عارف سعيد عقلان الحمادي
- ماجستير تربية النبات وعلم الوراثة ، 1991 ، 1993 (باكستان) ، دكتوراه في الوراثة النباتية 2001 (الهند)
- خبير ومستشار ومدرب في ضمان الجودة والاعتماد في التعليم العالي
- أستاذ : أكتوبر 2018 / التدريس والإشراف / الأحياء ، كلية العلوم / جامعة صنعاء ، صنعاء ، اليمن.
الوظائف والمسؤوليات السابقة في قسم الأحياء:
عضو اللجنة الأكاديمية بكلية العلوم 2019-
أستاذ مشارك – دورات تدريس في علوم النبات وعلم الوراثة (سبتمبر 2009 – أكتوبر 2018)
سكرتير مجلس قسم علوم الحياة (2003-2005).
عضو لجنة شؤون الطلاب ، كلية العلوم ، جامعة صنعاء (2001-2002) ، (2005-2006).
عضو اللجنة العلمية بقسم الأحياء
استاذ مساعد (2001-2009)
طالب دكتوراه 1997-2001
محاضر 1995-1996
العمل السابق
في التعليم العالي:
المناصب التي شغلتها اسم المؤسسة التاريخ (من – إلى) طبيعة العمل
مدير عام مجلس ضمان الجودة والتدريب والمراقبة للاعتماد وضمان الجودة مايو 2013 – يوليو 2018 مدرب ، مدير ، مقيم
نائب مدير مركز تطوير التعليم الجامعي ، جامعة صنعاء (فبراير 2011 – سبتمبر 2012 بدوام جزئي – المساهمة في تطوير كادر الجامعة ، البرامج الأكاديمية ، الدورات وتحسين التدريس وجودته
رئيس وحدة البرامج والدورات وتطوير التعليم الجامعي ، مركز تطوير التعليم الجامعي ، جامعة صنعاء 2008-2011
الدوام الجزئي – المساهمة في تطوير أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعة ، والبرامج الأكاديمية ، والدورات ، وتحسين جودة التدريس
تدريس المقررات
§ دورات الماجستير:
§ علم الوراثة الجزيئي المتقدم
§ علم الوراثة السكانية المتقدمة حتى عام 2012
§ الإحصاء الحيوي المتقدم
§ المهارات البحثية
§ دورات البكالوريوس:
§ مورفولوجيا النبات
§ تصنيف النبات فقط في عام 2002
§ علم الوراثة
§ الإحصاء الحيوي
§ بيولوجيا الخلية حتى عام 2006
§ البيولوجيا الجزيئية وعلم الوراثة
§ علم الوراثة السكانية حتى عام 2009
§ منظم نمو النبات وزراعة الأنسجة
§ مشاريع التخرج
الخبرة الإشرافية: 11 ماجستير. وطلاب الدكتوراه
الأبحاث والمنشورات
- 1. Abdul Wali A. AL-Khulaidi, Arif S.A. AL-Hammadi , Khaleelah D. Noman (2018) SPECIES COMPOSITION AND FLORISTIC DIVERSITY OF WEST TAIZ, YEMEN. international Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS) Vol 7 (4) : 461-479
- 2. Arif S. A. Alhammadi and Enas J. A. Alsanabani (2017) Observations on Traits Used as Indicators of Ploidy Levels in Plants in Two Varieties of Diploid Tomato. Thamar University Journal of Natural & applied Sciences A (7)59-66
- 3. Arif Saeed A. Alhammadi (2017) hpatv: a double mutant of tomato( Solanum lycopersicum) with high pigments content. Aden University Journal of Natural & applied Sciences 21:291-296
- 4. Muhammad Youssef, Arif Saeed Alhammadi, Jorge Humberto Ramírez-Prado, Lorenzo Felipe Sánchez-Teyer, Rosa Maria Escobedo-GraciaMedrano (2018) Remarks on genetic diversity and relationship of Punica protopunica and P. granatum assessed by molecular analyses. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution vol 65 :577–590
- 5. Arif S. A. Alhammadi and Marinus Kool (2013) Quality Assurance and Evaluation of courses and programs in Mathematics and Science teacher Education Reform in Yemen (MASTERY) pp166-182, Sana’a, Yemen.
