د. وليد احمد قاسم الدبعي
البيانات الشخصية:
الاسم: وليد احمد قاسم الدبعي
تاريخ الميلاد : 14/1/1970م
الجنسية: يمني
العنوان: شارع الثلاثين -شملان
تلفون :733872358
الايميل: w.aldubai@su.edu.ye
بكالوريوس في الطب المخبري من كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية جامعة صنعاء عام 1996م
ماجستير في الكيمياء الحيوية من كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية جامعة صنعاء عام2002 م
دكتوراه في الوراثة الخلوية من كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية جامعة صنعاء عام 2010م
اللقب العلمي : استاذ في الكيمياء الحيوية
محاضر في الجامعة واستشاري مختبرات طبيه
المؤتمرات والورش:
1-حضور المؤتمر اليمني السعودي الثالث لأمراض المناعة والحساسية ، 29 أبريل – 1 مايو 2008 ، كلية الطب ، جامعة صنعاء
2-حضور عدة مؤتمرات طبيه
3- المشاركة في ورش الجودة و الابحاث
البحوث والأوراق العلمية:
خمسة عشر بحثا علميا منشورا في مجلات علمية عالمية ومحليه-1
1-Al- Ghazaly J, Al-Dubai W, Al-Jahafi AK, Abdulah M, Al-Hashdi A .Cyclosporine monotherapy for severe aplastic anemia: a developing country experience.Ann Saudi Med. 2005 Sep-Oct;25(5):375-9.
2-W. Al-Dubai, M. AL-Habori, A. Al-Geiry. Human khat (Catha edulis) chewers have elevated plasma leptin and nonesterified fatty acids. Nutrition Research,(2006) Volume 26, Issue 12, Pages 632-636
3-Al- Ghazaly J, Al-Selwi AH, Abdulah M, Al-Jahafi AK, Al-Dubai W, Al-Hashdi A. Pattern of haematological diseases diagnosed by bone marrow examination in Yemen: a developing country experience. Clin Lab Haematol. 2006 Dec;28(6):376-81.
4-Jameel Al-Ghazaly, Waled Al-Dubai, Munasser Abdullah, Altaf Al-Mahagri, and Leila Al-Gharasi.Characteristics of Sickle Cell Anemia in Yemen.Hemoglobin. (2013), volume 37 (1)1-15.
- Waled A Al-Dubai , Jameel A Al-Ghazaly , Molham A Al- Habori , Fairouz K Alshowafi , and Badria A Whole blood Lead ,Zinc, Copper, and Selenium in children with Down syndrome.SUJMS, (2013) volume 5(1)59-64.
- Jameel Al-Ghazaly, Waled Al-Dubai, Munasser Abdullah, Altaf Al-Mahagri, and Leila Al-Gharasi. A Ten Year Descriptive Study of Adult Leukaemia at Al-Jomhori Teaching Hospital in Sana’a, Yemen.YJMS,(2104) volume 8:6-12
- Al-Dubai W., Al-Ghazaly J., Al-Habori M., Saif-Ali R., Mohammed A. (2014): Catha Edulis (Khat) Chewing Decreases Serum Levels of Iron, Ferritin and Vitamin B12 and Increases Folic cid, International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research,Volume 84, Number 5 – 6:223-228
- Jameel Al-Ghazaly and Waled Al-Dubai (2016). The clinical and biochemical characteristics of Yemeni adults and children with visceral leishmaniasis and the differences between them: a prospective cross-sectional study before and after treatment. Tropical Doctor, Vol. 46(4) 224–231.
- Al-Ghazaly J., Al-Dubai W., Abdullah M., Al-Gharasi L (2017). Hematological Characteristics of Yemeni Adults and Children with Visceral Leishmaniasis. Could Eosinopenia be a Suspicion Index? Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis , 9(1): e2017056
- Jameel Al-Ghazaly1 , Zayed Atef1 and Waled Al-Dubai (2019). Pattern and causes of anemia in Yemeni patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 66-7.
- A. Saber, W.A. Al-Dubai, Z. H. Al-Hammudi, Z. A. Atef (2019). Effect of Metformin on Complete Blood Count, Serum Level of B12, Folic acid, and Calcium in Patients with Diabetes type 2. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume: 6 Issue: 13, 457-462.
- Al-Ghazaly J, W Al-Dubai, Y Noaman, M Abdullah, L Al-Gharasi, G Rosti. (2019).Outcome of Imatinib treatment in Yemeni patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and the influence of non-adherence to treatment and duration of prior hydroxyurea therapy.Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia, S2152-2650(19)32166-4
- Al-Dubai WA, Al-Dubai SS(2021). Reference Values of Biochemical Parameters in Serum of Yemeni Children with Down Syndrome. Annals of Medicine & Health. 3(1):1–4.
- Waled A. Al-Dubai , Jameel A. Al-Ghazaly, Sami S. Al-Dubai, Najlaa Z. Amer (2021).Patterns of autoimmune diseases among Yemeni children with Down syndrome.SUJMS , Vol 15| Issue (1).
- Ekram Al-Eryani , Nadal Numan , Waled Al-Dubai , Twfik Al-Busaili (2021).The diagnostic value of anti-mullerian hormone and follicular stimulating hormone in polycystic ovary syndrome patients.SUJMS , Vol 15, Issue. (2).
تسعة كتب -2
1- Medical biochemistry I,II, III
2-Clinical Chemistry
3-Total quality management in medical laboratory
4- Molecular Biology and medical genetics
6-Body fluids and urinalysis.
7-Interpretation of lab data