ملهم علي حمود الحبوري
أستاذ دكتور
البيانات الشخصية:
- أستاذ دكتور ملهم علي حمود الحبوري
- أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية السريرية
- قسم الكيمياء الحيوية والبيولوجيا الجزيئية
- كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية – جامعة صنعاء
- هاتف: +967 733740379
- البريد الإلكتروني: malhabori@su.edu.ye
ألأستاذ دكتور ملهم الحبوري – أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية السريرية في قسم الكيمياء الحيوية والبيولوجيا الجزيئية ويشارك بنشاط في كل من البحث العلمي والتدريس لطلاب الطب البكالوريوس وطلاب الدراسات العليا. وتتركز اهتماماته البحثية على مرض السكري من النوع 2 ومقاومة الأنسولين ومتلازمة التمثيل الغذائي والسمنة. وشغل الأستاذ الدكتور الحبوري العديد من المناصب الأكاديمية بما في ذلك عميد كلية الصيدلة و عميد كلية الطب بالجامعة.
الدرجة العلمية | السنة | الجامعة |
دكتوراه كيمياء حيوية طبية | 1989-1992 | كلية الطب ، جامعة نيوكاسل أبون تاين ، نيوكاسل أبون تاين ، المملكة المتحدة |
ماجستير كيمياء حيوية سريرية | 1988-1989 | كلية الطب ، جامعة نيوكاسل أبون تاين ، نيوكاسل أبون تاين ، المملكة المتحدة |
بكالوريوس كيمياء حيوية | 1985-1988 | كلية العلوم البيولوجية ، جامعة كيل ، كيل ، المملكة المتحدة |
- اللجنة التوجيهية للاعتماد أكاديمي – كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية سبتمبر 2014 – حتى تاريخه
- عميد كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية مارس 2007 – يوليو 2012
- عميد كلية الصيدلة نوفمبر 2001 – مارس 2007
- مدير مركز التعليم الطبي – كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية فبراير 2007 – يونيو 2012
- رئيس تحرير مجلة جامعة صنعاء للعلوم الطبية ( (SUJMS سبتمبر 2004 – يوليو 2012
- نائب عميد كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية يونيو 2000 – أكتوبر 2001
- رئيس قسم الكيمياء الحيوية والبيولوجيا الجزيئية أكتوبر 1994 – يونيو 2000
- محكم في العديد من المجلات العلمية الدولية
المؤتمرات والورش:
البحوث والأوراق العلمية:
Scientific Publications: |
Peer-reviewed Original Scientific Papers:
- Al-Absi B, AL-Habori M, Saif-Ali R. Plasma lipocalin-2 and adiponectin are affected by obesity rather than Type 2 diabetes mellitus per se. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2021; 14: 4547-4556.
- Al-Zubairi D, AL-Habori M, Saif-Ali R, Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and its metabolic characteristics among Yemeni Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2021; 14: 4223-4232.
- Ahmed F, AL-Habori M, Al-Zabedi E, Saif-Ali R. Impact of triglycerides and waist circumference on insulin resistance and β-cell function in non-diabetic first-degree relatives of Type 2 diabetes. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2021; 21: Article no. 124.
- Saif-Ali R, Kamaruddin NA, AL-Habori M, Al-Dubai SA, Wan Ngah WZ. Relationship of metabolic syndrome defined by IDF or revised NCEP ATP III with glycemic control among Malaysians with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2020; 12: 67-73.
- Abdullah K, AL-Habori M, Al-Eryani E. Ramadan intermittent fasting affects adipokines and leptin/ adiponectin ratio in Type 2 diabetes mellitus and their first-degree relatives. BioMed Res Int 2020; 2020: Article ID 1281792.
- Saeed W, AL-Habori M, Saif-Ali R, Al-Eryani E. Metabolic syndrome and prediabetes among Yemeni school-aged children. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2020; 13: 2563-2572.
- El-Shaibany A, AL-Habori M, Al-Maqtari T, Al-Mahbashi H. The Yemeni brown algae Dictyota dichotoma exhibit high in vitro anticancer activity independent of its antioxidant capability. BioMed Res Int 2020; 2020: Article ID 2425693.
- Mohammed M, AL-Habori M, Abdullateef A, Saif-Ali R. Impact of metabolic syndrome factors on testosterone and SHBG in Type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. J Diabetes Res 2018; 2018: Article ID 4926789.
