
أ.د. محمد عبدالله الوصابي

Personal Information:

Name: Mohammed Abdullah Yahya Al-Wosabi

Professor of Geology

Department of Earth Sciences

College of Petroleum and Natural Resources

Sana’a University

Summary: (A brief profile Suحmmary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

I started my work at Sana’a University as a demonstrator in 1987 and I progressed in academic positions and got the rank of professor in 2012. My research interests are summarized in Carbonate Rocks (facies, diagenesis and depositional environments), Coastal environments, Litho & Biostratigraphy of Paleozoic & Mesozoic rocks in the Arabian Peninsula and Geoheritage.


  • 2001: Sana’a University, Ph.D. (Through a channel system with Cairo University, Egypt).
  • Dissertation title: Stratigraphical and Sedimentological Studies on the Amran Sequence East Sana’a District, Yemen Republic.
  • 1993: Sana’a University, M.S.
  • Thesis title: Biostratigraphy of the Amran Formation (Middle-Late Jurassic) in the Republic of Yemen.
  • 1985: King Abdulaziz University, Earth Science Faculty, Petroleum Geology Department, B.Sc.
  • Graduate Project title: Petroleum Geological Study of Saudi Arabia Oil Fields.
  • 1969-1980: Elementary, Preparatory and Secondary schools: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


  1. Employment:
  • 2014 (Nov.) – 2017 (May): Consultant in the Department of Earth Sciences, College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Sultanate of Oman, Seven semesters:
  • 15/02/2017 – 18/05/2017
  • 31/08/2016 – 01/01/2017
  • 29/01/2016 – 26/05/2016
  • 01/09/2015 – 07/01/2016
  • 21/06/2015 – 16/07/2015
  • 19/02/2015 – 18/06/2015
  • 06/11/2014 – 22/01/2015
  • 26/6/2013–28/10/2014 Head of the issuance department of the graduation certificates, faculty of science students, The Distance Learning Center, Sana’a Univ.
  • Member of the Jury of the President’s Awards for Youth – Natural Sciences – Geology
  • 23/7/2012-28/10/2014 Head of the issuance department of the graduation certificates, Deanship of the Faculty of Science, Sana’a Univ.
  • 2012-Now: Professor of Geology, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DEES), Sana’a Univ.
  • Member of Faculty of Science Council (2008-2014).
  • 2006 (Dec.)-2012 (Aug.): Associate Professor, DEES, Sci., Sana’a Univ.
  • 2010: Preparing the proposal for establishment the Geopark in Arhab area, UNESCO, Cairo office.
  • 2008–2009: Coordinator of training program of OMV trainees, and instructor for sandstone and carbonate reservoir rocks in the program.
  • 2008-2012: Head of DEES, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
  • 2007–2009: Participate in the establishing of Permanent GPS stations in Sana’a, Socotra and Aden (Measuring the Crustal Deformation along the Red Sea Region).
  • Member of the DEES promotion committee (2006- 2014).
  • Evaluate the Promotion of many faculty members (2006-present).
  • 2005 (Sep.)–2006 (May): Consultant in Department of Earth Sciences, College of Science, SQU, Sultanate of Oman, Two semesters:

27/01 – 24/5/2006

30/8 – 28/12/2005

  • 2001(Sep.)-2006 (Dec.): Assistant Professor, DEES, Fac. of Sci., Sana’a University.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of Yemen Geological Society (YGS- Newsletter) (1998-2008).
  • Member of Technical Committee for the International Symposium on Red Sea- Gulf of Aden Tectonics & Sedimentation (Sana’a, Oct. 1995).
  • 1993-2001: Lecturer assistant in Geology Dept. Sana’a University.
  • 1987-1993: Demonstrator in Geology Dept. Sana’a University.
  • 1986: Teaching in Abd Al-Naser Secondary School, Sana’a.
  1. Teaching & Supervision:

2.1 Teaching

Teaching graduate (Sana’a Univ.) and undergraduate courses (Sana’a Univ., SQU, Hodeidah Univ. & Taiz University) since 1987 (nearly 35 years “Demonstrator – Professor”), some of these courses were taught more than once.


