
Malek Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed Abdulrahman

Sample CV for faculty members at Sana’a University (English)

Personal Information:

  • Name: Malek Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed Abdulrahman
  • Residence: Sana’a -Shamlan
  • Place and date of Birth: Taizz, 18-10-1992.
  • Nationality: Yemeni
  • Email address:


Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

 I started studying Elementary school at Aljounid school, Al-Misrakh district, Taizz governorate and then completed preparatory and secondary school at Al-Noor school in the same district. I registerd at the department of Earth and Environmental Science at Sana’a university in the academic year 2011-2012 and finish my Bachelor degree in 2015, I obtained the first grade on the batch with total grade excellent with honor. I started working as a demonstrator in the department at the beginning of 2016. I enrolled in Mater program of 2016-2017 at Earth and Environmental Science, and my appointment decision at Petroleum and National Resources faculty was made in 16-11-2021 by University’s President.



  • (2009-2007) High School Degree in Scientific Department, Al-Noor School, Taiz, Yemen.
  • (2012-2015) Bachelor’s Degree in Geology (Geophysics & Hydrogeological), Faculty Of Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen, with grade excellent with honor.
  • (2016-2017) Pre-Master Year at Geophysics and Hydrogeology in Earth And Environmental Sciences Department.
  • Many courses in high English diploma and many training courses.


  • Demonstrator in Earth & Environment Science Department, Sana’a University, Yemen.
  • Many geophysical investigations for groundwater and geotechnics by using electrical resistivity methods.
  • Water engineer at Water quality monitoring program in the National Water Resources Authority.
  • Analyzing and interpretation of geophysical data by using many software.
  • Writing working and academic reports and programs evaluation.
  • Private teaching of scientific objects for secondary school’ students- English part.