- 6. Arif S. A. Alhammadi and Enas J. A. Alsanabani (2012) Salinity and nutrient effects on germination behavior of invasive and noninvasive Tagetes species. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 16:583-591
- 7. Alhadi Fatima A., Adnan A.S. AL-Asbahi, Arif S.A. Alhammadi, and Qais A.A. Abdullah (2012)The effects of free amino acids profiles on seeds germination/dormancy and seedlings development of two genetically different cultivars of Yemeni Pomegranates Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 8
- :114-137
- 8. Arif Saeed Aqlan Alhammadi (2010) Preliminary Survey of Exotic Invasive plants in Some Western and High Plateau mountains in Yemen Assiut University Bulletin For Environmental Researches.13:1-10
- 9. Alhammadi A. S. A.(2009) Exotic Invasive plants in some Western and High Plateau Mountains in Yemen . In Mountains of the World, pp59-64, Center for Environmental Studies and Research , Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
- 10. Alhammadi A. S. A and. Enaas J. A. Alsanabani (2008) A polyploidy level and invasions’ causes of Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae) in Yemen. Yemen J.Bio.Sci 4(2): 247-254
- 11. Alhammadi A S. A.(2008) Allelopathic effect of Tagetes minuta L. water extracts on seeds germination and seedling root growth of Acacia asak. Assiut University Bulletin For Environmental Researches. 11(1):17-24
- 12. Kothakonda K. K, P. Bauer , S. S Miduthuri , A. S. A. Al-Hammadi , R. P Sharma. ( 2006) Genetic characterization of the polycotyledon locus in tomato
- 13. Theoretical & Applied Genetics 113:673–683
- 14. Alhammadi, A. S.A ( 2005) Biotechnology and Biosafety priorities setting in Yemen in E-FORUM ON Modern Biotechnology; Technical and Policy Implications in the Near East and North Africa Region.. 1 SEPTEMBER- 10 OCTOBER 2005 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). http://www.escwa.org.lb/information/meetings/events/bio/docs/priorties.pdf (downloaded on December 21, 2005)
- 15. Alhammadi, A. S. A. (2005) Biotechnology and Biodiversity in Yemen: Attempt to Address the Risks. Economic and Social Impact of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Products on the Arab Word. Arab School for Science and technology, Damascus, Syria
- 16. Al-Hammadi, A. S.A., Yellamaraju Sreelakshmi, Sangeeta Negi, Imran Siddiqi, and Rameshwar Sharma (2003)The polycotyledon Mutant of Tomato Shows Enhanced Polar Auxin Transport Plant Physiology 133: 113–125, American Society of Plant Biologists
المؤتمرات والندوات
- § Arif Saeed Aqlan Alhammadi (2012) Saffron as economic alternative to qat and to preserve water and environment in Sustainable development in Taiz challenges and opportunities conference organized by Social fund for development,Taiz University and Alsaeed foundation for science and culture, Taiz 16-18 December 2012
- § Alhammadi A S. A Hanan, A. M. Saleem and Ameen A.S Alhakeemi(2010) The indigenous uses of plant biodiversity in Saber District, Taiz governorate, Yemen. The 7th Scientific conference organized by Yemeni society of Life sciences on 28-29 Sept. 2010, Sana’a Republic of Yemen
- § Arif Saeed Aqlan Alhammadi (2010) Tree Tobaco Nicotiana glauca New exotic invasive plant with many risks on enviroment and biodiversity in Yemen
- § 1st Annual International Conference – Ibb 2010 ‘Environmental Science & Technology’ August 1-3, 2010, Ibb city, Yemen
- § Abdul Karim Nasher and Alhammadi A S. ANational Efforts in Yemen (2009) second Biosafety and Biosecurity International Conference 2009 Healthier and more secure communities in the MENA region, April 2-3, 2009, Casablanca, Morocco
- § Alhammadi A S. A.(2009) Parthenium hysterophorus L. : A new noxious exotic weed with many risks on Yemen Environment. The first environment conference organized by faculty of applied sciences, Thamar University, Republic of Yemen, 18-19 March 2009.
