Dr. Mohammed Abdulla Ismail Al-Gorafi
Personal Information:
Associate Professor of Structural Engineering
Place &Date of birth: Sana’a-Yemen 1975
Nationality: Yemeni
Martial status: married
Address: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a , Yemen
E mail: gorafimg@gmail.com /
• Head of quality Assurance unit in faculty of Engineering- Sana’a University from (May 2019-Augest 2021).
• Member of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation unite Faculty of Engineering – University of Sana’a (2013-2019).
• Lecturer in Sana’a University (2011-Now)
• Tutor in Sana’a University (1998-2003)
• Syndicate members of the staff at the University of Sana’a
Bachelor Degree in civil Engineering 1998 (Sana’a University- Yemen)
Higher Diploma in highway and geotechnical 2002 (Sana’a University- Yemen)
Master Degree in structure November 2006 (Universiti Putra Malaysia- Malaysia)
Ph.D. Degree in structure January 2011 (Universiti Putra Malaysia – Malaysia)
• Teaching different specialized subjects in Bs.c Civil Engineering Departments.
• Teaching different specialized subjects in Master structure Engineering Program.
• Supervisor of the graduation projects.
• Participation in many workshops in the area of the quality assurance.
• External assessors certified by Council of Accreditation & Quality Assurance – Yemen from 2013 until now.
• Preparation, with group the program and courses specifications for department of civil of engineering – Al-Andalus University according to Yemeni Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (2015-2016).
• Preparation, with group the self-assessment for Faculty of Engineering – University of Sana’a according to Yemeni Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (2013-2014)
• Preparation, with partner the self-assessment for Al-Andalus university- IT program according to Yemeni Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (2013-2014).
• Preparation, with group the program and courses specifications for department of civil of engineering – Sana’a University according to Yemeni Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (2014).
• Preparation the program specifications for department of civil of engineering – Alnaseer university (2013)
• Preparation the program specifications for department of civil of engineering – Azal university for Human Development (2014)
Conferences and Workshops:
1. Mange more than 30 workshops of preparing of 10 engineering Master programs & 3 engineering PhD programs in Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University May to July 2021.
2. Participate in a workshops of self-evaluation according to Academic Programs Accreditation Council template (2021) in quality centre of Sana’a University for 8 to 12 July 2021.
3. .Mange workshop of self-evaluation of 7 engineering programs in Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University 26-28 October 2020.
4. Mange workshop of “Modernization of the Mechanical Engineering program to meet Development and market labour” in Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a university 20 January 2020.
5. Mange workshop of “Modernization of the Seven Engineering programs to meet NARS Requirements” in Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a university 26-29 July 2020.
6. Participate in a program to assessors Academic Programs Accreditation Council for 17 to 18 December 2014.
7. Participate in a forsa program for October 2013 to September 2014.
8. Participate in training need for employ for
9. Participate in a program to prepare assessors Academic Programs Accreditation Council for 8 to 12 December 2013
10. The third workshop of the Strategic Plan of the Council of Academic Accreditation 27 to 29 August 2013
11. Workshop of the quality assurance academic programs Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Sanaa University of Science and Technology
12. Course comprehensive quality Management TQM 15-20 June 2013 Sana’a – Police College Club
13. Secretarial course and Office Works from 6-14 May 2013 Sana’a – Council Aalalma the
14. Workshop in the description of the university curriculum ethnic May 13, 2013 in the Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University
15. Course of accounting for non-accountants, April 28 -2 May 2013 Sana’a – Chamber of Commerce.
16. Advanced Statistics Using SPSS Workshop at 9 – 10 August 2011 UPM-Malaysia.
17. Intermediate On SPSS For Sciences 2 – 3 AUG 2011 UPM-Malaysia
18. Basic SPSS For Sciences 15-17 July 2011 UPM-Malaysia
19. Understanding the Process and Outcomes of the viva seminar from 13th June to 14th June 2011 UPM-Malaysia
20. Effective Writing 21st – 22nd March 2009- UPM-Malaysia
21. Publishing For Postgraduates 25th – 26th April 2009 UPM-Malaysia
22. Publishing For Postgraduate Students 4 & 5 June 2007 UPM-Malaysia
Research and scientific papers:
Published Book
Mohammad A. Algorafi, ”Introduction of Bridge Engineering”, Sana’a University published 2015.