- Lemieux A, Nakijima M, Saif-Ali R, AL-Habori M, Dokam A, al’Absi M. Anger, anxiety, and depressive affect as predictors of stress-induced cortisol production in khat and tobacco users. Addictive Behaviors 2018; 82: 195-201.
- Al-Nuzaily MA, Tash FM, Farid MT, AL-Habori M, Boshnak H, Abdelaal H. Asymmetric dimethylarginine (Adma): A novel marker of endothelial dysfunction in hyperthyroidism. J Blood Disord 2017; 4(1): 1043.
- Haber M, Mezzavilla M, Bergstrom A, Prado-Martinez J, Hallast P, Saif-Ali R, AL-Habori M, Dedoussis G, Zeggini E, Blue-Smith J, Spencer Wells R, Xue Y, Zalloua PA, Tyler-Smith C. Chad genetic diversity reveals an African history marked by multiple Holocene Eurasian migrations. Am J Human Genetics 2016; 99: 1316-1324.
- Bayoumi R, De Fanti S, Sazzini M, Giuliani C, Quagliariello A, Bortolini E, Boattini A, AL-Habori M, Al-Zubairi AS, Rose JI, Romeo G, Al-Abri A, Luiselli D. Positive selection of lactase persistence among people of Southern Arabia. Am J Phys Anthropol 2016; 161(4): 676-684.
- Issa FH, AL-Habori M, Chance ML. Khat (Catha edulis Forsk) and its effect on anti-malarial chemotherapy. Sultan Qaboos Univ. Med. J. 2016; 16(2): e182-188.
- El-Shaibany A, AL-Habori M, Al-Massarani S, El-Gamal A, Al-Ajami A, Al-Adhl A. Hepatoprotective effect of Pandanus odoratissimus L. inflorescence extracts in Acetaminophen-treated guinea pigs. Trop J Pharm Res 2016; 15(2): 1319-1326.
- El-Shaibany A, AL-Habori M, Al-Tahami B, Al-Massarani S. Anti-hyperglcaemic activity of Tribulus terrestris L aerial part extract in glucose-loaded normal rabbits. Trop J Pharm Res 2015; 14(12): 2263-2268.
- El-Shaibany A, AL-Habori M, Al-Massarani S, Al-Adhl A, Michalsen A. Hypoglycaemic activity of Acalypha fruticosa Forssk extracts in normal rabbits. Trop J Pharm Res 2015; 14(8): 1319-1326.
- Al-Dubai W, Al-Ghazaly J, AL-Habori M, Saif-Ali R, Mohammed A. Catha edulis (Khat) chewing decreases serum levels of iron, ferritin and vitamin B12 and increases folic acid. Int J Vitamin Nutr Res 2014; 84: 223-228.
- Al-Hamodi Z, AL-Habori M, Al-Meeri A, Saif-Ali R. Association of adipokines, leptin/adiponectin ratio and C-reactive protein with obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Metab Syndrome 2014; 6: 99(14 September).
- Al-Mamary M, AL-Habori M, Al-Zubairi A. The In vitro antioxidant activity of different types of palm dates (Phoenix Dactylifera) syrups. Arabian J Chem 2014; 7: 964-971.
- al’Absi M, Nakijima M, Dokam A, Samaei A, Alsoofi M, Khalil NS, AL-Habori M. Concurrent tobacco and khat use is associated with blunted cardiovascular stress response and enhanced negative mood: A cross-sectional investigation. Human Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2014; DOI: 10.1002/hup.2403.
- Al-Mamary H, El-Shaibany A, AL-Habori M, Al-Meeri A, Al-Zubairi A, Al-Mamary M. Effect of Catha edulis on the activities of early detection enzymes in chemically–induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rabbits. Int J Cancer Res 2014; 10(1): 1-13.
- Al-Dubai WA, Al-Ghazaly JA, AL-Habori M. Whole blood lead, zinc, copper and selenium in children with Down syndrome. Sana`a Univ. J. Med. Sci. 2013; 5(1): 59-64.
- Nakajima M, al`Absi M, Dokam A, Alsoofi M, Khalil N, AL-Habori M. Gender differences in patterns and correlates of khat use and smoking. Nicotine & Tobacco Res 2013; 15(6): 1130-1135.
- al`Absi M, Khalil N, AL-Habori M, Hoffman R, Fujiwara K, Wittmers L. Effects of chronic Khat use on cardiovascular, adrenocortical and psychological responses to stress in men and women. American J on Addictions 2013; 22(2): 99-107.
