ملخص بحث متطلبات تطوير الإشراف التربوي في مدارس التعليم العام بأمانــة العاصمــة صنعـــاء في ضوء الدور التكاملي بين مديري المدارس والمشرفين التربويين

متطلبات تطوير الإشراف التربوي في مدارس التعليم العام بأمانــة العاصمــة صنعـــاء
في ضوء الدور التكاملي بين مديري المدارس والمشرفين التربويين
رسالة مقدمة إلى كلية التربية – قسم الإدارة والتخطيط التربوي استكمالا لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة الماجستير في التربية تخصص ( إدارة وتخطيط تربوي )
إعداد الباحثة
إيمان عبد القادر أحمد الصعفاني
أ. د / محمد عثمان المخلافي
أستاذ الإدارة والتخطيط التربوي المشارك بكلية التربية – جامعة صنعاء
1444هـــ – 2022م
The present research aims at identifying the requirements for the development of educational supervision in schools of public education in Sana’a in which the complementary role between school principals and educational supervisors, also to identify the reality of the complementary role between school principals and educational supervisors .
To achieve the objectives of the research , the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. The research community consisted of (school principals and educational supervisors) in Sana’a , numbering (762). The research sample was selected by random stratified method, which represented (33 %) of the research community, numbering (252) educational managers and supervisors. The researcher used the closed questionnaire as a tool to collect data and information which is necessary for the research, and it consisted of (58) paragraphs divided into six axes.
To answering the questions of the research the researcher collected the data by using the (SPSS) program, where the results revealed as the following:
-The result of practicing the integrative role among school principals and educational supervisors in public education schools in Sana’a shows a large degree at the level of the instrument as a whole with an average of (3.51) and a standard deviation(0.66), and the degree of practicing the axis of supervision of the teaching process came in first place with an average of (3.72) and a standard deviation of(0.80), followed by the classroom management axis with an average of (3.68) and a standard deviation of (0.79), the calendar and tests axis with an average of(3.56)and a standard deviation of standard (0.78), the axis of the objectives of educational supervision with an average(3.53) and a standard deviation(0.74), the axis of professional growth of teachers with an average(3.32) and a standard deviation(0.78), and the axis of educational supervision management with an average (3.25) and a standard deviation(0.83).
– The result of importance of the integrative role between school principals and educational supervisors in public education schools came in a very large degree with an average of (4.56) and a standard deviation of (0.37) .
The degree of importance of the axis of educational supervision objectives came in first level with an average of (4.66)and a standard deviation of (0.41), followed by the axis of evaluation and tests with an average of (4.58) and a standard deviation of (0.48), followed by the axis of classroom administration with an average of (4.57)and standard deviation(0.56), followed by the axis of professional growth of teachers with an average (4.51)and standard deviation (0.50), followed by the axis of educational supervision management with an average (4.41) and standard deviation (0.60) .
– There are no significant differences at the level of sigeneral .The (0.05) in the assessment of the research sample members of the degree of exercise of the integrative role between school principals and educational supervisors in public education schools in Sana’a at the level of the tool in general.e following variables are attributed:( gender, educational qualification, years of experience, job title, educational area).
– There are statistically significant differences at the level of(0.05) in the estimation of the sample members to the degree of practicing the integrative role in the axis of supervision of the teaching process according to the gender variable in favor of females, and in the axis of supervision objectives according to the variable of the job title in favor of the educational supervisor, while there are no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the other axes attributed to the mentioned research variables .
– There are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in the assessment of the research sample members of the degree of importance of the integrative role between school principals and educational supervisors in general education schools in the capital Secretariat at the level of the tool as a whole .While the results showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) at the level of the tool as a whole attributed to the educational zone variable, the Chevet test showed that the difference is in favor of the seventy ,but at the level of the axes, the results showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) attributed to the educational zone variable in all axes except the axis of educational supervision objectives.
-There are gaps between the degree of practice (actual practice ) and the degree of importance (ideal practice) in all axes of the integrative role varied between the highest value (1.75) obtained by the axis of educational supervision management and the lowest value (1.28) obtained by the axis of supervision of the teaching process .
– Based on the gaps and in the light of the previous educational literature, the researcher has developed a set of requirements that, if it is available, will fill those gaps and achieve development .
The researcher recommended coordinating training courses and seminars to qualify school principals and educational supervisors and provide them with contemporary developments that enable them to integrate between them to develop educational supervision .