Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna.
Prof. Dr. Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna.
SEX: Male.
ADDRESS: PO Box 18660, Sana’a –Yemen.
Mobile: + 967-777907420.
E-mail: mabrookmohanna@yahoo.com
- Professor of pediatric, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a, University Teaching members (99 – now) Sana’a University.
- General Director of Al-Ahly Modern Hospital (1996 – 1997).
- Coordinator of Arabic Board in Yemen (1996 – 2002).
- Coordinator of DCH in Yemen (1997 – 2000).
- Head of Pediatrics Department in Al-Assabeen Hospital, Sana;a Yemen (1995– 1997).
- Head of Pediatrics for ACADEMIC AFFAIR (1995 – 2000).
- Supervisor for general haematological disorders and Malignancies in Al– Assabeen Hospital (1996 – 1998).
- General Director of National Sam Hospital (1997 – 2019).
- General Director of Doctor Mabrook Bin Mohanna Pediatric Center (2020 – now).
- FICMS (Fellowship of the Iraqi commission for medical specialization in pediatrics), 1995.
- DCH (Diploma of childhood) Iraq, (1993).
- Participated in the revision of a book titled: fact and wrights regarding a child.
- Participated in many workshops handling data about ARI and IMCI by WHO in Sana’a, Yemen.
- Participated in paediatric conference 1-Yemen held on 25-27 January 2017
- Participated in paediatric conference 2-Yemen held on 25-27 January 2018
- Participated in gastroenterology conference 1-Yemen held on 21 May 2018
- Supervisor for MSc. thesis submitted by Mona Al- Namer
Title: morbidity and outcome of pneumonia among children under five years hospitalized in Swiss Canal in University hospital.
- Supervisor for Arabic board of community medicine thesis submitted by
Dr Abdulla bin Gouth title Malaria in Hadramout.
- Examiner for MSc-Thesis 2014-2015 submitted by Bushra Saeed Mohammed.
- Examiner for MSc-Thesis 2014 submitted by Amal thabet Mohammed Al-Ammary.
- Examiner for MSc-Thesis 2014 by Bushra Husain Mohammed Al Morshidy.
- Bin Mohanna MA. (1994). The effect of unjust sanctions on the people of Iraq on perinatal.[ FICMS. Theses]. Iraq.
- Bin mohanna MA, Raja’a YA, Saif GA. Prevalence of hypocalcemia in children examined for serum calcium presenting to Specialized Pediatric Center Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen. Saudi Med J; 26(3): 457-459. (2005).
- Bin Mohanna MA, Raja’a YA and Al-Kadi F. Treatment of acute pharyngitis in children presenting to Specialized Pediatric Center Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen JABMS. 2005 vol… 7, No.1, 46-49.
- Bin Mohanna MA, Bin Ghouth AS, Raja’a YA. Malaria signs and infection rate among asymptomatic schoolchildren in Hajr valley, Yemen. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal; 2007 vol.13 No. 1 January- February.
- Bin Mohanna MA, Raja’a YA and AlKadi F. Prevalence of schistosomiasis in children presented to Sam Hospital, Sana’a city Republic of Yemen. JABMS. 2005 vol. No.2, 132-135.
- A.A. Azazy, S.T. Nasher, A. Ishaq, M. Bin mohanna and M.L. Chance. Detection of antileishmanial IgG antibodies and leishmania- specific antigens in sera from Yemeni patients with visceral leishmaniasis. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, Vol. 97, No. 7, 689-695 (2003).
- Bin Mohanna MA. Case report: Meningococcal meningitis, insusceptible to third generation ceftriaxone Yemen medical journal (accepted).
- Bin Mohanna MA, and Raja’a YA Frequency and treatment of urinary tract infection in children subjected to urine culture in Sana’a city Yemen. JAMC. Pakistan. 12/08/2005 08:14.
- Raja’a YA and Bin Mohanna MA. Overweight and obesity among schoolchildren in Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen. Annals 0f Nutrition and Metabolism. Vienna Ann Nutr Metab 2005; 49:342-345.
- Bin Mohanna MA, Raja’a YA and AlKadi F. Effective biotherapy for bacterial diarrhea in children presented to Sam Hospital, Sana’a city Yemen. JABMS 2005 Vol. 7, No. 4, 334-337.
