
Quality Assurance Unit

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Sana'a University

Vision of Unity

“Excellence at the local and regional levels in the quality of the outcomes of the educational and research process and community service.”

Unity Message

” The unit is committed to achieving comprehensive quality and continuous development of all elements of the educational process, research and service activities in a way that ensures raising the level of Faculty graduates and gaining the trust of concerned parties. “

Unit Values

  • Morality.

  •  Professional.

  • Excellence andcompetition.

  • Team work.

  • Initiative and creativity.

Internal Regulations of the Quality Assurance Unit 2024-2025

Vision And a message Quality assurance unit :

Vision of unity

Alt Miz​ on the level the local And regionally in the quality of outputs the operation Educational And research And service the society .

message Unit

Commit Unit B investigation the quality Comprehensive and development Continuous For all Elements the operation Educational and activities Research And service With what Guaranteed Upgrade At a level Graduates the college And earn trust the parties concerned .

Article ( 1 ) Unit Dependency :

  • The Quality Assurance Unit reports administratively to the Dean of the Faculty.

Article ( 2 ) Tasks And goals Unit :

  1. Establishing an internal quality management system at the Faculty and educational program levels .

  2. Develop systems, indicators and models for evaluating performance and measuring opinions .

  3. Spreading a culture of quality among concerned parties, including faculty members, their assistants, administrators, and students .

  4. Developing the capabilities of leaders, faculty members, their assistants, and administrators .

  5. Achieving the college’s strategic mission and objectives .

  6. Conduct self-evaluation and prepare self-study .

  7. educational programs and courses.

  8. tracking Preparing reports and files of programs and courses in scientific departments and control files .

  9. Conducting periodic internal audits at the Faculty level, scientific departments, and educational programs .

  10. Develop performance improvement plans .

  11. To prepare the Faculty to apply for accreditation locally , regionally and internationally .

 Article ( 3 ) Formation of the unit and its organizational structure :

  • First : Doubt​ council administration lonliness a guarantee the quality : The Board of Directors shall issue a decision from dean the Faculty For a period three Years on The most met him To renew Once One and manages the unit, And that on Grammar the next :





Dean of the Faculty

Chairman of the unit’s board of directors


Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies.

Vice Chairman of the Unit’s Board of Directors


Deputy Dean for Quality Affairs

Director of the unit and head of the executive office


Vice Dean for Student Affairs

A member


Vice Dean for Community Service.

A member


Deputy Dean for Hospital Affairs and Head of the Clinical Department.

A member


Representatives for presidents Scientific departments

Members ( three on The most (rotating annually )


Representative of the administrative body (Secretary General / Finance Director)



A representative of community parties

A member He chooses it Dean of the Faculty in the field of Faculty program specializations.

  • Secondly , doubt me the desk Executive Alone​ a guarantee Quality

    The Executive Office for Quality is appointed by the proposal of the unit manager from whomever He has m experience And qualifications Occasion In the field of quality and decision dean the Faculty For a period three Years on The most met him To renew Once One person manages the office , And that on Grammar the next :





Unit manager

Head of the Executive Office


Deputy director of the unit

A member


Committee chairs A thousand intentions of unity:

· Head of the Training Committee

· Chairman of the Measurement and Performance Evaluation Committee

·       Chairman of the Complaints and Suggestions Committee

·       Chairman of the Internal Audit Committee



Representative For experienced faculty members and supporting staff



Representative of administrators

She got drunk


A representative of the students

Member of Outstanding Students A and Participants in student activities or student union activities or who has a personality among the students .

 Third: Formation of quality management in the program:

is selected Members who He has m experience And qualifications Occasion In the field of quality, with the proposal of the program coordinator and a decision dean the Faculty For a period three Years on The most met him To renew Once One and the same takes charge of quality management in the educational programme , And that on Grammar the next :





Program coordinator



Faculty members represent the scientific departments of the program

Members /quality coordinators of scientific departments

 Fourth: Formation of technical committees in the unit:

  • Ttb​ lonliness a guarantee the quality The Faculty has 4 committees Artistic As one minimum whether in Formation or The tasks are :

  1. Training Committee

  2. Measurement and Performance Evaluation Committee

  3. Internal Audit Committee

  4. Complaints and Suggestions Committee

  • Each committee is formed as follows:





Faculty member



Assistant body member

A member



A member

 Fifth: Forming self-evaluation work teams:

  • The work teams are formed from members representing all parties in the college, so that each team includes faculty members, support staff, and administrators, and each team is supervised by leaders .

