
T.Maha Muhammad Abdullah Al-Hakimi

Personal data: Name: Maha Muhammad Abdullah Al-Hakimi

Nationality: Yemeni

Place and date of birth: Yemen: Sana’a 1/21/1987

Marital status: Married

Email: Qualifications:Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication: Sana’a University: Faculty of Mass Communication: Department of Journalism Master’s Diploma in Media, Specializing in Journalism (2017-2018) Master’s degree in Journalism from Petra University of Jordan (under discussion) Practical experiences: Teaching assistant at the College of Mass Communication: Department of Journalism: Sana’a University (2010 – present) Press editor at the press office of the Yemeni News Agency: Saba (2005-2010) Independent journalist Participations and training courses: A training course in the field of (TV and radio production), Sana’a, April 2014, organized by the Freedom Foundation for Media Rights, Freedoms and Development. Workshop on (Foundations of Investigative Journalism) Sana’a: March 2015, (ARIJ Network for Investigative Journalism) I participated in the first media training course in the field of (news editing) during the period 12/24/2005 AD – 12/28/2005 AD Faculty of Media: Sana’a University I participated in the second media training course in the arts (investigation, reconnaissance, dialogue) organized by the Union????? During the period 4/26/2006 – 4/27/2006 I participated in the project (Qualifying Female and Male Students of the College of Media) at the Yemeni Women Media Forum in the following courses: (News and press reports, journalistic survey and investigation, television dialogue and press interviews, preparing documentaries, language skills and the art of public speaking, field coverage of events, electronic media and web page management. And other courses)

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