- § Enaas J. A. Alsanabani and Arif S. A. Alhammadi (2008) Reproductive and phenotypic plasticity traits of invasive Tagetes minuta and non-invasive Tagetes erecta. Fifth scientific conference organized by Yemeni society of Life sciences on 22-23 November 2008, Mukala , Republic of Yemen
- § Alhammadi A S. A.(2008) Exotic Invasive plants in some Western and High Plateau Mountains in Yemen. International conference On: Mountains of the World – Ecology, Conservation and Sustainable Development. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 10 -14 February 2008
- § Enas J. A. Al-Sanabani and Arif S. A. Al-Hammadi (2008) Auto-toxicity and allelopathy of two Tagetes species (Asteraceae): A potential sources of natural herbicides. National conference on agricultural chemicals Sana’a 27-29 January 2008
- § Enas J. A. Al-Sanabani and Arif S. A. Al-Hammadi (2007) Germination Behavior of invasive and non-invasive Tagetes species fourth scientific conference organized by Yemeni society of Life sciences on 14-15 November 2007, Aden Republic of Yemen
- § Alhammadi, A. S. A. (2007) Plants’ Extract stimulates vegetative growth of Qat. The Fourth Scientific conference of Environment and Natural Resources organized by University of Taiz, 14-16 May 2007, Taiz Republic of Yemen
- § Alhammadi A. S. A (2007) hpatv: a double mutant of tomato Lycopersicon esculentum with high pigments content. International conference on: free radicals in biosystems. Organized by Kuwait University, Kuwait, 18-21March 2007
- § Alhammadi, A. S.A ( 2005) Biotechnology for environment friendly chemistry in Chemistry and industrial Development, Symposium organized by Faculty of sciences, University of Sana’a on 21-22 December 2005
- § Alhammadi, A. S.A And R.P Sharma ( 2005) Cotyledon Expansion in tomato: Genetic approach in Third Symposium organized by Yemeni society of Life sciences on 29-30 November 2005, Sana’a Republic of Yemen
- § Alhammadi, A. S.A ( 2005 ) Biotechnology and Biosafety priorities setting in Yemen in E-Forum on Modern Biotechnology; Technical and Policy Implications in the Near East and North Africa Region 1 September- 10 October 2005, organized by Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.
- § Alhammadi, A. S. A (2005) Biotechnology Uses in Plant Protection. Working paper, in Current Status of Plant Protection and Future Strategy in Yemen, Symposium organized by faculty of Agriculture University of Sana’a & Ministry of Agriculture. 9-11 May 2005, Sana’a Republic of Yemen
- § Fatima A. Alhadi and A.S.A Alhammadi (2005) Traffic activities and plants in Traffic and environment Symposium organized by Sana,a Municipality, EPA, and University of Sanaa on 7-10 May 2005, Sana’a Republic of Yemen
- § Anhar A. A. Yani and Alhammadi, A. S. A. (2005) Natural Genetic Variation in Two Landraces of Lentil from Sana’a Governorate. The Third conference of Environment and Natural Resources organized by University of Taiz, 3-5 May 2005, Taiz Republic of Yemen
- § Alhammadi, A. S. A. (2005) Biotechnology and Biodiversity in Yemen: Attempt to Address the Risks. Economic and Social Impact of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Products on the Arab Word. Workshop Organized By Arab School for Science and technology, 29-31 March Damascus, Syria
- § Alhammadi, A. S. A. (2004) Statement on biotechnology in Yemen. The first scientific forum on GMOs in Yemen: Science, Technology and Society. organized by The Yemeni Genetic Resources Center, IDDEALES, French NGO and Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation October 13 Th 2004
- § Alhammadi, A. S. A. and Enas J. A. Alsanabani (2004) Reliability of the indirect approach to ploidy level determination in tomato Lycoperscum esculentum
