
محمد عبد الواحد  يوسف المريش

استاذ مشارك

البيانات الشخصية:

الإسم               : أ.م.د. محمد عبد الواحد  يوسف المريش

رقم الجوال         :       777590437  أو   774443375  (967+)

بريد إلكتروني      :



  • أستاذ مشارك بقسم الدم – كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية , شغلت العديد من المناصب الاكاديمية عميد كلية الطب المخبري جامعة 21 سبتمبر وكذلك نائب عميد كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية جامعة عمران وحاليا رئيس قسم الدم . عضو مجلس الاعتماد ومقيم خارجي معتمد ولدى مجموعة من الابحاث العلمية المنشورة.


  • دكتوراة فى علم المناعة الجزيئية – -جامعة الإسكندرية- مصر
  • ماجستير في علم المناعة الطبية -جامعة الإسكندرية- مصر بتقدير (بتقدير أمتياز
  • بكالوريوس مختبرات طبية – جامعة صنعاء بتقدير (إمتياز مع مرتبة الشرف)


  • أستاذ مشارك- بقسم الدم – كليٌة الطب والعلوم الصحٌة – جامعة صنعاء.
  • عميٌد كلٌة الطب المخبري جامعة 20سبتمبر
  • نائب عميٌد كلٌية الطب – جامعة عمران
  • رئيس قسم الدم – كلٌية الطب والعلوم الصحٌة- جامعة صنعاء
  • عضو لجنة تقييم كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية للاعتماد الاكاديمي ( توصيف البرنامج و المقررات الدراسية بشعبة الطب المخبري بالكلية .
  • مقيم خارجي معتمد لبرامج الطب المخبري مجلس الاعتماد الاكاديمي وضبط الجودة

المؤتمرات والورش:

