Dr. Abdulmalek Hazza Mohamed Al-Jolahy.
• Professor of Structural Engineering – Civil Engineering Department.
Dr. Abdulmalek Al-Jolahy is a professor of structural engineering with more than 30 years of experience in academia and industry and participated in a number of regional and international conferences, forums and workshops and published a number of scientific papers. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.Sc. from the University of Manchester (UMIST), 2001 and 1997 and B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from King Abdulaziz University – Saudi Arabia in 1988. Dr. Al-Jolahy co-led the Ministry of Public Works and Highways (MPWH) as a First Deputy Minister for ten years, from July 2007 through October 2017, and co-led the ministry’s annual agenda and plans. He effectively participated to the development of housing, public buildings, and road sectors in Yemen and represented the Ministry in different regional and international events.
• Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Manchester (UMIST), Manchester, UK, (March 1998 – July 2001).
• M.Sc. in Computational, Analytical and Experimental Stress Analysis, University of Manchester (UMIST), Manchester, UK, (Sep.1996 – Dec.1997).
• B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia, Sep. 1983 – June 1988.
• Teaching different courses in Structural Engineering and supervise graduation projects and post-graduate researches.
• Freelance Consulting Engineer (1988 – present).
• First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Public Works and Highways (MPWH) Sana’a, Republic of Yemen (July 2007- Oct. 2017),
• Participated within the Technical Working Group with members from EU, UNDP(BCRR) and World Bank (GFDRR), to provide consultation during Development of the Disaster Recovery Framework Guide, EU, UNDP(BCRR) and World Bank (GFDRR), October 2013 – September 2014,
• Participated with the WB/GFDRR team in preparation of the Recovery Framework Case Study for Tropical Storm that hit Hadramout and Almahrah Governorates in October 2008. October, 2013 – September 2014.
• Represented MPWH/Yemen in the Consultative Group of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) of the World Bank (WB) for two years membership (2011-2012),
• Represented MPWH/Yemen on the Unified Arab Building Codes Committee, Arab League, Cairo, Egypt (2007-2014).
• Civil Engineer, Ministry of Municipalities and Housing, Sana’a – Yemen (Sep. 1988- May1990).
Conferences and Workshops:
• Participation in more than 25 regional and international events of several scientific subjects in structural engineering, construction industry and disaster risk management and reconstruction.
Research and Scientific Papers:
• Published 14 scientific researches in recognized regional and internatrional journals and conferences covering several subjects in construction industry and disaster risk management and reconstruction.