Zamila Mohammed Mohammed Haidra Masdoose
Personal Information:
- Zamila Mohammed Mohammed Haidra Masdoose
- Nationality : Yemeni
- Current place : Sana’a – Al amanh
- Mobile : 733696854 – 775008433 \ Tele: 373395
- Email: ethno@gamil.com
Zamila Masdoose is a teacher assistant in Botany department and specialist in traditional plants , Sana’a University – ( Education college). She can speech Arabic and has ability to speech English and Bulgarian . She has Bachelor’s from Aden University , and Master and PhD from Sana’s University – Science college .
Degrees and certificates:
– Ph.D. in Ethnoflora and Medical plants –(2022)
- Master Botany – Traditional plants – ( 2012 )
- Diploma in Microsoft
- Workshop in Mastery project to prepare the teachers in Science and math in Yemen .
-Teacher assistant at Education college for following curriculum :
Biology part 1 , Morphology and Anatomy of plants , Classification of flowers , Genetic, plant’s physiology , non- vertebral animals , plant of Yemeni environment , Alege
- Workshop in research mistakes for researcher in Governmental Universities, ( British University ).
Conferences and Workshops:
- Workshop in Mastery project to prepare the teachers in Science and Math in Yemen
- Workshop in research mistakes for researchers in Governmental Universities – Sana’a University ( British University )
Research and scientific papers:
- Traditional using of plant in Modia – Abyan government , Republic of Yemen
- Medical plants in Modia area
- Study about the species of Halothamnus iaub and Spach Chenopdiaceae in Yemen.
- Ethnoflora of Lawder District, Abyan Governorate, Republic of Yemen with he effect of some native plant species on common pathogenic microorganism.
- Floristc diversity of Lawder District ,Abyen Governoae. Yemen.
- The study of Flora, life form the chorology of plant at Moudia Dstrict-Abyan Governorate.