- § Sciences Conference 2004, Yemen Science Foundation, 11-13 October, Sana’a,Yemen
- § Alhammadi A. S. A. (2004) Multiple Fatherhood between Islamic Feqh (Juridical), cell biology, embryology and Genetics. The First Islamic Countries’ Legal Medicine Congress. Iranian Legal Medicine Organization, 23-25, June 2004, Tehran, Iran
- § Alhammadi , A.S . A (2003) Allelopathic Effet of Tagetes Minuta on Germination of seeds and seedling Growth of Acacia asak. Environment & natural recourses Conference, organized by University of Taiz , 6-8 May 2003. Taiz, Yemen
- § Alhammadi , A.S . A (2002) Allelopathic Effet of Tagetes Minuta on Germination of Amaranthus Ascendens and Sorghom Species. Sciences conference 2002, Yemen Science Foundation, 11-13 October 2002, Taiz, Yemen
- § Alhammadi , A.S . A and R. P . Sharma (1999 ) Isolation and Preliminary Genetic Characterization of Tomato Cotyledon Mutants. Life Sciences In the new millennium, Organized by School of Life sciences University of Hyderabad, December 1999, Hyderabad, India
- § Alhammadi, A.S.A and R.P Sharma (1999 ) Isolation and Preliminary Genetic Characterization of Tomato Cotyledon Mutants. Plant Signal Transduction, International conference organized by the International Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, 4-6 October 1999, New Delhi India
- § Alhammadi, A.S.A And R.P Sharma (1998) Isolation and characterization of cotyledon Putative mutants of tomato. New Trends in Plant biochemistry, National conference organized by the India Plant Biochemical Society,January 1998 University of Hyderabad India
تم تلقي التدريب
- § Workshop on Biorisk Management curriculum in Yemen Organised by International Biological Threat Reduction, Sandia National laboratories, Malaysia 01-04 March 2015
- § Global Biorisk Management Trainer Development program Organised by International Biological Threat Reduction, Sandia National laboratories, Jordan 11-18Aug2014
- § Workshop on biosecurity curriculum Development in Yemen Organised by International Biological Threat Reduction, Sandia National laboratories,,Adis Ababa 23-25Feb 2014
- § Workshop on Global Biorisk management curriculum courses Organised by Sandia National laboratories (International Biological Threat Reduction) Amman Jordan 16-20June 2013
- § Internship program on Quality Assurance in Higher education organized Malaysian Qualification Agency 3rd-11th September2013, Kualalumpur, Malaysia
- § Training of trainers of quality assurance in Yemen universities, training course organized by council for accreditation & quality assurance and Arab board for consulting and training on 6-10 April 2013, at council for accreditation & quality assurance, Sana’a, Yemen
- § The Maastrichat School of Management (MSM) Executive Program in Management specialized Training for Impact -TI June11-29,2012 Maastrichat School of Management MSM, Maastricht, Netherlands
- § Course on Research Methodology and practical Biostatistics designed and implemented by Ataturk University, Turkey Held at University of Science and technology, Sana’a, During 26-28 February 2011
- § Training Workshop on Quality Assurance (2), as part of the capacity building programme-MoHESR-NFP/YemenSponsored by Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Held at MoHESR, Sana’a, Yemen, 24-28 April, 2010
- § Workshop on Guidelines Document of programs development and improvement in Yemen Universities organized by MoHESR, Held at Sana’a Univeristy , Yemen, 7-8 April, 2010
- § Laboratory Manuals and practical work, MASTERY project Training Workshop: Held at Sana’a, 29-31 March 2010.