2.1.1 Sana’a Univ.:

Undergraduate Level: General Geology I, General Geology II, Carbonate Rocks, Sedimentation and sedimentary Rocks, Sedimentary Petrology, Geology of the Recent Sediments, Paleoenvironments, Stratigraphy, Geology of Yemen II “Sedimentary Cover”), Historical Geology, DEESertification, Invertebrate Paleontology, Micropaleontology, Petroleum Geology, Environmental Geology, Graduation projects.

­­Graduate Level: Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, Carbonate Rocks, Micropaleontology, Producing & Development of Oil Fields, Geology of Yemen and Arabian Peninsula.


2.1.2 SQU:

Undergraduate Level: Introd. Geology I (ERSC2101), Introd. Geology II (ERSC2102), Historical Geology ERSC2112, Geology for Education (ERSC2100), Palaeontology I “Principles of Paleontology” (ERSC2011) and Palaeontology II “Micropaleontology” ERSC3210.

2.1.3 Hodeida Univ.:

Undergraduate Level: Sedimentology, Marine Paleoenvironments, Micropaleontology, Invertebrate Paleontology and Graduation projects.


2.1.4 Taiz Univ.:

Undergraduate Level: Practical part of Paleontology, Historical geology and Rocks and minerals.

  1. Supervision of Research Works
  2. 1 Currently supervisor for the following Students:
  • Wafa Mujahed Al-Kadasi (Recent Benthic Foraminifera from Socotra Island; Systematic Classification and Environmental Significances. (Ph.D). “Supervisor”.
  • Reem M. Moamer (The Recent Foraminifera from the southern Part of the Red Sea, Yemen “A Taxonomic and Comparative Study”. (M.Sc). “Supervisor”.
  • Lina Hussain Al Yazidi (Sedimentological and stratigraphical studies on the Amran Group at Maswar Area). (M.Sc).Supervisor.


3.2 Previously supervisor/co-supervisor for the following MS/Ph.D. Students

  • Nada Sheikh Mola- Al-Dawila (An Assessment of Marine Pollution with Some Heavy Metals at Hadhramout Coastal Zone – Yemen); Ph.D. thesis, “Co-supervisor”.
  • Fahad Basardah (Systematic Classification of the Recent Benthic Foraminifera from Bir Ali Area, Shabwah Governorate, Arabian Sea, The Republic of Yemen) (M. Sc.), “Supervisor”.
  • Wafa Mujahed Al-Kadasi (Foraminiferal and Ostracodal assemblages from Socotra Island) (MSc.), “Supervisor”.
  • Ibrahim Al-Sayedi (Reservoir Characteristics of Kamal Oil field, The Republic of Yemen) (MSc.) “Co-supervisor”.
  • Mohammed Saeed Khalifa (Application of Graphic Correlation Technique on Paleocene – Early Eocene Benthic Foraminiferal Ranges, Rub’ Al-Khali Basin & Neighboring Regions) (MSc.) “Co-supervisor”.


3.3 MS & Ph.D. Examination Committee:

  • Chairman of thesis Examination committee of Wafa Al-Kadasi (Ms, Sana’a Univ.) 27/5/2012.
  • Chairman of thesis examination committee of Ibrahim Al-Sayedi (Ms, Sana’a Univ.) 16/5/2102.


