Planning, Monitoring, and Performance Evaluation Unit
Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center
The Planning, Monitoring, and Performance Evaluation Unit is responsible for preparing strategic plans for academic development and quality assurance at the University, coordinating with all units within the Center and quality assurance units in the University’s colleges and centers. In addition to overseeing their implementation after approval by the University Council.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Planning, Monitoring, and Performance Evaluation Unit:
Promoting planning culture within the University.
Assisting quality units in the University’s colleges and centers in preparing strategic plans.
Reviewing all strategic plans submitted by all quality units in the University.
Proposing a comprehensive quality assurance plan for the University to be submitted to the university rector for presentation to the University Council.
Monitoring the implementation and evaluation of approved strategic plans within the framework of analyzing the University’s strategic situation.
Developing evaluation criteria for the University’s strategic plans and monitoring their implementation.
Developing programs and activities to promote a strategic planning culture within the University.
Reviewing sub-plans and preparing the comprehensive strategic plan for the University.
Developing a complete mechanism to assist all University units in preparing strategic plans within specified timelines.
Establishing various criteria for evaluating the University’s strategic plans.
Collecting all plans after approval from units in colleges and scientific centers, formulating the comprehensive strategic plan to ensure quality for the University, and proposing its estimated budget to be submitted to the University Council for approval.
Preparing periodic evaluations of strategic planning and implementation levels and submitting necessary reports and recommendations.
Evaluating programs and planning activities within the framework of self-assessment.
Undertaking assigned tasks within the University’s planning, evaluation, and monitoring framework.
Published research
In the Planning, Monitoring, and Performance Evaluation Unit of the Academic Development and Quality Center