  • The number of teams and members of each team is determined in light of the nature of the team’s work in accordance with the standards and the number of faculty members and their assistants. A team is formed for one or more of the related accreditation standards , taking into account the experiences, desires and skills in forming the teams.

difference the job

Standard / Standards

formation the team


a team No. 1




a team Number 2




a team Number 3




a team No. 4




a team no 5




a team No. 6



Team No. 7



 Organizational structure of the unit

Article ( 4 ) Unit Board of Directors meetings :

  • The Unit’s Board of Directors meets at least once every 3 months upon the invitation of the Chairman of the Unit’s Board of Directors By request from majority Members , The meeting shall not be valid unless attended by more than half of the Council members .

  • The Dean of the College, in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Unit, chairs the meeting and is replaced by the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors or the Director of the Unit in his absence .

  • The Board’s decisions are issued by a majority of the members present, and if the votes are equal, the side of the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the Chairman of the session shall prevail .

  • Membership in the Board of Directors shall be revoked for the member who fails to attend the Board 3 Consecutive sessions without an acceptable excuse.

  • The minutes of the meeting are recorded in a register signed by both the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Unit Director .

  • Permissible invitation some Heads sections , or any Dignitaries Other from inside the Faculty or from outside it, To attend Meetings council Administration Without that He is for them right Vote or Objection on decisions the Council .

  • Distract instead Presence Sessions For members council administration Unit​ from the outside And from Complete I invited them on all session Someone Maximum session one Every 3 months And it defines it dean the Faculty According to For regulations And say Nin the organization .

Article (5) : Meetings the desk Executive For unit a guarantee the quality

  • Meets the desk​ Executive For the unit Once on the least monthly building on invitation from boss Unit or By request from majority Members, no He is the meeting right unless In the presence of more from half number Its members .

  • He heads session boss Unit And it is solved Its place His deputy or Oldest president A committee when His absence .

  • Issued decisions the desk By a majority votes, So equal It is likely the side that Includes president Session .

  • Permissible when necessity invitation any Dignitaries from inside the Faculty or from outside it , To attend The meetings Without that He is for them right Vote or Objection on decisions the desk Executive .

Article ( 6 ) Powers of the Unit’s Board of Directors and the Executive Office :

Powers of the Board of Directors:

  1. review And accreditation the system Internal for work With loneliness And determine Specializations And characterization Members’ careers .

  2. Approval Regulations Interior For the unit And allocations Finance And agreements And protocols cooperation .

  3. Endorsement And follow up Plans Calendar Self that verification Goals Unit And Faculty And the university And her plans .

  4. review And adoption Report​​ Annual​ For the unit And Faculty And raise A copy of it to center a guarantee the quality And development Continuous At the university .

  5. Approving periodic monthly reports on the unit’s activities To submit it to the Quality Assurance Center .

  6. Approval of internal audit reports implemented through the unit and the Quality Assurance Center .

  7. Share in review And update message the Faculty according to Developments that It entails

  8. to delegate boss Unit in some Specializations that she has characteristic Urgency Which Defines it council Administration .

  9. Approval of bonuses for unit workers based on the unit director’s proposal .

  10. Consider other issues that the unit director deems appropriate to present to the council .

  • Specialties the desk Executive :

  1. Suggestion And implementation And follow up Plans Calendar Self that verification Goals Unit And Faculty And the university .

  2. Formation proposal The Executive Office and the teams conducting self- evaluation .

  3. Preparation and review file Accreditation before Progress For quality assurance bodies.

  4. Preparation And revise the report Annual For the unit And raise it to council administration Unit .

  5. to delegate boss Unit in some Specializations that she has characteristic Urgency Which Defines it the desk Executive .

Article ( 7 ) Powers of the Chairman of the Unit’s Board of Directors :

  1. suggestion formation council administration Unit And its adoption from council the Faculty .

  2. invitation Council members Administration To convene And the presidency Sessions .

  3. an offer Topics on council Administration .​​

  4. tracking to implement Tasks Unit And decisions council Administration .​​

  5. Selection of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.

  6. Nominating the Director of the Quality Assurance Unit for presentation to the Faculty Council .

Article ( 8 ) Powers of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors :

  • He acts on behalf of the Chairman of the Unit’s Board of Directors in carrying out all of his aforementioned duties.

