Faculty of Engineering
Academic Rank: Professor Department: Department of Civil Engineering
General specialty: Civil Engineering Adress: Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
Specialization: Structural Engineering
1. Professor of Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering – Sana’a University.
2. Published many research papers on the structural behavior of load-bearing masonry and reinforced concrete structures, and supervised several master’s theses.
3. Member of the editorial board and reviewer for many local and international refereed scientific journals, and participated in many international conferences and workshops on structural engineering systems and construction technology in Germany, Malaysia, Italy, and Yemen.
4. Consultant and structural engineering expert for many engineering projects, and former director of the Consulting Center at Sana’a University.
Nov 2002 -May 2006 Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Structural Engineering
University Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Oct 1999 -Jun 2002 MSc Honours Degree in Civil Engineering/ Structural Engineering
Jordan University, Amman, Jordan
Oct 1989 -May 1994 BSc Honours Degree in Civil Engineering
Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
• Research and Review
• Specialist in linear and nonlinear analysis of load-bearing masonry and reinforced concrete structures using the finite element approach.
• Experienced in development Source Codes for modelling and finite element analysis.
• Experienced in experimental testing, investigating, and assessment of structural elements and structural characteristics.
• Experienced in providing successful supervision and mentoring for researchers.
• Editorial board member and reviewer for national and international refereed journals and referee for academic promotions.
• Published more than 25 research papers in recognised high-ranking journals and international conference proceedings.
• Participated and attended several international conferences and workshops for structural engineering systems and technology in Germany, Malaysia, Italy, and Yemen.
• Educational and Academic
• Experienced in teaching, evaluating, and examining postgraduate and undergraduate students in advanced and typical structural engineering courses in both Arabic and English languages.
• The courses taught for postgraduate: Finite Element Modelling, Advanced Structural Analysis, Advanced Steel and Composite Structures.
• The courses taught for undergraduate: Reinforced Concrete Design, Steel Structures, Strength of Materials, Theory of Structures, Structural Analysis and Design.
• Expert in assessing and preparing master and bachelor programs/courses in accordance with the academic accreditation requirements.
• Consulting and Administrative
• Professional engineer and consultant in structural design of a wide variety of structures in accordance with relevant codes.
• Expert in structural assessment and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete and masonry structures.
• Experienced in quality assurance of construction materials and testing in accordance with relevant standards.
• Experienced in management, evaluation of engineering consultancy services, and procurement processes.
Conferences and Workshops
Conference / Workshop Date Place Activity
1 International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference (IJAS)
3–6 December 2013 Freiburg, Germany Paper Presenter
2 International Building and Infrastructure Technology Conference (BITECH 2011)
7–8 JUNE
2011 Penang,
Malaysia Paper Presenter
3 The 8th International Conference On Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS 2010)
7-9 June
2010 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Paper Presenter
4 Renewable Energy Workshop 1-3 July
Sana’a , Yemen Participant
5 The 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (Civil –Comp 2005)
30 Aug-2 Sep 2005 Rome, Italy Participant
6 The 7th International Conference On Concrete Technology in Developing Countries, Repair and Enhancement of Concrete Structures (7th ICCT)
5-8 October
2004 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Paper Presenter
7 The International Conference on Industrialized Building System (IBS2003)
10-11 September 2003 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper Presenter
Date Place
1 Developing Academic Programs and Curricula According to Modern International Approaches and Requirements of The International Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
7 Aug 2019 Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University
2 Preparing the National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Undergraduate Engineering Programs in Yemeni Universities
17-20 Apr- 2018 Council of Accreditation & Quality Assurance
Sana’a, Yemen
3 Preparation of External Reviewers of Academic Programs 31 Aug – 4 Sep
2014 Council of Accreditation & Quality Assurance
Sana’a, Yemen
4 Preparation of Academic Programs
31 Oct -4 Nov
2009 Sana’a University
Sana’a, Yemen
5 Academic Quality and Accreditation for Engineering Programs 3-8 May
2008 Sana’a University
Sana’a, Yemen
6 Academic Teaching: Method, Styles, Techniques Of Education And Assessment 15 April -6 May
2007 Sana’a University
Sana’a, Yemen
Research and scientific papers
Author’s Name: Alwathaf, Ahmed Hasan
Other Formats: Alwathaf, A. H. – Alwathaf, Ahmed – Alwathaf, Ahmed H.
