
dr.Abdulwase M. Obaid Alezzani

Associate Professor

Personal Information

Name :  Abdulwase M. Obaid Alezzani
Birth :  Yemen-Taiz-1971
Nationality :  Yemani
Marital status :  Married
Employer :  Sana’a University
Position :  Associate Professor
Address    Faculty of Computer & Information Technology (FCIT)

Sana’a University

Sana’a – Yemen

 Mobile : +967 771733453



  • D. in computer Science – Technology University – Information Institute For Postgraduate Studies – 2004, Baghdad. Ph. D. Thesis entitled:

“A proposed Block Cipher System Based on Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata”

  • Sc. In Computer Science – Department of Computer Science and Information Systems – Technology University – 2001, Baghdad. M. Sc. Thesis entitled:

“Information Hiding Based On Error-Correcting Codes”

  • Sc. In Mathematical/Computer– Faculty of Science – Sana’a University, Yemen– Jul. 1994.

Academic Experience

  • Instructive in Department of Mathematics/Computer, Faculty Of Science at Sana’a University from September 1996 to October 1997.
  • Assistance professor at Computer Science department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen, from June 2005 to Sep. 2012.
  • Assistance professor at Computer Science department, Faculty of Computer & Information Technology (FCIT), Sana’a University, Yemen, from Sep. 2007 to Feb. 2017.
  • Associate professor at Computer science department, Faculty of Computer & Information Technology (FCIT), Sana’a University, Yemen, from Feb. 2017 to Now.
  • Lecturer in Yemeni Special Universities.
  • The vice head of the committee for implementing the plan and design the courses programs and courses specification of the departments of the faculty of Computer and Information Technology, Sana’a University, Yemen, 2007.
  • I have been a member of a committee in workshop for the review and design courses of the software engineering, computer science, and information system programs of the computer and informatics department in the faculty of Science, 2007.
  • I have been a member of a committee in workshop for the review and evaluation the courses of the departments of the Faculty of the Computer and Information Technology, Sana’a University, 2009.
  • Vice Chairman of the technical team in the supervisory committee and the technical team to networking at Sana’a University, from 4 Jan. 2010 to Nov. 2010.
  • Member in the committee to prepare organizational regulations and special plans for the faculty of computer and information technology-Sana’a University, Feb. 2010.
  • I have been a participated in the activities of “Quality Week in Sana’a University”, Yemeni Council of Academic Accreditation and quality Assurance of High Education, 2-6 Feb. 2014.
  • Evaluate many of academic programs in public and private Yemeni Universities, appurtenant to Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research-Yemen and Yemeni Council of Academic Accreditation and quality Assurance of High Education.
  • I have been a participated in building and specification of academic programs and accreditation requirements.
  • A very good experience in building academic programs related to accreditation requirements.

Social Service

  • The head of the team for study and implementing the plan of the network of high community of election, Yemen, 2006.
  • I have been a member of a committee in workshop for the ministry of education to prepare a course about computer skills in a high diploma for school managers in Yemen in the year 2007.
  • I have been a member of a committee in workshop for the ministry of education to prepare a course about computer skills in a high diploma for school supervisors in Yemen in the year 2007.
  • I have been a member of a committee in workshop for the ministry of education to prepare a course about Introduction to computer in a high diploma for school social specialist in Yemen in the year 2007.
  • Member in the committee of the courses specification for the departments of the faculty of computer and information technology- Almehweet-Sana’a University.
  • Consultant in the Higher Education Quality Improvement Project, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research-Yemen, to development of course outlines and the development curricula of the computer science in Hajjah University, for years second, third, and fourth, from 2 January to 31 March 2013.
  • Supervisor of the testing process of electronic voter registration kits; from 12 Jun to 16 Jun 2013, Election High Committee.
  • Team leader and/or member in a team for computing programs specification to public and private Yemeni Universities include:
  • Prepare the computing programs specification document,
  • Prepare the computing programs curricula document,
  • Prepare the courses specification documents to computing programs,
  • Team leader and/or member in a team for computing programs evaluation in public and private Yemeni Universities.