Article ( 9 ) Criteria for selecting and term of the unit director:

  • The Dean issues resolution By appointment Unit manager​ after consent Faculty Council of whom He has experience And qualifications Appropriate quality For a period three Years met him Renewable once, in order to achieve the principle of alternating authority in leaderships that are not subject to laws and are subject to the authority of the dean .

Article ( 10 ) Powers of the unit director :

  1. Setting a schedule for the unit’s periodic meetings and calling the desk Executive For the unit For the meeting And the presidency His sessions .

  2. construction Databases Integrated​ To straighten the performance And activities a guarantee the quality Interior .

  3. suggestion formation Committees Unit And difference Calendar Self And present it to the Board of Directors

  4. tracking Activities Committees Interior With loneliness And activities calendar the performance And guarantee the quality By sections Scientific And administrative different In Faculty .

  5. the meeting Periodically​​ with Self-evaluation and internal audit teams review submitted reports .

  6. Coordination between the unit and the various scientific departments and the Quality Assurance Center .

  7. Selection of members of the Executive Office from the faculty and administrators based on their experience in this field .

  8. Determine the tasks of the members of the administrative staff and the heads of the technical committees of the unit .

  9. Supervision Technically​​ And Administratively​​ on staff By the unit And a calendar Their performance .

  10. Follow up on the unit’s work performance and take the necessary measures to ensure its regularity and discipline .

  11. Unit representation Quality assurance before others Attending meetings of the Quality Assurance Center and the College Council To present quality issues .

  12. Preparation Reports Monthly And annual​ For the unit And display it on council administration Unit And a council the Faculty And raise Copy To center a guarantee the quality .

  13. tracking to implement Decisions And policies the public that He approves it council administration Unit .

  14. Specializations The other that He delegates him In which council Administration .

Article (11) : Committees lonliness​ a guarantee the quality And its specializations

  • Ttb​ lonliness a guarantee the quality Totally Committees​ Interior next :

First: Internal Audit Committee : Its tasks are :

  1. review Operations Calendar Institutional Guided With evidence And models Agreed on her And display it on Councils Official For discussion .

  2. calendar No plans And preparation Reports Follow-up Annual And sharing in Preparation Reports Annual For Faculty .

  3. Preparation Formula Final l report the study Subjectivity, And preparation a report Follow-up Annual .

  4. situation Proposals Optimization Private With guarantee Quality the performance .

  5. review Preparation And compile ingredients file Progress For accreditation .

  6. tracking And submit the support The technician For sections Scientific To prepare program files and courses And description And reports Programs And the courses And make sure from References​ internally And externally .

  7. tracking Preparation And implementation Plans to improve Courses And merge it With a plan to improve the program And from then Merge it With plans the Faculty Executive annually

  8. Preparation Reports Monthly And the half Annual And annual To the committee .

  9. Conducting internal reviews of scientific departments and departments.

Second: The Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee : Its tasks are :

  1. design​​ Tools like Questionnaires And models evaluation the performance necessary to measure and analyze indicators of institutional capacity and educational effectiveness .

  2. Measuring the opinions of all internal and external parties and preparing its tools .

  3. Establishing controls and rules upon which various evaluation processes are based

  4. Developing self-evaluation plans for the organization and following them up.

  5. plural And analysis data With help With evidence And models Stomach And approved .

  6. Share in Preparation Reports Annual For Faculty .

  7. Modeling Processes And procedures Totally According For standards standard International .

  8. Establishing And follow up System Administration e, construction System To adjust Quality Factories And follow up the performance .

  9. suggestion procedures To improve according to results analysis Questionnaires And evaluation the performance.

Third: Training Committee: Its tasks are :

  1. Determine the training needs of human resources through appropriate means .

  2. make plans​ training For all human resources according to training needs .

  3. tracking to implement plan Training And saving the support Logistician To implement Courses inside And outside the Faculty .

  4. evaluation Training And workshops the job Developing a mechanism to measure the impact and return of training .

  5. Making statistical data And a periodic report on the implementation of training plans .

  6. Awareness the society Internal And the outside With tasks Unit And its importance .

Fourth: Improvement and Development Committee : Its tasks are :

  1. Preparing improvement and development plans to the Deputy Quality Affairs Officer for approval and starting their implementation within the continuous improvement and development plan.

  2. Participation in all committees within the unit with the aim of improving performance and developing all areas of work in the unit and the Faculty in its various programs.