3.4 Supervision: B. Sc. Graduation Projects:

  • Al-Ashmali, M.; Microfacies and Paleoenvironment analysis of the Carbonate Rocks, Amran Group at Jabal Khuzamir, Wadi Najr, Thula, Amran Governorate.
  • Mohammed, Ebaa; Microfacies, Paleoenvironments Interpretation, Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Potentiality of the Carbonate Rocks, Amran Group at Jabal Al-Balaq Al-Qibli, Marib Governorate, Yemen.
  • Hashem, Sh.; Microfacies, Paleoenvironments Interpretation, Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Potentiality of the Carbonate Rocks, Amran Group at Jabal Al-Balaq Al-Awsat, Marib Governorate, Yemen.
  • Al-Ammari, M., Microfacies and Paleoenvironments Interpretation of the Carbonate Rocks, Amran Group at Jabal Riyam and Jabal Al-Nadef, Arhab Area, Yemen.
  • Al-Noman, H., Diagenesis features of the Shuqra Formation at Jabal Al-Mahdad, Maswar Hajjah, Amran Governorate, Yemen.
  • Al-Yazidi, L., Microfacies analysis of the Shuqra Formation at Jabal Al-Mahdad, Maswar Hajjah, Amran Governorate, Yemen.
  • Abu Dunaif, S.; Microfacies analysis and Diagenetic features of the Carbonate Rocks, Amran Group at Jabal Al-Ain, Sa’adah Governorate, Republic of Yemen.
  • Khalifa, M.; Microfacies analysis and Diagenetic features at Jabal Ein Emran, Khamer area, Amran Governorate, Yemen.
  • Al-Fareh, M.; Microfacies and Biozonation of the Shuqra Formation (Middle Jurassic) at Hesn Kuhlan Area, Amran Governorate, Yemen.
  • Janbu, A.; Diagenesis features and Hydrocarbon potentiality of the Shuqra Formation (Middle Jurassic) at Hesn Kuhlan Area, Amran Governorate, Yemen.
  • Al-Qubati, B.: Foraminiferal distribution along the shorelines of Socotra Island.
  • Helal, H.: Foraminiferal distribution along the shorelines of Socotra Island.
  • Al-Muhaiia, M.: Foraminiferal distribution along the shorelines of Socotra Island.
  • Al-Shaikh, S.: Foraminiferal distribution along the shorelines of Socotra Island.
  • Al-MAhfadi, S.; Foraminiferal diversity at Broom area, Al-Mukalla, Yemen.

3.5 Development of Teaching Programs:

  • Participated in developing the DEES work plan, & stratigic plan, 2007.
  • Revised the Undergraduate program (2006-2010), DEES.
  • Participated in writing the General Geology for Teacher’s Institutes (Two Years after High School-Science & Math section), 2008.
  • Participated in writing curriculum for High Schools & Teatcher’s Institutes (Science/Geology) Section, 2008.
  • Evaluation of research proposals for Sultan Qaboos Unoiversity, 2007.
  • Participated in writing the syllubus of undergraduate courses, Dept. Earth Science, SQU (2006).
  1. Field Trips
  • 1987-Now: Organizer & leader of several field trips across the country “Yemen” including all rock units in Yemeni inland and some Yemeni Islands.
  • 2014-2017: Participate in a number of Geology Field Trips to the Carbonate Sequences of Wadi Muayden and Jabal Akhdhar, Sultanate of Oman.
  • 2006-2014: Organizer & leader of several field trips across Socotra Island.
  • Visited the Dino-Park Munchehagen, Germany (Sep. 2011).
  • Visited the Maastricht Musium for Natural Hisory, Maastricht, Netherlands (August, 2008).
  • Visited the Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands (August, 2008).
  • Visited the Dino-Park Munchehagen, Germany (August, 2008).
  • 2001-2014: Team leader of Fieldwork of many projects of Yemen Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Board.
  • 2006-2012: Team leader of fieldwork of the Dinosaurs fossils in Yemen, Arhab area, Sana’a Governorate. Yemen Geological survey and Mineral Resources Authority, Sana’a Univ, Maastricht Museum (Natherland) and Ohio Univ.(USA).
  • 2007: Team leader, fieldwork of the fossiliferous silicified woods, Sana’a and Dhamar Governorates. Yemen Geological survey and Mineral Resources Authority.
  • 2007: Team leader, fieldwork of the sedimentary part on the purpose map, Amran Governorate, Yemen Geological survey and Mineral Resources Authority.
  • 1980-1985: Participated with KAU in several field trips across Saudi Arabia including almost all the rock units in the country.
  1. Editorial board & reviewing papers
  • Evaluating several articles in the Arabian Journal of Geoscience (AJGS).
  • Evaluating some articles in the Journal of Sci. reserch & Technology (SQU).
  • Evaluating several articles in the Fac. of Sci. bulletin (Sana’a Univ).

Conferences and Workshops:

  1. Conferences:
  • The “First Scientific Webinar Series in Geology”, (Online, Jan 13th – 30th, 2021).
  • preparing and conducting a lecture entitled: “The Jurassic Park in Yemen: Observations and Evidences”, (Online, Jan 16th, 2021). The “First Scientific Webinar Series in Geology”, (Online, Jan 13th – 30th, 2021).
  • Preparing and conducting a short course entitled: Geology of Yemen (Sedimentary cover “Paleozoic Era and Mesozoic Era “Triassic& Jurassic”) (14-15 Jan, 2021). (Online, Jan 13th – 30th, 2021).
  • International conference on the Marine Environment of the Red Sea, 10-13 Nov., 2014, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • 12th Annual General meeting of the Friends of Soqotra, Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • The 13th annual meeting of Paleontological Socity of Egypt, 2013, Cairo.
  • The 11th annual meeting of Paleontological Socity of Egypt, 2011, Cairo.
  • Invited speaker; Dinosaur Tracks 2011. An International Symposium, Obernkirchen.
  • 2009: Goseong International Dinosaur Symposium.
  • 2008: Geology of The Arab World 9th Conference, Cairo University.
  • 2007 the 67th Annual meeting of the Society of Invertebrate Paleontology, Huston, USA.
  • The 7th annual meeting of Paleontological Socity of Egypt, 2007, Cairo.
  • The 5th annual meeting of Paleontological Socity of Egypt, 2005, Cairo.
  • Geology of The Arab World 7th Conference, 2004, Cairo University.
  • The Science Conference 2004, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Sana’a, Yemen Republic.
  • The Science Conference 2003, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Sayun, Yemen Republic.
  • The 3rd annual meeting of Paleontological Socity of Egypt, 2003, Cairo.
  • The Science Conference 2002, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Taiz, Yemen Republic.
  • The Science Conference 2001, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Sana’a, Yemen Republic.
  • The Science Conference 2000, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, Mukalla, Yemen Republic.
  • Geology of The Arab World 3rd Conference, 1996, Cairo University.
  • Rift Sedimentation and Tectonics in the Red Sea–Gulf of Aden Region, 1995, Sana’a.


  1. Workshops & Training:
  • Courses description, Graduate level, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources, 2021.
  • Courses description, undergraduate level, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources, 2020.
  • Academic Program Evaluation and Self –Assessment, British council, Sana’a, 2011.
  • Quality assurance in higher education (I), Education Devlopment Center, Sana’a University from (16-18 Nov. 2008).
  • Training in Environmental impact assessmsnt, Environmental management plan, Social framework agreement and traffic count, Rural access Project, Central Management Office, (March, 2004).
  • Initial National Communication Under United Nation Framework Convention of Climate Change (Workshop), (April, 2001).
  • National action plan to combat desertification; Ministry of agriculture and irrigation (Workshop), (November, 2000).
  • Training in Drilling and producing of oil with Arabian Oil Company Ltd., Al-Khafji, Saudi Arabia, (1984).

Research and scientific papers

  1. Research Publications

1.1 Papers in Preparation:

  • Microfacies Analysia and Paleoenvironments of the Jurassic Carbonate Sequence in Arhab Area, Sana’a Governorate.
  • Diagenesis of Carbonate Jurassic Rocks in Arhab Area, Sana’a Governorate.
  • Investigate and Review the Distribution of Jurassic Carbonate Rocks and their Depositional Environments in Yemen.
  • Review the Stratigraphical numenclatures of the Jurassic Carbonate Rocks in Yemen.

1.2 Published Works (Papers in Refereed Journals & Abstracts):

1.2.1 Research in Carbonates and Facies:

  • Al-Mikhlafi, A. S., Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Al-Aydrus, A. A. (2021): Late-Pleistocene hydroclimatic variability imprints over the coastal terraces of Yemeni Red Sea (YRS), SQU Jur. Sci. under review.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Al-Aydrus, A. A. (2011): Microfacies analysis and depositional environments of Tertiary carbonate sequences in Socotra Island, Yemen. Geological Bulletin of Turky, Vol. 54: (1-2), 57-80.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. A. and Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2011): Sedimentology and petrography of the Kuhlan Formation in Wadi Hajar, Hadhramawat District, South Yemen. Faculty of Science Bulletin, Sana’an University, Vol. 24.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Wasel S. (2011): Review of the Lithostratigraphic Subdivision of the Kuhlan Formation in the Republic of Yemen, Arab J Geosci, 4: 1323-1335.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2011): Comments on: “New age of the lower part of the Kuhlan Formation, Northwest Yemen” by M.H. Stephenson and S.Z.A.K. Al-Mashaikie, GeoArabia, Vol. 16, no. 1: 139-142.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Sa’ad Z. Al-Mashaikie (2006): Investigation of facies types and associations of Kuhlan Red Bed Formation in NW Yemen: A new hypothesis for origin and depositional environmnet, SQU Jur. Sci., 11 (2006) 11-38.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2006): Microfacies Analysis and Depositional Environments of the Shuqra Formation at Jabal Al-Mahdad, Maswar District, Yemen Republic. Delta Journal of Science, vol. 29.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2005): Stratigraphy of the middle-late Jurassic foraminifera in the western and northwestern regions of Sana’a basin, Republic of Yemen. Fac. of Sci. Bull., 18, p. 71-114.
  • Al-Subbary, A., Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Al-Mashaikhi, S. (2003): Petrography and diagenesis of siliciclastic redbed sequence, Kuhlan Formation, Northwest Yemen. Egyptian Jour. Geol. Vol. 47 (1), pp 329-341.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2002): Stratigraphic sequence in the Kuhlan affar Area, Hajjah District, Republic of Yemen. Bull. of Yemen Geol. Soc. No.22.
  • Al-Wosabi A., El-Anba’awy M. I. and Al-Thour K. A. (2017): Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous foraminiferal biozonation of the Amran Group, eastern Sana’a Basin, Yemen, Geologos Vol. 23 (2), 75–87.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. and Al-Aydrus, A. (2012): Microfacies analysis and Depositional Environments of Tertiary Carbonate Sequences in Socotra Island, Yemen, 12th Annual General meeting of the Friends of Soqotra, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic (Abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Al-Subbary, A. A. (2011): Microfacies analysis of the Oligocene – Miocene Mughsayl Formation in Socotra Island, Yemen. 11th Annual Meeting, Paleontological Society of Egypt (Abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2009): Microfacies analysis and depositional environment of the Shuqra Formation in the Republic of Yemen, The 9th annual meeting of Paleontological Socity of Egypt, 2009, Cairo (Abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2005): Microfacies analysis and depositional environment of the Shuqra Formation at Jabal Maswar, Hajjah District, Yemen Republic, the 5th annual meeting of the Paleontological society of Egypt, Cairo (Abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Sua’aidan, A. M., and Al-Mashdali, H. (2003) Microfacies analysis of the Idiyu Formation (Oligocene – Miocene) in Socotra Island, Republic of Yemen, the seventh GAW conference, 2004, Cairo University (Abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Sua’aidan, A. M., and Al-Mashdali, H. (2002): Microfacies and depositional environments of Carbonate rocks in Soqutra Island, Yemen Republic. Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, The Science Conference, Taiz. Republic of Yemen (Abstract).
  • Al-Thour, K. A., and Al-Wosabi, M. A., (1995): Burial diagenesis and tectonically control dolomitization in the Middle-Upper Jurassic carbonate platforms, Jabal Salab, Nihm area; Rift Sedimentation and Tectonics in the Red Sea–Gulf of Aden Region, Sana’a, Yemen Republic (Abstract).
  • Al-Thour, K. A., Al-Ganad, I. and Al-Wosabi, M. A., (1995): Marine burial and meteoric diagenesis of the Middle-Upper Jurassic carbonate platform (Amran Group), Sana’a region, Yemen Republic; Rift Sedimentation and Tectonics in the Red Sea–Gulf of Aden Region, Sana’a, Yemen Republic (Abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Al-Subbary, A. A. (2004): Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Amran Group, (Middle Jurassic-Earlymost Cretaceous) in sana’a region, Yemen Republic. 4th annual meeting of the Paleontological society of Egypt, Cairo (Abstract).
  • Al-Mashaikhi, S., Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2004): Tectonostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic clastic sequence of the Kuhlan Formation, NW Yemen, The Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, The Science Conference 2004, Sana’a, Yemen Republic (abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., El-Anba’awy, M. I. and Al-Thour, K., (2001): Biozonation of the Amran Group in Nihm District, Yemen, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, The Science Conference 2001, Sana’a (Abstract).

1.2.2 Research in Coastal Environments:

  • Zalat, A., Al-Wosabi, M., El-Sheekh, M. and Al-Subbary, A. (2020): New Record of Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) from Socotra Island, Indian Ocean, Yemen. Thalassas,
  • Mol Al-Dwila, N., Al-Wosabi, M. A., Nagi, H. and Al-Shwafi, N. (2018): Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Hadhramout Coast, Yemen. Adv Clin Toxicol 2018, 3(1): 000123.
  • Mol Al-Dwila, N., Nagi, H., Al-Wosabi, M. A., and Al-Shwafi, N. (2017): Assessment of Some Heavy Metals Pollution in Mollusca from Hadramout Coast, Yemen, International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research, Vol. 5(3), 41-52.
  • Mol Al-Dwila, N., Al-Shwafi, N., Al-Wosabi A. and Nagi, H. (2017): Assesment of some heavy metals in water and sediments from the Hadramout coast, Yemen, EWASH & TI Journal, Vol. 1 (3), 29-43.
  • Al-Shwafi, N., Al-Wosabi A., Nagi, H. and Mol Al-Dwila, N. (2017): Study on hydrographic properties in the coastal waters along Hadhramout coast of Yemen, University of Aden Journal, Natural and Applied Sciences, Vol. 21(1).
  • Al-Shwafi, N., Al-Wosabi A., Nagi, H. and Mol Al-Dwila, N. (2017): Assessment of heavy mineral poluution in the seawater of Hadhramout coastal area, Yemen. Hadhramout University of Natural & Applied Sciences, Vol. 14(1), 59-69.
  • Al-Wosabi A., Mohammed, M. A. and Basardah, F. M. (2017): Taxonomy and distribution of recent benthic foraminifera from Bir Ali Beach, Shabwah Governorate, Arabian Sea, Yemen. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, Vol. 60, 383-432.
  • Mohammed, M., Al-Wosabi, M. A., Dietmar Keyser and Al-Kadasi. W. M. (2012): Distribution and Taxonomy of Shallow Marine Ostracods from Northern Socotra Island (Indian Ocean) Yemen, Vol. 55, 149-170.
  • Zalat, A. and Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2011): Distribution of non-marine diatoms in surface sediments of streams in Socotra Island, Yemen. QScience Connect, DOI: 10.5339/connect.2011.3, P. 1-19.
  • Zalat, A. and Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2010): Preliminary investigation of diatom taxa distribution in recent surface sediments of Socotra Island (Yemen), Indian Ocean. Egypt. Jour. Paleontol., Vol. 10: 49-60.
  • Mohammed, M., Keyser, D., Al-Wosabi, M. A., Al-Khirbash, B. and Al-Qadassi, W. (2013): Taxonomy and distribution of fresh water Ostracoda from Socotra Island, Yemen. Revue de Micropaléontologie, Vol. 57 (1), 23-33.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Mohammed, M. A. and Al-Kadasi W. M. (2011): Recent foraminifera from Socotra Island, Indian Ocean, Yemen, Thamar University Journal of Natural and Applied Natural Sciences, Vol. A (4), 01-32.
  • Al-Wosabi, A. (2014): Diversity on the shorelines of Socotra Island, Yemen. International conference on the Marine Environment of the Red Sea, 10-13 November, 2014, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (abstract).

1.2.3 Research in Paleontology & Micropaleontology:

  • Nancy J. Stevens, Robert V. Hill, Mohammed Al-Wosabi, Anne Schulp, Mustafa As-Saruri, Fuad Al-Nihmey, Lea Ann Jolley, Yvonne Schulp-Stuip and Patrick O’Connor (2013): A middle Eocene mesoeucrocodylian (Crocodyliformes) from the Kaninah Formation, Republic of Yemen, Geologos 19, (3): 175–183.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Khalifa, M. S. and Khaiwka, M. H (2011): Application of Graphic Correlation Technique on Paleocene–Early Eocene Benthic Foraminifera, Rub’ Al-Khali Basin and Neighboring Regions, Arab J. Geosci, 4:607–623.
  • Anne S. Schulp and Mohammed Al-Wosabi (2012): Telling Apart Ornithopod and Theropod Trackways: A Closer Look at a Large, Late Jurassic Tridactyl Dinosaur Trackway at Serwah, Republic of Yemen. Ichnos, 19, (4):194–198.
  • Anne S. Schulp, Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Nancy J. Stevens (2011): A large tridactyl trackway from the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous of Yemen, International Symposium of tracksites, Obrenkirchen, Germany (abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M., Anne S. Schulp, Nancy J. Stevens and Al-Botaily, B. (2011): Dinosaur tracksites in Yemen, International Symposium of tracksites, Obrenkirchen, Germany (abstract).
  • Anne S. Schulp, Mohammed Al-Wosabi, Nancy J Stevens (2008): First Dinosaur tracks from the Arabian Peninsula. PLoS ONE, Vol.3, (5), e2243.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2009): Jurassic foraminifera from the Amran Group, Marib, Yemen, Egypt. Jour. Paleontol., Vol. 9, p. 75-103.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2003): Three new foraminiferal species from the Amran Group, Yemen Republic. Egyptian Journal of Paleontology Vol. 3; p. 87-90.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Anne S. Schulp, Nancy J. Stevens, Bashir Al-Butaily and Fuad Al-Nehmi (2007): Dinosaur tracks from the Amran Group (Upper Jurassic – lowermost Cretaceous) at Arhab, North Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, 7th annual meeting of the Paleontological society of Egypt, Cairo (abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. Al-Thour, K., and El-Anba’awy, M. I., (2001): Foraminifera as a tool to determine the age of the Amran Group in Nihm District, Yemen, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, The Science Conference 2001 Sana’a (abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, A. (2000): Arenaceous foraminifera from the Amran Group –Nihm Area– Republic of Yemen, Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation, The Science Conference, Mukalla, Yemen Republic (abstract).

1.2.4 Research in Geoheritage, Geoparks:

  • Al-Wosabi, M. and Al-Aydrus, A. (2015): Dinosaur footprint sites in Arhab Area: An aspiring Geopark in Yemen. Geoheritage, Geoparks and Geotourism, Springer International Publishing Switzerland; In E. Errami et al. (eds.), From Geoheritage to Geoparks, Geoheritage, Geoparks and Geotourism, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10708-0_12.
  • Ezzoura Errami, Gabi Schneider, Nasser Ennih, Hasina Nirina Randrianaly, Abderrahmane Bendaoud, Abdelmajid Noubhani, Nick Norman, Mamoon Allan, Lopo Vasconcelos, Luis Costa, Mohammed Al-Wosabi, Abdulkarim Al-Subbary, Percy Mabvuto-Ngwira, Gbenga Okunlola, Salisu Lawal Halliru, Lala Andrianaivo, Sophie Siby, Béatrice Ketchemen, Marcelle Gauly, Mohsen Hassine, Fawaz Azki, Tea Juliette, Kmar Lattrache, Monica Omulo, and Peter Bobrowsky (2015): Geoheritage and Geoparks in Africa and the Middle-East: Challenges and Perspectives. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, E. Errami et al. (eds.), From Geoheritage to Geoparks, Geoheritage, Geoparks and Geotourism, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10708-0-1.
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2011): Conservation and sustainable use of the Arhab tracksites, Arhab Area, Yemen, the First International Conference on African and Arabian Geoparks. Morocco (abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Anne S. Schulp, Nancy J. Stevens and Basheer Al-Botaily (2011): Dinosaur Tracksites in Arhab Area, Yemen. International Symposium of tracksites, Obrenkirchen, Germany, 2011 (abstract).
  • Al-Wosabi, M. A., Anne S. Schulp and Nancy J. Stevens (2011): Dinosaur Tracksites from the Upper Jurassic – earlymost Cretaceous of Arhab Area, Yemen. 11th Annual Meeting, Paleontological Society of Egypt (abstract).
  • Anne S. Schulp, Al-Wosabi, M. A., Abu Harrash, S., Al-Ganad, I., van den Broke, J. and Nancy J. Stevens (2009): A Jurassic Dinosaure tracksite in the Republic of Yemen. Goseong International Dinosaur Symposium (abstract).
  • Anne S. Schulp, Mohammed Al-Wosabi, Nancy J. Stevens (2007): The first dinosaur tracksite from the Arabian Peninsula, 67th Annual meeting of the society of vertebrate paleontology, Austin, USA (abstract)

