
Mohammad Q. Hutaif

Assistant Professor

Personal Information: Dr.Mohammad Q. Hutaif assistant professor  of orthopedic  surgery


\Summary: former head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery Kuwait University Hospital, Sana`a, Yemen/orthopedic department

Former head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery Saudi Germany hospital Sana’a, Yemen

Chair-man of the Organizing Committee of the Sixth and seventh Scientific Conference of   Orthopedic in Yemen


Education: ARAB Board of orthopedic Surgery

Faculty of Medicine, University of Kufa, Iraq.                  June 2000 – March 2003


Sana’a university faculty of medicine                                April 2003- JUNE 2006

 Experience: former head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery Kuwait University Hospital, Sana`a, Yemen/orthopedic department

Former head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery Saudi Germany hospital Sana’a, Yemen

Chair-man of the Organizing Committee of the Sixth and seventh Scientific Conference of   Orthopedic in Yemen


Conferences and Workshops:

 2017            Sport medicine ACL RECONSTRUCTION/ Jordanian orthopedic association

2017               SHOULLDER ARTHROSCOPY workshop/ Jordanian orthopedic association


2017                   PRIMARY KNEEE REPLACEMENT workshop / Jordanian orthopedic association


2017                           REVSION KNEE workshop/ Jordanian orthopedic association


2017                       REVSION hip workshop/ Jordanian orthopedic association

2017                                                 Spin workshop/ Jordanian orthopedic association

2017                                                      Arthroscopy course Jordanian orthopedic association


2018                       speaker sixth Yemeni orthopedic conference pediatric and adolescent proximal femur fracture 

   2018            speaker hip trauma symposium Y.O.A (proximal femur nailing surgical    technique)

  2019                                                    speaker Yemeni pediatric   association

                                                                       (Slipped capital femoral epiphysis)     

2017                                 20th Pan Arab Orthopedics Association Conference

2017                       11th International Conference of the Jordan Orthopedics Associations (JOA)                                                                                                                                                                                                      



2018                                honor shield/ Yemeni orthopedic association

                                (Innominate as one of the best orthopedic surgeon in Yemen)  


2019                                    honor shield/ Yemeni pediatric association

 Research and scientific papers: outcomes of pemberton osteotomy in DDH Yemeni patients 

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