  1. الدورة التدريبية في المراجعة الخارجية مجلس الاعتماد وضمان الجودة 11-16- 2022 م
  2. ورشة عمل دراسة إستقراء سوق العمل لبرنامج الطب المخبري –كلية الطب جامعة صنعاء 2-1-2002 م
  3. Regional Workshop (Quality Assurance in Education and Distance Learning: Requirements, Challenges and Hopes). UNESCO and RCQE . 17-18 Aug. 2020.
  4. Innovation in E-Learning ” 14 Dar Aloom University. july 2020. Virtual meeting.
  5. National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) – Undergraduate Laboratory Medicine Program. Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance.( 2019.
  6. Workshop in the Preparation of Medical laboratory Standards. Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance in Yemen ( Dec. 2014.
  7. Workshop in the Preparing of the Academic specification Program. Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance in Yemen ( Sana’a University. 2013.
  8. Workshop in the Ethics of Health Care Practices and Research. Faculty of Medicine and health sciences. Sana’a University. 15-16th , June 2013
  9. The 4 the Quality Assurance and Laboratory Management, Clinical Pathology Dep., Faculty of Medicine , Alexandria University,January,2009.
  10. The 29 th. Annual conference of Faculty of Medicine,  Future Medicine, Accrediation and Quality Assurance Training ( workshop), Faculty of Medicine , Alexandria University, 14 May,2008.
  11. The 2 nd . Quality Assurance and Laboratory Management, Clinical Pathology Dep., Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, November, 2006.
  12. Workshop on Quality Assurance and Laboratory Management, Clinical Pathology Dep., Faculty of Medicine , Alexandria University,September,2005.
  13. The 2nd Laboratory Medicine Conference 20 -23 March 2021- Sana’a.
  14. Graft Versus Host Disease Challenges” Monday 14 December 2020. Virtual meeting.
  15. Updates on Hemophilia Management” Wednesday 07 October 2020. Virtual meeting
  16. Waldenstrom Disease Management” Wednesday 28 September 2020. Virtual meeting.
  17. Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis” Monday 07 September 2020. Virtual meeting.
  18. World Leukemia Day. 04 September 2020. Virtual meeting.
  19. From Idea to Market: A Journey Towards Commercialization ” July 9, 2020. King Khalid Univsrsity.
  20. Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma” . Saudi Society of Blood Disorders 15 July 2020. Virtual meeting.
  21. International Day of Blood Donation. Saudi Society of Blood Disorders. 14 Jun 2020
  22. The 1st Laboratory Medicine Conference. Jan 2020- Sana’a.
  23. The American Society for Microbiology. ASM Virtual Lectures on Infection and Prevention Control in Central Medicine & New Medical Applications of Microorganisms. Sana’a 2017.
  24. The 1st Scientific Meeting for Medical Laboratories. University of Science & Technology. Sana’a. 2016.
  25. The 1st. International Conference for Medical Researches. 1st ICMR. 48 Medical Model Compound. Sana’a. 2015.
  26. Biorisk Management Training Course for the official laboratory staff of Sana’a Taiz and Hudiedah Governorates –Yemen. Yemen Biosafety Association & Relief International, Taiz, June 2014.
  27. Workshop in Developing Unified Zoonosis Diseases ‘Curriculum for University Undergraduate Education. . Relief International. Sana’a, April 2013.
  28. Workshop in Developing Unified Zoonosis Diseases ‘Curriculum for University Undergraduate Education. Relief International. Sana’a, October, 2013.
  29. The 5 th Annual conference on Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine. Medical Syndicate – Egypt. May
  30. The 15th . Annual conference of Medical Research Institute on Advancesin Medical Research ( From molecular medicine ….to clinical applications), Alexandria, Egypt, October, 2009.
  31. The 4th. Annual conference on Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine, Egypt Medical Syndicate, May, 2009.
  32. Workshop on Applications of Molecular Biology Techniques in Immunology , Medical Technology Center, Alexandria, Egypt, February, 2009.
  33. The 17 th Allergy Day.Integrated & Interactive Allergy Diagnosis & Therapy, Alexandria, Egypt, April, 2009.
  34. The 3 th . Annual conference on Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine, Egypt Medical Syndicate, May, 2008.
  35. The 8 th . Annual conference on Autoimmune Diseases Update  , Egypt Medical Syndicate,April,2008.
  36. The 29 th Annual conference of Faculty of Medicine,  Future Medicine, Stem Cell Application  (workshop), Faculty of Medicine , Alexandria. University, 16 May,2008.
  37. The 13 th Annual conference of Medical Research Institute on Advances in Medical Research ( Liver Diseases), Alexandria, Egypt, November, 2007.
  38. The 12 th . Annual conference  on Role of Lab in Clinical Emergencies. Clinical Pathology Dep. Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, May, 2007.
  39. The 11 th . International Egyptian-French Conference of Immunology and Molecular Biology, seminar & workshop on  (Stem Cell Therapy), Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt, November, 2007.
  40. Training course on Basic Cardiac Life Support, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, August,2007.
  41. The 2 nd. Annual conference  on Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine , Egypt Medical Syndicate,May,2007.
  42. Workshop on Stem Cell , Clinical Pathology Dep., Faculty of Medicine , Alexandria University,June,2006.
  43. Conference of Allergy Facts: Theory & Clinical Practice, Alexandria, Egypt, June, 2005.
  44. Workshop on Principles of Scientific Research, Medical Technology Center, Alexandria, Egypt, April, 2005.
  45. Workshop on Basic Diagnostic Immunology, Medical Technology Center, Alexandria, Egypt, July, 2005.
  46. The 38 th.  Annual conference of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, The Egyptian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology & Alexandria Society of Allergy, Alexandria, Egypt, February, 2005.
  47. The 27 th. Annual conference of The Egyptian Society of Hematology, December, 2005.
  48. 3 The 11 th. Annual conference of Medical Research Institute on EVIDANCE- BASED MEDICINE, Alexandria, Egypt, November, 2005.

البحوث والأوراق العلمية: