Arwa Ali Ghalib Al-Harazi
Personal Information :
Arwa Ali Ghalib Al-Harazi
Date /place of birth : December 1967/ Sana’a
Marital Status : single
Profession : Associate Professor in Pediatric , Sana’a University Faculty of Medicine
Nationality : Yemeni
Address : Sana’a / Yemen
Email : ar.alharazi@su.edu.ye
Summary :
Arwa Ali Ghaleb al-Harazi. Born in 1967 Sana’a. Associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University. Have MBBS Bachelor Degree in general Medicine and Surgery at Sana’a University, Master’s and MD in pediatrics, Ain Shams University, Egypt. Senior consultant in pediatrics at The Al-Thwara General Modern Hospital. Have a member in the Yemeni Pediatrics Society and the Yemeni Neurology Society. Principal Supervisor of students of the Faculty of Medicine Sana’a University ( fourth, fifth, sixth, house officer, teaching assistant and residents) at the Modern General Al-Thwara Hospital. Teaching a medical school students for the fourth, fifth, and sixth years (lectures – seminars – clinical training). Supervision, teaching and training postgraduate students in pediatrics ( Master’s , MD and clinical MD) in Pediatric department – Faculty of Medicine -Sana’a University. Training of OSCE system in pediatric for the medical students – Faculty of Medicine- Sana’a University (fourth, fifth, sixth grade). Preparing exams and participating in examinations of the bachelor’s and post graduate students in pediatrics. Attend a lot of conferences and workshops. Have many of Medical research on pediatrics . Supervising on master’s thesis for postgraduate students
Education :
- MD in Pediatrics, Ain Shams University –Cairo- Faculty of Medicine
- Master (MSC) in Pediatrics , Ain Shams University –Cairo- Faculty of Medicine
- MBBS Bachelor Degree , Sana’a University Faculty of Medicine
- Internship Completion Certificate
Experience :
- Associate Professor in Pediatric , Sana’a University Faculty of Medicine 2021
- Assistant Professor in Pediatric , Sana’a University Faculty of Medicine 2007
- Pediatric Consultant in Pediatric Al-Thwara Modern General Hospital (TMGH)-Sana’a/ Yemen
- Supervisor , Teaching and Training of pediatric for postgraduate students (Master , MD and clinical MD ) at faculty of medicine – Sana’a university / Yemen
- Supervisor , Teaching and Training of Pediatric for the medical students (fourth, fifth, and sixth years) lectures , seminars, OSCE and clinical training at faculty of medicine Sana’a university / Yemen
- Preparing exams and participating in examinations of the bachelor’s and post graduate students in pediatrics
- Teaching assistant in pediatric department at faculty of medicine Sana’a university / Yemen 1993
- Resident in pediatric department Al-Thwara Modern General Hospital (TMGH)-Sana’a / Yemen 1991
- House officer in Al-Thwara Modern General Hospital (TMGH)-Sana’a / Yemen 1990
Conferences and Workshops :
- Workshop in student assessment – faculty of medicine Sana’a University -20-223 march 2022
- Workshop in course specification for program structure -faculty of medicine Sana’a University -24-26 October 2020
- Workshop in program’s Intended Learning Outcome(ILOs) -faculty of medicine Sana’a University -14 September 2020
- Attendance of Second scientific conference of pediatric nephrology -24 September 2 020
- Attendance and workshop about Inborn Error of Metabolism on 6 July 2019
- Attendance the Yemeni 2 Metabolic regulation and Cardioprotection Event on 3 May 2018
- Attendance the annual scientific conference of obstetrics and gynecology 10-11 Oct. 2018
- Attendance the Second scientific effectiveness of World Prematurity day , 17 November 2018
- Attendance the world diabetes day on 22 November 2018
- Attendance the Pediatric Conference –Yemen on 23-25 January 2017
- Diabetes & Eye Symposium -Yemeni Diabetes Association ‘ ’17th Nov. 2016 Sana’a
- Metabolic Diseases in Al-Kuwiat University Hospital Sana’a /Yemen 2016
- Update of Diabetes Mellitus in Children Al-Sabaeen Maternity and Childhood Hospital Sana’a /Yemen on 29-30 Jan 2014
- Update in Pediatric Critical care in Al-Kuwiat University Hospital Sana’a /Yemen on 26 Feb. 2014
- Clinical Approach to Inborn disorders of Metabolism, Al-Sabaeen Maternity and Childhood Hospital Sana’a /Yemen on 5th June 2013
- Management of Pediatric Acute Renal Failure ,TMGH Sana’a /Yemen, on 8th May 2013
- Management of Pediatric Bronchial Asthma, Al-Sabaeen Maternity and Childhood Hospital Sana’a /Yemen on 23th January 2013
- Approach to Chronic liver Disease in Children ,Al-Jumhori Hospital Sana’a /Yemen on 27th December 2012
- Attended the IMCI/TOT-Training Course organized by child health Directorate in Collaboration with WHO held at Al-SABAEEB HOSPITAL Sana’a /Yemen from31/12/2011 to 4/1/2012
- Approach to Short Stature ,TMGH Sana’a /Yemen 3rd Oct. 2012
- Attended Workshop on Quality Assurance &Accreditation field at the Center of Medical Education ,Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences from 6 July 2011 to 11 July 2011
- Attended Workshop on Teaching and Learning field at the Center of Medical Education ,Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences from 4 July 2011 to 5 July 2011
- Attendance the scientific symposium about Stroke on 28 Oct. 2010 Sana’a
- Attendance the scientific symposium about Epilepsy 1 on 4 Feb. 2010 Sana’a /Yemen
- Attended the 7th Gulf Countries Conference (GCC) and the first Yemeni Neuroscience Conference , Sana’a / Yemen from 3rd to 5th March 2009
- Attended the Yemeni Saudi Conference of Clinical Immunology and Allergology Sana’a/ Yemen 29th April -1st May 2008
- Attended in the activities of the 2nd scientific symposium on Rheumatic Fever Control & the first pediatric cardiology Conference , Sana’a / Yemen on April 2008
- Attendance and Workshop in the first Evidence Based Medicine Course Sana’a on April 30- May 3, 2007
Research and scientific papers :
- Arwa A. Al-Harazi¹, Ali F. Al-Eryani¹, Najla N. Al-Sonboli¹, Abdulla M. Bin Al-Zoa¹, Nafisa H. Al-Jaifi¹, Laila A. Al-Awamy². “Pediatric Stroke: Prevalence, Types, Clinical Presentation, Risk Factors and Outcome in Yemen” International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020
- Arwa Al-Harazi ,Bilguis Al-Eryani, Butheinah Al-Sharafi “Neonatal hemolytic anemia does not always indicate thalassemia :case report”BMC Res Notes(2017)10;76
- Nafisa H. Al-Jaifi ,Arwa A. Al-Harazi , Ali F. Al-Eryani, and Ahlam A. Sowileh, “Risk Factors of Pathological Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia among Yemeni Newborn” Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 87, No. 7, December, 2019
- Najla Al-Sonboli , Arwa Al-Harazi , Abdula M.Bin Ai-Zoa, Ali Al-Eryani, Nasher Al-Ghbari,Zekra Al-Shaekh, and Basheer Abo Asba, “Determinants of mortality of acute bacterial meningitis among yememi children in A Tertiary Referral Hospital in Sana’a” The medical journal of cairo university(2017 ) vol,85(4); June 1543-1548
- Abdula M.Bin Ai-Zoa , Arwa Al-Harazi ,Najla Al-Sonboli ,Liza Shameri “Clinical Profile of Convulsion Disorders in Children Admitted to the Pediatric ward in AL-Gumhouri Teaching Hospital ,Sana’a Yemen” ,International J.Ch.Neuropsychiatry 2017 Vol.14 Issue1&2
- Najla Al-Sonboli, Abdula M.Bin Ai-Zoa,Arwa Al-Harazi ,Ali Al-Eryani, Nasher Al-Ghbari,Zekra Al-Shaekh, and Basheer Abo Asba, “Etiologies, Pattern of Presentation and Mortality of Acute Bacterial Meningitis among Yemeni Children in A Tertiary Referral Hospital in Sana’a” The medical journal of cairo university (2017)vol,85(3);June1055-1062
- Co-Supervisor on Master thesis “Clinical Pattern of Brain Stroke among Yemeni Children Admitted to Al-Thawra Modern General hospital in Sana’a” April 2010- December 2013
Co- Supervisor on Master thesis” The Prevalence of Malnutrition in Children with End Stage Renal Disease in Sana’a City ” January –December 2017