the branches of the Yemeni Women Union across the governorates of Yemen, between 2003 and 2004
• Training in Modern Leadership and Management. Implemented at the Academic Institute.
+967 777 153446