- § Consultative meeting and training workshop for leaders and specialists in development systems for quality improvement fund organized by Minstery of higher education, higher education quality improvement project (2) in Sana’a 26-28 January, 2010
- § Course on Writing Winning Proposals designed and implemented by MDF Training & Consultancy BV, Netherlands, Funded by MASTERY project Held at Sana’a, 08-11 November 2009
- § Workshop on Self-Evaluation and programme Specification Training Workshop Organized by British Council, Held at Sana’a University, 29-30 July 2009 Training Workshop Organized by British Council, Held at Sana’a University, 29-30 July 2009
- § Workshop on Building A word-class program Training Workshop Organized by British Council, Held at Sana’a University, 26-28 July 2009
- § Mastery Workshop on Problem Solving Course Training and Development Held at Sana’a University , 16–20 May 2009
- § Strategic Planning in Higher education 2 Training workshop organized by Mastery Project, Held at Sana’a University, April 30, 2009
- § Training for External Evaluators, Training Workshop designed by Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Held at Sana’a University, 27-28 January 2009
- § Training for Internal Evaluators, Training Workshop designed by Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Held at Sana’a University, 25-26 January 2009
- § Higher Education Quality Assurance, Training Workshop Organized by British Council, Held at Sana’a University, 1-3 December 2008
- § Quality Assurance and Evaluation in Higher Education1, MASTERY QA1 Training Workshop: Held at Sana’a University, November 16 – 18, 2008
- § Meetings Management Skills, Workshop Organized by University Education Development Center, Sana’a University, Held at Sana’a University 15-16 September, 2008
- § Tailar-made training and development program for the preparation of science and mathematics subject methodology courses at Sana’a, Thamar and Al_hodaidah universities. Held at the VU University in Amsterdam , The Nerherlands 18-29 August 2008
- § Training workshop on “Preparation of lessons and Interactive Lectures Using Multimedia” Organized by University Education Development Center, Sana’a University, July26-30, 2008
- § Strategic Planning in Higher education two days Training workshop organized by Mastery Project, Held at Sana’a University,12-13 July, 2008
- § Faculty Development Sessions, organized by Oregon State University English language Institute, as part of Oregon State University-Yemen Higher Education Development Project, Held at Sana’a University, May, 2008, (13 Hours)
- § Training Workshop on monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance as part of the capacity building programme-MoHESR-NFP/Yemen/06/7-2 Sponsored by Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Held at MoHESR, Sana’a, Yemen 10-15 May 2008
- § Training course on ” Principles of Molecular Biology” Organized by Biotechnology Lab., Genetics department, agriculture Faculty, University of Assiut University, Egypt 23-26 February 2008.
- § Academic Standards, two days Training workshop, organized by University Education Development Center, Sana’a University,8-9 July, 2007
- § Training course on ” Teaching at University level: Methods, Approaches, Teaching Technology and Evaluation”, Organized by University Education Development Center, Sana’a University, April 15, to May 6, 2007 (52Hours)
- § Eleventh Mastery workshop, Course Description Training, held at Sana’a University on 10-11 July 2007
- § Tenth MASTERY workshop, Low-cost equipment, held at Sana’a University on 24-26 April 2007
- § Ninth Mastery workshop, Course Development 2 , held at Sana’a University on 12 April 2007
- § Eighth Mastery workshop, Course Development , held at Sana’a University on 20-22 February 2007
- § Seventh MASTERY workshop, ICT, held at Sana’a University on 27-30 November 2006
- § Sixth Mastery workshop, (A working meeting) on Building New Programs based on the MASTERY Standards 14-16 November 2006 at Sana’a University
- § Fifth MASTERY Workshop, on Building New Teachers education Programs on the Standards 11-14 September 2006 at Sana’a University
- § Fourth MASTERY Workshop, New Science and mathamatics teachers education framework and Beyond, Held at Sana’a University 29May to 1June 2006
- § Third MASTERY Workshop, Towards the Framework for a New Teacher Education Programme in Science and Mathematics, Al-Hodeidah University 12-15 December 2005
- § Second MASTERY Workshop, Towards the Framework for a New Teacher Education Programme in Science and Mathematics, Thamar University, 12-15 September 2005
- § Risk assessments and managements of Genetically modified organisms, one day training workshop organized by Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and GEF/ UNEP as part of the National Biosafety Framework Project on 15 July 2005
- § Plant variety protection (legal protection using technical tools like DNA and other markers) international course organized by the international agricultural center Wageningen, Netherlands, 20 June to 1 July 2005
- § Plant genetic resources international course organized by international agricultural center Wageningen, Netherlands, 4- 18/ 2005
التدريب و الاستشارات
- Teaching Strategies, Training course for Teaching and assistant staff, faculty of Science, University of Sana’a, 28-29 August 2021
- · Review and development of Academic standards, workshop organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance, 4 January2021 (after 4 working review meetings)
- · Role, responsibilities and rights of faculty staff in quality assurance and accreditation, Arabic university for science and technology, Private university Sana’a, Yemen, 4-6 January2021
- · Programs and courses development of Seven programs , faculty of Science, University of Sana’a, the consultant and trainer of the teams,7-24 April , 2020
- · Strategic planning (Vision, mission, values, goals) faculty of Science, University of Sana’a, the consultant and trainer of the team,11-13 March, 2020
- · Quality assurance workshop as trainer for workshop1 “course description (ToT) Janury19th and 12st, 2020 Lebanese international university Sana’a
- · Self-assessment of academic programs “practical training course for staff at three universities in Seyoun university “ 1-6 July 2019- financed by Alown Foundation.