  3. Participation in all quality work in various educational programs ,

  4. Receiving opinions, ideas and proposals aimed at improving and developing the performance of the unit and educational programs in the Faculty and formulating them in the form of executive plans for improvement and development.

  5. Submitting periodic reports on the implementation of improvement and development plans and all quality work in the Faculty .

  6. Active participation in preparing the self-evaluation study of the college’s programs in the case of program accreditation and the college’s self-evaluation study in the case of the college’s institutional accreditation.

Article ( 12 ) Financial aspects :

  • Unit resources : consist of :

  1. What is allocated to the unit annually from the university’s resources based on the decision of the unit’s board of directors and the approval of the college council to carry out the unit’s activities and achieve its strategic mission and objectives and the Faculty’s strategic mission and objectives .

  2. Any new resources that do not conflict with the regulations and regulating laws .

  • Unit expenses :

     Spending on quality activities is made in accordance with the proposals of the unit director and the approval of the unit’s board of directors, or what is approved by the Faculty council from the funds allocated to the unit in accordance with the rules regulating that , and includes :

  1. Expenses for the unit’s physical equipment .

  2. Expenses for implementing quality practices and activities related to accreditation standards issued by quality assurance bodies .

  3. Quality consultants’ fees And external reviewers to review course and program descriptions.

  4. Fees for applying for accreditation from quality assurance bodies and follow-up visits after accreditation .

  5. Expenses for training courses, workshops, conferences and seminars .

  6. Participation in education exhibitions and quality conferences .

  7. Rewards for experts who are used to provide technical support and internal reviews at the Faculty level based on the proposal of the unit director and the approval of the Chairman of the Board of Directors .

  8. Expenses for preparing studies, research and reports in the field of quality assurance at the level the Faculty .

  9. Operating supplies, including publications, papers, ink, stationery and stationery tools , etc., for the unit .

  10. Travel of the unit manager Or one of its members to represent the unit in meetings, seminars, forums, conferences, workshops and training courses inside and outside Yemen .

  11. Other questions why New work related to quality activities .

Article ( 1 3 ) Entry into force of the regulation :

  • The provisions of these regulations shall be effective from the date of their approval by the Unit Board of Directors and the College Council no Permissible Procedure any amendment on her unless after consent council administration Unit And a council the Faculty .

Article ( 1 4 ): Governing Laws :

  • Unless a specific text is mentioned in this regulation, the rules contained in the laws and regulations governing it shall be applied .

  • apply Provisions Laws And regulations the public While did not Respond Like him text private in This is amazing Regulations .

Organizational Structure of the Unit

Speech of the Vice Dean for Quality and Academic Accreditation

Since its establishment in 1982, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences – Sana’a University has been considered the ideal Faculty for those seeking integrated biomedical programs, as its primary focus in its programs is on the application of advanced scientific and practical methods and the scientific and intellectual training of the student to enable him to carry out various roles in society and deal with all variables effectively. High efficiency, the Faculty grants bachelor’s degrees in 8 specializations: medicine and surgery, laboratory medicine, nursing, anesthesia, prosthetic limbs and prosthetic devices, therapeutic nutrition, physical therapy, radiology and diagnostic imaging. The Faculty offers distinguished educational programs that qualify its graduates to work in the health field and compete in the market. Working whether in the government sector, the private sector, or in civil society organizations, and making them capable of creativity in the fields of education, innovation in scientific research, and contributing to achieving sustainable development of society.

In an effort to achieve the mission and objectives of the Faculty, the Quality Assurance Unit was established by decision and equipped in accordance with the reference standards and provided with the necessary financial resources to carry out its tasks. The Quality Assurance Unit is considered part of the integrated quality system at Sana’a University. The structure of the unit was formed and approved in accordance with the organizational structure of the Faculty, and a regulation was drawn up. Internal to the unit in accordance with the mission of the unit and the Faculty and ensuring the sustainability of quality performance until we were able to obtain the national programmatic academic accreditation for the Medicine and Surgery program in the year 2023, as well as the programmatic academic accreditation for the physical therapy program, and we seek to obtain national and international accreditation for the rest of the programs in succession. In the year 2024, we are also working to obtain international academic accreditation for the Medicine and Surgery program within the plan of the unit, Faculty, and university to obtain national and international accreditation for all its programs in the near future


         Prof \Ahmed Mohammed Mujahid Al-Qudsi

   Vice Dean for Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation