Ali Abdul Rasoul Hashem
Personal Information:
Name: Ali Abdul Rasoul Hashem
Date of Birth: 6/2/1959
Nationality: Yemeni
Marital status: Married
Adress: Dept. of Maths. Faculty of Science, Sana’a University
Tel: 711948472
Summary:(A brief profileSummary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
- A member of The Mathematical Consultancy Group (MCG), 2002- till now.
- A member of The Egyptian Mathematical Society, 1997-2001
- A member of The Egyptian & yemen brotherhood association
- Head of Dep. of Math. Faculty of Science, Sana’a University Yemen
23-9-2007 -2009.
5- A member of Math. Faculty of Science, Jazan University, KSA 2-9-2009 -13-8- 2014.
Ph.D. in Differential Equations, thesis titled “On Biomathematical
Models” Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar
University (Cairo) 2001.
M.Sc. in operation research, thesis titled “Integer Integer
Programming “ Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Sana’a University 1992.
B.Sc. Mathematics and Physics, Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen 1985.
- Professor, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University, Yemen.
- Teaching various mathematical courses.
2006-2015 Associated professor, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University, Yemen. Teaching various mathematical
2001– 2006 Assistant professor, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University, Yemen. Teaching various mathematical
- Teaching assistant, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University Yemen.
Conferences and Workshops:
10 Sep.- 5 Oct. 1990 The applications of non-linear evolution equations, Trieste – Ital.
April1995Modernizing of programs for teaching the fundamental
sciences using Computers & Information technology, Cairo – Egyp.
Research and scientific papers:
1- Basic Calculus, part 1, Mathematics Consultants Group, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University 2005 (2nd edition).
2- Basic Calculus, part 2, Mathematics Consultants Group, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University 2005.
3- Advanced Calculus Mathematics Consultants Group, Dept. of Math., Faculty of Science Sana’a University 2008.
After Assistant professor:
1- Ragab, A. A., and Hashem, Ali A.: On persistence and stability of a ratio- dependent predator-prey system. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci. Vol. 11, No. 1, (2000), 79-92.
2- Hashem, Ali A.: On the stability of a wet–land model. Korean J. Comput. And Appl. Math. Vol. 8, No. 3 (2001), 617-629.
3- Hashem, Ali A.: The gradostat: a model of competition with two limiting complementary substrates. Yemeni J. of Sci. Vol. 4, No. 1, (2002), 47-59.
4- Hashem, Ali A., and Al-Hoor, Amatalelah, A and M. A. Basudan: On some fundamental partial integral inequalities in two independent variables. Ain Shams
Univ. Press J. of the Faculty of Education 27, (2002), 453-462.
5- Bachir, Ahmed, and Hashem, Ali A.: Square normal operators and orthogonality. Sana’a University. J. Faculty of Science Bulletin Vol. 16, (2003), 35-40.
6- Hashem, Ali A., and Al-Hoor, Amatalelah, A., Hassan, Mohammad A.: Persistence in models of four interacting predator-prey populations. Sana’a University. J. Faculty of Science Bulletin Vol. 16, (2003), 19-34.
7- Hassan, Mohammad A, and Hashem, Ali A.: Admission planning using linear goal programming. Ain Shams Univ. Press J. of the Faculty of Education No.28, (2003), 29-37.
8- Bachir, Ahmed, and Hashem, Ali A.: Commutation Relations for Operators. Kyungpook Math. J. 44 (2004), 63-67.
After Associated professor:
1- Basudan M. A., Al-Hoor Amatalelah, A., Hashem Ali A.: On some partial ineqalities. Sana’a University. J. Faculty of Science Bulletin Vol. 19,Oct. (2006), 69-82.
2- Hashem Ali A.: Global stability for three-species Lotka-Volterra systems with delay.AJMMS. Vol.1, No.2, (2007), (accepted).
3- Hashem Ali A., Al-Hoor Amatalelah A.: On oscillation of second order differential equations. . Ain Shams Univ. Press J. of the Faculty of Education Science Section no.34,(2010),139-149 .
4- Hashem Ali A., Al-Hossain Abdullah Y.: On the effect of dispersal on the stability of predator-prey model. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Qassim Univ. J. of Natural Science and Math. (JNM) Vol.4, No. 2 (2010), 119-132.
5- Hashem Ali A., Abo-el-nour N. Abd-alla.: A mathematical model of stability and persistence in an interacting mutualism. IJMA-3(1),(2012),183-192.
6- Hashem Ali A., Slim Ben Rejeb: On stability of three interacting species Int. J. of Math. Analysis, Vol. 7, 2013, No. 10, 471-484
7- Hashem Ali A., I. Siddique: On prey-predator with group defense. Int. J. of Nonlinear Science Vol.15 (2013), No. 4, 291-295.
8- Hashem Ali A., I. Siddique: Two Habitats and a predator switching model with group defense.
Int. J. of development research Vol.4 Issue,2 (2014), pp.266-272.