- · “Program specification” training workshop ” for teaching staff of faculty of Languages Sana’a University 2 October 2017
- · Coordination, preparation, implementation and training in practical workshop on “teaching and assessment strategies in medical education” for teaching staff of faculty of medicine Thamar University, financed by WHO on 30May to 1 June 2016.
- · Coordination participation, implantation and training in training and development aspects of quality assurance and staff, Program, courses and university education development in Sana’a University during 2008-2012
- · Trainer in training of staff development programs in Sana’a University, University Education Development Center, Sana’a University, during 2012- now
- · Training and facilitation of staff in chemistry department university of Taiz in development of courses description as part of word bank project in 3013 for new program development and quality assurance enhancement in some Yemeni universities (national facilitator)
- · Quality week in community colleges 15-19/03/2014 organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance
- · Quality weeks 2014 in Yemen public universities (1-Hadramout 2-Ibb, 3- Taiz,4- Hodidah and 5-Sana’a) organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance
- · Participated in all the workshops of the strategic plan development for Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance, from 2013-2014
- Participated inworkshop on performance indicators and presentation of Pakistan experience organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance, 29-30/3/2013
- · Quality weeks 2014 for Yemen private universities organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance 2014
- · Quality weeks 2013 in Yemen public universities(1-Damar , Ibb and Albidai, 2-Hodidah and Hajah,3-Hadramout 4- Sana’a) organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance
- · Assessors training organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance on 8-12/10/2013
- · Programs development experts training organized by Council for Accreditation
- & Quality Assurance on 8-12/3/2014
- · Assessors training second batch organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance on ………/2014
- · Programs development experts training organized by Council for Accreditation
- & Quality Assurance on second batch /2014
- § Quality Assurance and Evaluation in Higher Education 2, MASTERY QA2 Training Workshop: Held at Sana’a University,20-21 July 2009
- § Training and facilitation of staff in faculty of engineering and agriculture in university of Sana’a to develop quality assurance strategic plans 2014 organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance
أنشطة أخرى في مجال ضمان الجودة وتطوير البرامج الأكاديمية وتقييمها
§ Assessment of graduate and postgraduate programs in private universities in assessments visits organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance 2018 (As member of the committees, head of committees or representative of the council)
§ Assessment of postgraduate programs in private universities in assessments visits organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance 2017
§ Assessment of postgraduate programs in private universities as team member in primary assessments visits organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance 2014
§ Team member in Fellow up visits in to medical programs in Sana’a and Damar universities in visits organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance 2015
§ Team member in Fellow up visits in to 18 private universities in Sana’a to assess the performance in framework of performance indicators, organized by Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance 2015
§ Preparation of self assessment training module to train university staff to carry out self-assessment of academic programs 2014
§ Preparation of performance indicators and bench marking training module to train university staff to carry out assessment of academic programs ( with Dr Abdualtafi Mosealh) 2014
§ Preparation of good exams papers preparation training module to train university staff to carry out assessment of academic programs 2014
§ Review of number training module to train university staff to carry quality teaching and learning at university level.
اللغات :
العربية (اللغة الأم) : الكتابة : ممتازة / التحدث : ممتاز
الإنجليزية : الكتابة : ممتازة / التحدث : ممتاز (كانت دراساتي في البكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية في باكستان والهند ، بالإضافة إلى العديد من الدورات القصيرة في هولندا)