
T. Mohammed Zayed


Personal Information:

Name :Mohammed Mohammed Hassan Zayed

Tell :+967 771925552

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A person’s knowledge in any field is not complete until after combining both the academic track and the technical track together and trying to apply all the academic recommendations and principles in the technical aspect and reversing all technical problems to the academic aspect and try solve these issues or supporting them with research and taking advantage of the proposed frameworks in solving all technical problems. Based on this perspective, I worked as a database manager (DBA) at a private company, and during that period I tried hard to implement all the recommendations from the academic side in the practical technical aspect of principles and theories in protection and data mining and improving the performance of the database.


  • MSc Computer Science India 2011 Humdred University
  • Bachelor of Computer Science India 2009 Humdred University


-Database manager company – private 10 years

Teaching database management and other subjects for 10 years\


Research and scientific papers:

  • Ubiquitous Computing Environment: Literature Review -IEEE
  • Proposed Framework for implementing Cloud Computing in Yemeni Hospital-Springer
  • A Survey in IoT for Healthcare Applications-Springer
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