1.2.5 General Topics:

  • Sakr, K., Abdel-Monem, S.m., Khalil, H.Mahmoud, S., Hamimi, Z., Al-Aydrus, A., Al-Subbari, A., Al-Kotbah, A., Al Ganad, I., Al-Gabary, A. and Al-Wosabi, M. A. (2005): A study of crustal deformation along the Red Sea Region using geodetic and seismic data from Egypt and Yemen. Acta Geophysics Polonica, Vol.53, No.1, p. 75-85.

1.2.6 Books (In Arabic Language)

  • أساسيات علم الأحافير، مكتبة الخليج للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، صنعاء، اليمن.

 Principles of Paleontology, Arabian Gulf Library for printing, publishing and distribution, Sana’a, Yemen.

  • مذكرات في الجيولوجيا التأريخية، مكتبة الخليج للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، صنعاء، اليمن.

Notes on Historical Geology, Arabian Gulf Library for printing, publishing and distribution, Sana’a, Yemen.

  • أسس صخور الكربونات؛ قيد المراجعة.

Principles of Carbonate Rocks, (in Revision)

  • جيولوجية الغطاء الرسوبي في اليمن، قيد المراجعة.

The Geology of the sedimentary cover in Yemen (In Revision)


  1. Unpublished Reports, Proposals, ….
  • 2013: Distribution of Recent Foraminifera along Socotra coastline, Al-Saeed Foundation Objectives.
  • 2011: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Seismic and Exploratory Drilling of Oil Exploration in the Block 82 Wadi Amed, MEDCO Yemen Amed Ltd 82, MEX for Environmental Study and Petroleum Services; “Team leader”.
  • 2011: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Seismic and Exploratory Drilling of Oil Exploration in the Block 83 Wadi Arat, MEDCO Yemen Amed Ltd 82, MEX for Environmental Study and Petroleum Services; “Team leader”.
  • 2010: Preparation of the proposal for construct the 1st Geopark in Yemen, UNESCO, Cairo.
  • 2010: The Distribution of Foraminiferal species along the Southern Red Sea Coastline and Their Environmental Significances, American Insatitute for Yemeni Studies (AIYS).
  • 2010: Biostratigraphic study of Kharir1-52 G1 Well, Block 10, Hadhramawt Governorate, Total Exploration and Producing Yemen (TEPY).
  • 2007: Cenozoic and Mesozoic Vertebrate Paleontology Research and Reconnaissance in the Republic of Yemen, a report submitted to the Yemen Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Board (YGSMRB)
  • 2005: Environmental impact assessment, Environmental management plan, Social framework agreement and traffic count of Qa’a Al Haql – Al-Khanaq road, Dhamar Governorate (Ministry of Public works and highways), ” Team leader”.
  • 2005: Environmental impact assessment, Environmental management plan, Social framework agreement and traffic count of Maswer district (Bait Othaqah – Bait Salah) road, Amran Governorate (Ministry of Public works and highways), “Team leader”.
  • 2004: Environmental impact assessment, Environmental management plan, Social framework agreement and traffic count of Al Masqah – Al Haqlain road, Ibb Governorate (Ministry of Public works and highways), “consultant and Team leader”.
  • 2001: Stratigraphical and sedimentological studies on the Jurassic Amran Sequence, East Sana’a District, Yemen, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of sciences, Sana’a University, 278pp.
  • 1999: An environmental assessment for Phase II of the future oil exploration work in block S1, Shabwa Governorate, Hariri and Associate, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • 1993: Biostratigraphy of the Amran Formation (Middle- Late Jurassic) in Yemen Republic, unpublished M. Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Sciences, Sana’a University, 129pp.
  • 14- 1985: Petroleum Geological Study of Saudi Arabian Oil Fields, unpublished report for B.Sc. Degree in Applied geology (Petroleum geology), Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, 83pp.