- Al-Abri A-R, Al-Rawas O, Al-Yahyaee S, AL-Habori M, Al-Zubairi AS, Bayoumi R. Distribution of the lactase persistence-associated variant alleles – 13910*T and – 13915*G among the people of Oman and Yemen. Human Biology 2012; 84(3): 271-286.
- Al-Shoaibi Z, Al-Mamary M, AL-Habori M, Al-Zubairi A, Abdulwahab SI. In vivo antioxidative and hepatoprotective effect of palm date fruits (Phoenix Dactylifera). Int J Pharmacol 2012; 8(3): 185-191.
- Al-Eryani E, Dughish M, Hommad AA, AL-Habori M. Variations of plasma zinc, copper, and hemoglobin in Yemeni pregnant women chewing and non-chewing khat. Egyptian J Biochem Mol Biol 2012; 26(suppl.): 243-256.
- Al-Eryani E, Dughish E, AL-Habori M. Estimation of plasma levels of zinc, copper and selenium in Yemeni khat chewer women. Bull Egyptian Soc Physiol Sci 2012; 32(2): 245-254.
- Al-Nood HA, Bazara FA, Al-Absi R and AL-Habori M. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among male blood donors in Sana`a city, Yemen. Oman Med J 2012; 27(1): 45-48.
- Bongard S, al`Absi M, Khalil NS and AL-Habori M. Khat chewing and trait anger: Effects on affect regulation during acute stress. European Addiction Res 2011; 17(6): 285-291.
- Motaleb FA, Eissa S, Tash F, AL-Habori M, Al-Eryani EF. Diagnostic value of urinary CK-20 RNA and VEGF in bladder cancer. Egyptian J Biochem Mol Biol 2011; 29(2): 311-326.
- Al-Taiar A, Assabri A, AL-Habori M, Azazy A, Algabri A, Alganadi M, Whitty CJM and Jaffar S. Socio-economic and environmental factors important for acquiring non-severe malaria in children in Yemen: A case control study. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg 2009; 103: 72-78.
- Al-Hakimi S, Dughish M and AL-Habori M. Environmental lead and its impact on children`s health in Sana`a city, republic of Yemen: A pilot study. Med J Cairo Univ 2009; 77(1): 197-206.
- Dughish M, AL-Habori M and Al-Zabedi E. Plasma zinc and copper levels among Yemeni khat chewers. Egyption J Biochem Mol Biol 2008; 26(suppl.): 586-594.
- Jumaan R, AL-Habori M, Al-Matari N, Al-Adeeemi A and Ba-Raheem F. Vitamin D deficiency among 10-17 years Yemeni school girls of Al-Wehda district in the municipality of Sana`a. Med J Cairo Univ 2008; 76(2): 13-21.
- Al-Taiar A, Jaffar S, Assabri A, AL-Habori M, Azazy A, Algabri A, Alganadi M, Attal B and Whitty CJM. Who develops sever malaria? Impact of access to health care, socioeconomic and environmental factors on children in Yemen: A case control study. Trop Med Int Health 2008; 13(6): 1-9.
- Jumaan R, AL-Habori M, Ba-Raheem F, Al-Matari N and Al-Adeeemi A. Anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia among 10-19 years school girls of Al-Wehda district in the municipality of Sana`a. Sana`a Univ. J. Med. Sci. 2006; 3(1-2): 24-41.
- Al-Dubai W, AL-Habori M and Al-Geiry A. Changes in plasma leptin, non-esterified fatty acids and lipid in human khat (Catha edulis) chewers. Nutr Res 2006; 26(12): 633-636.
- Al-Taiar A, Jaffar S, Assabri A, AL-Habori M, Azazy A, Al-Mahdi N, Ameen K, Greenwood BM and Whitty CJM. Severe malaria in children in Yemen: A two site observational study. BMJ 2006; 333(7573): 827-832.
- AL-Alemi M, El-Shaibany A, AL-Habori M and Al-Mamary M. In vitro screening for antiplasmodial activity of extracts of selected Yemeni medicinal plants. Egyptian J Appl Sci 2006; 21(10A): 36-45.
- Shaiban M, Al-Mamary M and AL-Habori M. Total antioxidant activity and total phenolic contents in Yemeni smoked cheese. Malaysian J Nutr 2006; 12(1): 87-92.
