Abdullah Ahmed Ali Al- Maswari
- Personal information:
Name | Abdullah Ahmed Ali Al- Maswari |
Date and Place of Birth | 24/10/ 1961 – Sana’a – Yemen |
Nationality | Yemeni |
Telephone | Mobil: (777720345) or Home (009671682517) |
- Curriculumvitae Summary
- Assistance Professor at Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen since 2008.
- Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Head of Civil Engineering Department in the Yemeni Jordanian University for 5 years in the period between (1-1-2015 to 1-9-2019).
- Co-supervisor of MSc Students in the field of road and airport engineering, (4 students ,completed).
- Supervision of final year B.Sc. projects Road and Airport Engineering.
- Supervision of Lab of Road and Traffic Engineering at Sana’a Universi.
- Member of Evaluation Committee for final year Graduation projects in Civil Engineering Department at several universities.
- Road Maintenance Fund Advisor.
- General Manager of The Yemeni Consultant for Engineering 2oYear
- Academic Qualification:
Qualification | Date of acquiring | Specialization | University and Country |
BSc | 1987 | Civil Engineering | KSU – Saudi Arabia |
High Diploma | 8-9-1994 | Road Engineering | IHE, Delft, Holland |
MSc | May 1996 | Road Engineering | IHE, TUD, Delft, Holland |
P.h.D | 2008 | Road Engineering |
- Experience:
- Academic qualifications, researcher, and experience related consultative works (Privet and government type).
- Good experience in prepares of bidding documents and analysis for highway and building projects
- Experienced in experimental testing, investigating, and assessment of road materials characteristics.
- Excellent qualification in design and supervision of highway projects.
- Good experience in the economic evaluation related to highway and building
- Good experience in the field of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) related to the road projects
- Greats experience in roads maintenance
- Good Back ground in HDM –III and HDM- 4 Programs
- Good experience in collection of data for Road Maintenance
- Excellent experience in PMS , theoretical and practical
- Research and scientific papers:
A-Published papers:
- A. Algorafi, A. Almaswari and A. H. Alwathaf (2014)” Comparison of Bridge Codes Loading with Actual Overloading Track In Republic of Yemen Concrete Bridges” Academic Journal Science. CD-ROM.ISSN: 2165-6282:03(02):129-137(2014).
- Abdullah A. Al-Maswari, Sharafadeen A. Saleh. And others (2020) “Potential of Road Rainwater Harvesting in Yemen- Its Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits: A case study of Sana’a Hodeida Road, Yemen” Journal of Science and Technology – Volume 25 – (N0. 1) 2020.
- Ali Abdullah Al- Rakes, Abdullah Ahmed Al-Maswari, Fadhl Ali Al- Nozailly (2020) “Effect of Type and Amount of Mineral Filler on Performance of Hot mix Asphalt in Yemen” Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Studies Volume (8), No. 2 (Jan 2020).
B-Co – Supervisor in MSc researches:
No. | Thesis title | Degree obtained and place | Date of completion |
1 | Evaluating the Potential of Road Rain Water Harvesting in Yemen: A case study of th Maghrabh Manakah Bab Bahil Road, Sana’a Governorate | MSc, WEC, Sana’a University | 2018 |
2 | Effect of Temperature and Level of Compaction
on Hot Mixture Asphalt Behavior |
MSc, FOF , Sana’a University | 2219 |
3 | Effect of Type and Content of Mineral Filler on Performance of Asphaltic Mixtures | MSc, FOF , Sana’a University | 2020 |
4 | Development of AUTOLISP- Based Software for Geometric Design of Roads | MSc, FOF, Sana’a University | 2021 |