Ongoing research
Currently, I do some researches in
Causes of the cracks in bridges.
Types of Yemeni stones
Evaluation of Research paper for some international Journals
Tarek A. H. Barakat; M. A. Algorafi 2020 “STUDENT PERCEPTIONS OF QUALITY EDUCATION IN THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AT SANA’A UNIVERSITY” Studies in University Education and Quality Assurance, Vol. 8, Issue No (14 & 15) January-December 2020..
M. A. Algorafi, A. Almaswari and A. H. Alwathaf 2014” Comparison of Bridge Codes Loading with Actual Overloading Track in Republic Of Yemen for Concrete Bridges” Academic Journal of Science 3 (02), 129–137
Ramez Al-Mansob, Amiruddin Ismail, Mohammed A. Algorafi, Mohammad Hesam Hafezi, Mojtaba Shojaei Baghini 2013 “Comparison between Mixtures of Asphalt with Palm Oil Shells and Coconut Shells as Additives” Jurnal Kejuruteraan 25(2013): 25-31.
Ahmed H. Alwathaf, Aidy Ali, Mohd S. Jaafar and Mohd A. Algorafi 2011 “Stress-Strain Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Structures” International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(30), pp. 6820 – 6828.
M. A. Algorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman, M. S. Jaafar and R. A. Almansob 2011 ”Evaluation of Structural Behavior of Externally Prestressed Segmented Bridge with Shear Key under Torsion”, Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management 2011, 1(1), 27-34
M. A. Algorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman, M. S. Jaafar and M. P. Anwar 2010 “Experimental Study of Externally Prestressed Segmental Beam under Torsion”, Journal of Engineering Structures. Volume 32, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 3528-3538
Algorafi, M.A., A.A.A. Ali, M.S. Jaafar, I. Othman, M.P. Anwar and R. Rashid. Effect of Torsion on Externally Prestressed Segmental Concrete Bridge with Shear Key. American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1(4): 311-316, 2008.
Conference Papers
Thanoon, W.A., Noorzaei, J., Jaafar, M.S. and Al-Gorafi, M.A. 2005. Inelastic Analysis of Frame-Foundation-Soil Interaction Systems. 10th International Conference On Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, Italy.
Thanoon, W.A., Noorzaei, J., Jaafar, M.S., Al-Gorafi, M.A. 2006. Soil-Structure Interaction in Shallow Foundation Framed Building. Proceeding of APSEC 2006, Malaysia.
M. A. Algorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman and M. S. Jafar Performance of Segmental Prestressed Concrete Bridges under Combined Stresses: A Critical Review, Penang, WEC2007.
M. A. Algorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman and M. S. Jafar. The Influence of Torsion in Segmental Prestressed Concrete Bridge. 5th international civil engineering Congress (5th ICEC-2007) Karachi Pakistan. 8-9 December 2007.
M. A. Algorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman and M. S. Jafar The Influence of Torsion in Flat Segmental Prestressed Concrete Bridge, Kuantan, ICCE08. May 2008.
M. A. Algorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman and M. S. Jafar FEM Study on the Structural Behaviour of Segmental Prestressed Concrete Bridge under Torsion and Dry Joint , Kuala Lumpur, ICCBT2008. June 2008.
M. A. Al-gorafi, A. A. A. Ali, I. Othman and M. S., Jafar Externally Prestressed Monolithic and Segmental Concrete Beams under Torsion: a Comparative Finite Element Study, International Advanced of Technology Congress (ATCi), PWTC, Malaysia. November 3-5, 2009.
Al-gorafi M.A., A.A.A. Ali, Othman, M.P, M.S. Jaafar and I. Anwar 2011“Externally Prestressed Monolithic and Segmental Concrete Beams under Torsion: a Comparative Finite Element Study”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17 (2011) 012041