- Al-Mamary M, AL-Habori M, Al-Shoaibi Z and Shamsan B. Nitrosamine formation from different Catha edulis leaves extracts under simulated gastric condition. Food Chemistry 2006; 97(4): 586-590.
- Kassem A, AL-Aghbari A, AL-Habori M and Al-Mamary M. Evaluation of the potential antifertility effect of fenugreek seeds in male and female rabbits. Contraception 2006; 73(3): 301-306.
- Al-Mamary M, AL-Shoaibi Z, El-Shaibany A, and AL-Habori M. Effect of Catha edulis on iron absorption in relation to the types of phenolic compounds and their content. Sana`a Univ J Med Sci 2005; 2(2): 25-34.
- AL-Alemi M, AL-Habori M and Al-Mamary M. In vitro screening for Antibacterial activity of extracts of selected Yemeni medicinal plants. Sana`a Univ J Med Sci 2004; 1(2): 1-9.
- AL-Aghbari A, Al-Thobhani A, Al-Mamary M, AL-Habori M, and Baker M. A Histopathological investigation of Catha edulis leaves: A long term feeding experiment in animals. Sana`a Univ J Med Sci 2004; 1(1): 8-15.
- AL-Habori M and AL-Mamary M. Long-term feeding effects of Catha edulis leaves on blood constituents in animals. Phytomedicine 2004; 11(7-8): 639-644.
- AL-Habori M, AL-Mamary M and AL-Meeri A. Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance and metabolic changes in the province of Sana`a, Yemen. Diabetes Res Clin Practice 2004; 65(3): 275-281.
- AL-Meeri A, AL-Mamary M, AL-Habori M and Ashour YM. Antioxidant activities and total phenolics of different types of commonly consumed fruits in Yemen. Egyptian J Biomed Sci 2003; 13:1-7.
- Ghaleb A, Al-Mamary M and AL-Habori M. Yield and major chemical components in fruits of wild Cactus Pear Var. (Opuntia ficus-indica) grown in Yemen. Ann Agric Sci Moshtohr 2003; 41(1): 193-198.
- Al-Zubairi A, AL-Habori M and Al-Geiry A. Effect of Catha edulis (Khat) on lipid peroxidation. J Ethnopharmacology 2003; 87(1): 3-9.
- Saif-Ali R, Al-Qiribi A, Al-Geiry A and AL-Habori M. Effect of Catha edulis on plasma glucose and C-Peptide in both type 2 diabetics and non-diabetics. J Ethnopharmacology 2003; 86(1): 45-49.
- AL-Habori M, AL-Aghbari A, AL-Mamary M and Baker M. Toxicological evaluation of Catha edulis leaves: A long term feeding experiment in animals. J Ethnopharmacology 2002; 83(3): 209-217.
- AL-Mamary M, AL-Meeri A and AL-Habori M. Antioxidant activities and total phenolics of different types of honey. Nutr Res 2002; 22(9): 1041-1047.
- AL-Mamary M, AL-Habori M, AL-Aghbari A and Baker M. Investigation into the toxicological effects of Catha edulis leaves: A short term study in animals. Phytotherapy Res 2002; 16(2): 127-132.
- Hassan FM, Abdelfattah EI, Al-Haj AA, Serwahm AA, AL-Habori M and El-Serafy TI. Assessment of serum tumor necrosis factor-α and α-fetoprotein in HCV-related chronic liver disease patients. Suez Canal Univ Med J 2001; 4(2): 159-171.
- AL-Mamary M, AL-Habori M, AL-Aghbari A and Al-Obeidi A. In vivo effects of dietary Tannins on rabbit digestive enzymes and mineral absorption. Nutr Res 2001; 21(10): 1393-1401.
- AL-Habori M, Raman A, Lawrence MJ and Skett P. Effect of Fenugreek extracts on intestinal sodium dependent glucose uptake and glycogen metabolism. Int J Experimental Diabetic Res 2001; 2(2): 91-99.
- Attef OA, Farah FH, Mohamed MI, AL-Habori M, Awadh NA and Ali AA. Effect of khat chewing on Tetracycline bioavailability: in vitro and in vivo investigations. Yemen Med J 2000; 3(2): 89-99.
- AL-Aghbari A, AL-Mamary M and AL-Habori M. Cholesterol concentration of blood plasma and egg yolk as well as the major nutritional components of egg yolk in laying hens as influenced by dietary fenugreek. Egyptian J Appl Sci 1998; 13, 51-60.