- Bin Mohanna MA. Visceral leishmaniasis associated with malaria a case report. JABMS 2006 Vol,8, No.2, 150-152.
- Bin Mohanna MA, and Raja’a YA Frequency of intestinal parasites in children presenting with diarrhea and / or abdominal pain to Sam hospital, Sana’a, republic of Yemen JABMS 2006 Vol. 8, No. 3, 226-229.
- Bin Mohanna MA, Bin Ghouth AS, Raja’a YA. Prevalence and types of plasmodium in patients presenting with fever to the health center in Hajer Valley, Hadramout , Yemen JABMS 2008 Vol. 9, No. 1, 60-63.
- Raja’a YA and Bin Mohanna MA. Overweight and obesity among schoolgirls in Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen. Yemen journal for medical sciences Vol. 2 No. 2 december 2007.
- Bin Mohanna. Prevalence of nutritional rickets among children presenting to Sam hospital in Sana’a city, Yemen. JABMS 2009 Vol. 10, No. 2, 8-12.
- Bin Mohanna MA. Self-medication with antibiotic in children in Sana’a city, Yemen Oman Medical Journal. Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2010.
- Bin Al-Zoa. A.M., Bin Mohanna, M.A. and Al-Sonboli N. Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality in the Neonatal Care Unit of Al-Gumhouri Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen. Hadhramout Journal of Medical Sciences December2013; vol.2, issue2: 200-206.
- Mohanna MA.and Sallam A. Idiopathic hemihypertrophy Saudi Med J 2014; Vol. 35 (4): 403-405.
- Bin Mohanna MA., Lutf M. Al-Zubairi and Sallam A. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and parasites in symptomatic children examined for H. pylori antibodies, antigens and parasites in Sana’a city, Yemen. Saudi Med J 2014; Vol. 35 (11):
- Mahmood Al-Mendalawi and mabrook bin Mohanna. Correspondence Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and parasites in symptomatic children examined for H. pylori antibodies, antigens and parasites in Sana’a city, Yemen. Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (1): 1408-14011. doi: 10.15537/smj.2015.1.10871.
- Bin Mohanna and Bin Al-Zoa. A.M., Pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in Al-Sabeen Hospital Sana’a city Yemen. Hadhramout Journal of Medical Sciences December2014; vol.3, issue 1&2: 239-242
- Bin Mohanna MA Leishmaniasis, malaria and schistosomiasis concurrently in in an 8-year boy. Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (4): 179-181.
- Mahmood Al-Mendalawi and mabrook bin Mohanna. Correspondence Leishmaniasis, malaria and schistosomiasis concurrently in in an 8-year boy. Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (8): doi: 10.15537/smj.2015.8.12281
- Bin Mohanna and Bin Al-Zoa. A.M. Effectiveness of Low Dose Hydroxyurea in Yemeni Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Hadhramout Journal of Medical Sciences June & December 2014; vol. 3, issue 1&2: 243-247
- Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna, Abdurrahman Ali Bahanna BACTERIAL PROFILE AND ANTIBIOGRAM OF OTITIS MEDIA AMONG CHILDREN IN YEMEN J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2016;28(3)
- MA Bin Mohanna Prevalence of nutritional rickets among symptomatic children and associated risk factors in Specialised Sam Paediatric Centre Yemen. East African Medical Journal > Vol 92, No 12 (2015)
- Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna. Osteogenesis imperfecta 15-month-old girl incorrectly diagnosed with child abuse – a case report. Pediatric conference- Yemen held at 23-25 January 2017.
- Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna and Naijla Al‑Sonboli. Prevalence of Diarrhoea and Related Risk Factors among Children Aged Under 5 years in Sana’a, Yemen. http://www.hamdanjournal.org on Thursday, (http://dx.doi.org/10.7707/hmj.711) March 29, 2018, IP:]
- Najla N. Al- Sonboli, Mabrook A. bin Mohanna, Nasher A. Al- Aghbarri, Zekra AL- Shaekh and Basheer Abo Asbo. Genotypes of rotavirus among Yemeni children with acute diarrhea. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019. ISSN No: 2456-2165
- MA Bin Mohanna. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of constipation in children in Specialized Sam Pediatric Center Sana’a city Yemen .Minerva Pediatrics 2022 June;74(3):313-7. DOI: 10.23736/S2724-5276.16.04493-5.