Author’s Affiliation: Department of Civil Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
Author’s URLs in The Research Resources:
ORCiD: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2825-7660
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=23024102700
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ahmed_Alwathaf
scholar.google: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2FpRHfIAAAAJ
1. Al-Jolahy, A. H., Alwathaf, A. H. and Al-Mansour, A. A. (2017), Construction Practice and Structural Performance of Yemeni Traditional Minarets, Masonry International, Journal of the International Masonry Society (ISSN: 0950-2289), Vol.30, No. 1, pp. 1-12.
2. Alwathaf, A. H., Ohu, R. B., Jaafar, M. S. and Aznieta, F. N. (2016), Analytical Investigation of concrete beams reinforced with embedded CFRP plates, The Indian Concrete Journal (ISSN: 0019-4565, Indexed in Scopus), Vol. 90, Issue 6, pp. 58-68.
3. Al-Amoudi, M. and Alwathaf, A. H., (2014), The Behaviour of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry under Axial Compression, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Sana’a University (ISSN: 2312-9999), Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 32–53.
4. Algorafi, M. A., Almaswari A. and Alwathaf, A. H. (2014), Comparison of Bridge Codes Loading with Actual Overloading Track in Republic of Yemen for Concrete Bridges, Academic Journal of Science (ISSN: 2165-6282). Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 129-137, http://www.universitypublications.net/ajs/0302/html/H4V507.xml.
5. Alwathaf, A. H., Thanoon, W. A. and Jaafar, M. S. (2014), Finite-Element Analysis Of An Alternative Masonry Wall System, Proceedings of the ICE – Structures and Buildings (ISSN: 0965-0911, Indexed in ISI). Vol. 168, No. 4, pp. 237–250, DOI: 10.1680/stbu.13.00068.
6. Alwathaf, A. H. (2014), Development of 3D Finite Element Code of Incompatible Displacement Mode for Flexural Analysis, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1319-8025, Indexed in ISI). Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 6009-6016, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-014-1232-2.
7. Alwathaf, A. H. (2014), Structural Condition Assessment and Retrofit Of Reinforced Concrete Columns, Academic Journal Of Science (ISSN: 2165-6282). Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 85-97, http://www.universitypublications.net/ajs/0301/html/DE3C411.xml.
8. Ohu, R. B., Jaafar, M. S. Aznieta, F. N., and Alwathaf, A. H. (2013), Effect of Surface Treatment On Bond of Embedded CFRP Plates, Journal of Composite Materials. Journal of Composite Materials (ISSN: 0021-9983, Indexed in ISI), Vol.47, No. 24, pp. 3065-3079, DOI: 10.1177/0021998312462157.
9. Ohu, R. B., Jaafar, M. S. Aznieta, F. N., and Alwathaf, A. H. (2013), Deformability Of Concrete Beams Reinforced With Embedded CFRP Plates, New Developments in Structural Engineering and Construction, Eds. Yazdan, S. and Singh, A., (ISBN: 978-981-07-5354-2, Indexed in Scopus), pp. 271-275, DOI: 10.3850/978-981-07-5354-2_St-32-78, www.rpsonline.com.sg.
10. Alwathaf, A. H., Thanoon, W. A., Jaafar, M. S., and Noorzaei, J. (2013), Mathematical Modelling of Stress-Strain Curves of Masonry Materials, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering (ISSN: 1328-7982, Indexed in Scopus ), Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 219-230, DOI: 10.7158/s11-110.2012.13.3.
11. Ohu, R. B., Jaafar, M. S. Noorzaei, J., Aznieta, F. N., and Alwathaf, A. H. (2012), Performance Of Concrete Beams Reinforced With Embedded CFRP Plates, The Indian Concrete Journal (ISSN: 0019-4565, Indexed in Scopus). Vol. 86, No. 7, pp. 7-13.
12. Alwathaf, A. H., Ali, Aidy, Jaafar, M. S., and Algorafi, M. A. (2011), Stress-Strain Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Structures, International Journal of the Physical Sciences (ISSN: 1992-1950, Indexed in ISI), Vol.6, No.30, pp. 6820-6828, DOI: 10.5897/IJPS11.468.
13. Safiee, N. A., Jaafar, M. S., Alwathaf, A. H., Norzaei, J., and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2011), Structural Behaviour of Mortarless Interlocking Load Bearing Hollow Block Wall Panel under Out-of-plane Loading. Advances in Structural Engineering (ISSN: 1369-4332, Indexed in ISI), Vol.14, No.6, pp.1185-1196. DOI: 10.1260/1369-4332.14.6.1185.