Training Cycles

  • I have been a participated in the cycle of the International Training Programme for ICT directors of Yemeni Public Universities, Karlstad, Sweden, Oct. 27 – Nov. 11, 2008.
  • I have been a participated in many cycles appurtenant to center of academic development and quality assurance, Sana’a University.
  • I have been a participated cycle in the International Training Programme for ICT directors of Yemeni Public Universities (Planning & Management), Yemen, Aden, Apr. 14 – Apr. 28, 2009.
  • I have been a participated in the cycle of the International Training Programme for ICT directors of Yemeni Public Universities (Accounting), Yemen, Taiz, Jul 2010.
  • I have been a participated in the training program in
  • I have been a participated in the training program in “Training of Evaluators of Academic Programs”, Yemeni Council of Academic Accreditation and quality Assurance of High Education, from 28 Oct. to 1 Nov. 2017.

Administration Position Occupation

  • Vice Dean of computer center, Sana’a University from December 2006 to September 2007.
  • Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer & Information Technology (for the Academic Affairs & Higher Studies and Student Affairs), and computer center-Sana’a University, from 22 Sep. 2007 to 29 Jan. 2010.
  • Head of Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technology – Sana’a University, July 2008 to Jan. 2010.
  • Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer & Information Technology for the Student Affairs, from 30 Jan. 2010 to 22 May 2012.
  • Head of Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technology – Sana’a University, June 2014 to May 2015.
  • Vice Manager of computer center, Sana’a University from May 2015 to Dec. 2018.

Teaching Record since being assistant Professor (June 2005)

  • Master Science Lecturer in Computer Science department at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, Sana’a University.
  • Information Security:
  • Cybersecurity,
  • Data Security,
  • Computer Security,
  • Information Systems Security,
  • Network Security,
  • Cryptography (تشفير البيانات).
  • Data Structure and Algorithms.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture and Organization
  • Computer Programming Languages.


  • Hilal M. Yousif, Saad K. Majeed, and Abdulwase M. Alezzani, “Function Hiding Using Error-Correcting Codes”, Alrafidain University College For Sciences, First Workshop On Information Hiding Technologies, May 15th, 2002, Baghdad.
  • Sharaf A. Alhomdy, Dr. Abdulwase M. Al-Azzani, and Dr Ghaleb H. Al-Gaphari, ” Traffic Accidents Prediction Model”, International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology, & Security (IJCSITS) Vol5, No.1 Jan-Feb 2015,
  • Abdulwase M. Al-Azzani, Dr. Sharaf A. Alhomdy, and Dr Ghaleb H. Al-Gaphari, “An Arabic Text Summarization Model Based on LSA and Arabic Word Morphology”, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology (IJISET), Vol. 3 Issue 2, February 2016.
  • Abdulwase M. Alezzani and Hilal Mohammed Yousif Al-Bayatti “Cryptography Using Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata (3-D CA)”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN), Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2016.
  • Abdoulwase M. Obaid Al-Azzani, Ali Mohammed Afif, “Intrusion Detection System using Deep Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis”, IJCSMC, Vol. 10, Issue. 5, May 2021, pg.113 – 124, available at:
  • Abdoualwase M. Al-Azzani, Moammar. A. M. Rageh, Ghaleb H.Al-Gaphari, “A New Cryptography Scheme Based on Laplace Transform and a Substitution-Permutation Network”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 10, No. 10, July – August 2021, Available Online at


  • Arabic written and speak fluently.
  • English written very good and speak Pass.

Research areas of interest

  • Information Security:
  • Cybersecurity,
  • Data Security, Computer Security,
  • Information Systems Security,
  • Networks Security, And
  • Security Management.
  • Computer Science,
  • Text Information Processing.
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