- AL-Habori M, AL-Aghbari A and AL-Mamary M. Effects of Fenugreek seeds and its extracts on plasma lipid profile: a study on rabbits. Phytotherapy Res 1998; 12: 572-575.
- AL-Mamary M, AL-Habori M and AL-Aghbari A. Effects of different levels of fenugreek on plasma and egg cholesterol in laying hens. Egyptian J Appl Sci 1997; 12: 1-9.
- AL-Aghbari A, AL-Mamary M and AL-Habori M. Effect of housing systems and age on plasma and egg cholesterol. Egyptian J Anim Prod 1996; 33: 479-484.
- AL-Habori M. Direct control of K uptake and water by insulin independent of glycogen deposition. Yemen Medical J 1996; 2: 16-19.
- Agius L, Peak M, Beresford G, AL-Habori M and Thomas T. The role of ion content and cell volume in insulin action. Biochem Soc Trans 1994; 22: 516-522.
- Peak M, AL-Habori M and Agius L. Regulation of glycogen synthesis and glycolysis by insulin, pH and cell volume: interactions between swelling and alkalinization in mediating the effects of insulin. Biochem J 1992; 282: 797-805.
- AL-Habori M, Peak M, Thomas T and Agius L. The role of cell swelling in the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by insulin. Biochem J 1992; 282: 789-796.
- AL-Habori M, Peak M and Agius L. Cytochalasins potently inhibit glycogen synthesis in hepatocyte cultures by an indirect mechanism. Biochem Soc Trans 1991; 19: 1125-1127.
- Agius L, Peak M and AL-Habori M. What determines the increase in liver cell volume in the fasted-to-fed transition: glycogen or insulin? Biochem J 1991; 276: 843-845.
- Conference Proceedings (refereed):
- AL-Habori M. Plasma levels of interleukin-6, homocysteine, C-reactive protein, and leptin in type 2 diabetes patients. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin Biochem 2009; 46(Suppl 1): 64.
- AL-Habori M. Adiponectin, leptin and C-reactive protein in type 2 Diabetes and obesity. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin Biochem 2008; 45(Suppl 1): 80-81.
- AL-Habori M. Evaluation of serum growth hormone and leptin in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin Biochem 2007; 44(Suppl 1): 78-79.
- AL-Habori M. Leptin and lipid metabolism related hormones in chronic renal failure. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin. Biochem. 2006; 43(Suppl 1): 78-79.
- AL-Habori M. Homocysteine levels in relation to thyroid function tests in hypothyroid patients. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin Biochem 2006; 43(Suppl 1): 32.
- AL-Habori M. Maternal plasma leptin levels and their relationship to insulin and glucose in gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational impaired glucose tolerance. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin Biochem 2004; 41(Suppl 1): 88.
- AL-Habori M. Hypercholesterolaemia and associated metabolic changes in the province of Sana`a, Yemen. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting. Annals Clin Biochem 2002; 39(Suppl 1): 68-69.
- AL-Habori M, Raman A and Lawrence MJ. Effect of Fenugreek extracts on intestinal glucose uptake in vitro. Am Soc Pharmacognosy 1997; 188.
- Invited Reviews:
- Al-Motareb A, AL-Habori M, Broadley KJ. Khat chewing, cardiovascular diseases and other internal medical problems: The current situation and directions for future research. J. Ethnopharmacology 2010; 132(3): 540-548.
- AL-Habori M. The potential adverse effects of habitual use of Catha edulis (Khat). Expert Opin Drug Safety 2005; 4(6): 1129-1138.
- AL-Habori M. Macromolecular crowding as an intracellular signaling mechanism of cell volume regulation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2001; 33 (9): 839.
- AL-Habori M and Raman A. Anti-diabetic and hypocholesterolaemic effects of fenugreek. Phytotherapy Res 1998; 12: 233-242.
- AL-Habori M. Microcompartmentation, metabolic channelling and carbohydrate metabolism. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 1995; 27: 123-132.
- AL-Habori M. Cell volume and ion transport regulation. Int J Biochem 1994; 26: 319-334.
- AL-Habori M. Mechanism of insulin action, role of ions and the cytoskeleton. Int J Biochem 1993; 25: 1087-1099.
- Peer-reviewed Book Chapters:
- AL-Habori M and Raman A. Pharmacological properties of Trigonella foenum graecum. In: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles (Petropoulos, G.A. ed.), Taylor & Francis, London and New York, 2002; pp. 162-182.
+967 733740379