IMG-20210707-WA0024 (1)

مروى خالد العريقي


General Information
 Email:
 Mobile: +967-772005303
 Nationality: Yemeni
 Marital Status: Single
 Residential: Al-quds Street, Sana’a, Yemen

o Strong knowledge in matters of occupational health and safety regulations and environmental protection.
o Capacity for environmental risk management and assessment
o Solid knowledge in developmental issues and advocacy
o Knowing the basics of Community research and participatory rapid appraisal (PRA)
o Ability to deal with all community groups and community committees and participation
o Excellent personal and interpersonal skills in communication and team relations.

Pre- Master of Geology Division (Geophysics and Hydrology) 2020
Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources Sana’a University, Yemen

Diploma of English( Upper Intermediate) 2020
Center of Translation and Languages Teaching Sana’a University, Yemen

Bachelor of Geology
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences Sana’a University, Yemen 2016

High School – Scientific Department 2011
Sana’a, Yemen

– I worked in archiving at the Social Fund for Development.
– I worked as a supervisor in road projects and implementation with Zawiya Contracting and Engineering Company
– I worked as a volunteer in the Community Cohesion Promotion Project and had experience – in monitoring and analysing community issues, I worked out awareness sessions for groups of society – responsible for follow-up and evaluation in Jusoor organization For peace and coexistence.
– I worked as a trainer in the Civil Reinforcement Network.
– Attendance at the Earth, Energy and Environment E3 Conference (virtual) University of Marietta, University of Houston on (8-9 November 2021)
– Attendance at the Second Arab Safety Conference (virtual)Arab Institute of Safety Sciences on(23-25 September 2021 )

Training Courses
 Personal Training Courses
 (23 August,2021) Hazard Recognition and Risk Assessment, (Alison) –Online Training.
 (19 August,2021) Risk Management, (Kaya),(Humanitarian Leadership Academy) –Online Training.
 (1 August,2021) SFD OHS101: The Principles of Environmental and Social protection and Safety , from SFD Online Training.
 (16 September,2020) ISO 45001:2018 – Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, (Alison) –Online Training.
 (24 August,2020)Introduction to Health and Safety in the Workplace (Kaya),(Humanitarian Leadership Academy) –Online Training.
 (18-27 February, 2019) in Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) and formation of committees within the youth programme (Ruawfd) The rate of 54 training hours in the Social Fund for development, Sana’a – Republic of Yemen.
 (2- 17 February, 2019) course qualify for youth development and humanitarian activities (concepts and basic principles in development) within the program (Ruawfd). The rate of 84 hours in the Social Fund for development, Sana’a- Republic of Yemen.
 (1st -31st, Oct 2016) Mini Master Business Administration (Mini MBA ) (Excellent Grade), Counsel For Training & Human Development Sponsored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Yemen.
 (December 24th ,2015 – January 7th,2016) Comprising planning profile, preparing a resume, Yemeni Remote Sensing and GIS center, Sana’a – Republic of Yemen.
 (May 7th – 22nd ,2017) Preparation of professional trainer (TOT), Fekrah Zone for training and consultancy, Yemen.
 Computer and software Training courses
 (5-23 February,2019 ) pass the application software on the computer (Windows –Word- Excel- Access- Power Point- Internet) 99% degree and distinction at the rate of 42 hours. Financing of (Social Development Fund) erected in Center (consulting & Development), University of science and technology, Sana’a- Yemen.
 (March7-May16, 2017) International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), Center (SRCDC), Yemen.
 (October 8th,2015) Internet research skills and library contents, Research and Studies center, Sana’a University – Republic of Yemen.
 Specialist Training Courses
 (4th -20th , Nov, 2016) Training course in Petrel Introduction course, Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (Data Bank Development project), Yemen.
 (Jan 1st ,2016) Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), Yemeni Remote Sensing and GIS center, Sana’a – Republic of Yemen.

 (December 26th,2015 – January 10th ,2016) Comprehensive geology and geophysicist Specialist software courses, Yemeni Remote Sensing and GIS center, Sana’a – Republic of Yemen:
o Geology & Geophysics Petrel
o Interactive petro physics(IP)
o Surfer Program

• (August 24st –September20th ,2013) chemical analysis method and the use of atomic absorption and XRF instruments executed in the Geological Survey and Minerals Resources Board during Sana’a – Republic of Yemen .

• (11mon- 29th, August, 2014) minerals and description of rocks executed in the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources, Sana’a – Republic of Yemen.

Technical Skills
 Microsoft office (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint)
 Perfect Searching Skills on the E-mail / web
 Internet Research

Organizational Skills
 Ability to adapt with new situation and environment.
 Written and oral communication skills.
 Strong time-management and teamwork skills.
 Good skills at doing scientific research using World Wide Web.
 Excellent persuasion skills
 Fast learning
 Excellent speed to accomplish any responsibility or work
 Ability to work multi-culture environments
 Crafting skill and writing reports
 Skill of problem analysis

 Arabic: Mother tongue
 English: V. Good in speaking, reading, and writing