14. Alwathaf, A. H. (2010), Non-linear Finite-Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beam. Structural Concrete Journal (ISSN: 1464-4177, Indexed in ISI), Vol.11, No.2, pp.63-72, DOI: 10.1680/stco.2010.11.2.63.
15. Alwathaf, A. H. (2009), 3D Finite Element Analysis of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry. Journal of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.2, pp.26-35. https://ust.edu/ojs/index.php/jst/article/view/83/68.
16. Thanoon, W. A., Alwathaf, A. H., Noorzaei, J., Jaafar, M. S. and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2008), Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Grouted and Un-Grouted Hollow Interlocking Mortarless Block Masonry System. Engineering Structures (ISSN: 0141-0296, Indexed in ISI), Vol.30, pp.1560-1572, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.10.014.
17. Thanoon, W. A., Alwathaf, A. H., Noorzaei, J., Jaafar, M. S. and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2008), Finite Element Analysis of Interlocking Mortarless Hollow Block Masonry Prism. Computer & Structures (ISSN: 0045-7949, Indexed in ISI), Vol.86, No.6, pp.520-528, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2007.05.022.
18. Jaafar, M. S., Alwathaf, A. H., Thanoon, W. A., Noorzaei, J. and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2006), Behaviour of Interlocking Mortarless Block Masonry. Proceedings of ICE, Construction Materials (ISSN: 1747-650X, Indexed in Scopus), Vol.159, No.3, pp.111-117, DOI: 10.1680/coma.2006.159.3.111.
19. Alwathaf, A. H., Thanoon, W. A., Jaafar, M. S., Noorzaei, J. and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2005), Shear Characteristic of Interlocking Mortarless Block Masonry Joints. Masonry International, Journal of the British Masonry Society (ISSN:0950-2289), UK, Vol.18, No.3, pp.139-146.
20. Alwathaf, A. H. and Hunaiti, Y. M. (2005), Behaviour Of Steel Plates Under Axial Compression And Their Effect On Column Strength, Dirasat, Engineering Science (ISSN: 1560-456X), Vol.32, No.1, pp.42-55, University of Jordan, http://journals.ju.edu.jo/DirasatEng/article/viewFile/1624/1612.
1. Alwathaf, A. H., Jaafar, M. S. Thanoon, W. A., and Noorzaei, J., (2011), Stress-Strain Relationship for Masonry Modelling, Proceeding of the International Building & Infrastructure Technology Conference (BITECH2011), JUNE 7–8, 2011, Penang, Malaysia.
2. Ohu, R. B., Jaafar, M.S., Noorzaie, J., Aznieta, F. N. and Alwathaf, A.H., (2011), The Performance of Concrete Beams reinforced with Embedded CFRP plates, Proceeding of the International Building & Infrastructure Technology Conference (BITECH2011), JUNE 7–8, 2011, Penang, Malaysia.
3. Alwathaf, A. H. (2010). Stress-Strain Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Structures. Proceeding of The 8th International Conference On Fracture and Strength Of Solids (FEOFS) 2010, 7-9 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Paper No. A185.
4. Thanoon, W. A., Alwathaf, A. H., Jaafar, M. S., Noorzaei, J. and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2005). Nonlinear Analysis of Interlocking Mortarless Block Masonry System Using FEM. Proceeding of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural And Environmental Engineering Computing (Civil –Comp 2005, Indexed in Scopus), 30 Aug-2 Sep 2005, Paper No. 183, Rome, Italy.
5. Alwathaf, A. H., Thanoon, W. A., Jaafar, M. S., Noorzaei, J. and AbdulKadir, M. R. and Ali, A. A. A. (2004). Web splitting of interlocking hollow concrete block masonry prism. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference On Concrete Technology In Developing Countries, Repair And Enhancement Of Concrete Structures (7th ICCT), 5-8 October 2004, pp. 219-229, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
6. Alwathaf, A. H., Thanoon, W. A., Jaafar, M. S., Noorzaei, J. and AbdulKadir, M. R. (2003). Analytical Models for Different Masonry Systems: CRITICAL REVIEW. Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrialized Building System (IBS2003), 10-11 September 2003, pp.121-132, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Alwathaf, A. H. (2016). REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN, Sana’a University Publications.
Alwathaf, A. H. (2013). LECTURES IN REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN, Sana’a University Publications .
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