Ahmed Ali Muhammad Al-Mansour
Personal Information:
- Name: Ahmed Ali Muhammad Al-Mansour.
- Academic degree: Associate Professor.
- Specialization: educational management and planning.
- Institution: College of Education, Humanities and Applied Sciences (Khawlan) – Sana’a University.
I have worked in several administration departments at Sana’a University until 1978. I got a scholarship for the United States to study master, and I got PhD from the University of Baghdad. Then I was appointed to teach at the College of Education / Khawlan. And I held the position of Head of the Department of Educational Sciences, then the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, later the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs. Currently, I have been assigned to the position of Dean of the College.
- from Al-Azhar University. Cairo Egypt.
- from Vanderbilt University, USA.
- D. from the University of Baghdad. Baghdad, Iraq.
- Experience in student affairs works (admission and registration).
- Experience in managing student accounts.
- Experience in college administration.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Conference on Admission and Registration in American Universities. Cairo
- Conference on Admission and Registration for Arab Universities. University of Riyadh
- 1985 Conference on Admission and Registration for American Universities, Minnesota. United State 1985.
- 1992 Seminar (Admission and Registration Policy in Teacher Education Institutions in Yemen). Sanaa University 1992.
- Workshop on restructuring programs for Faculties of Education 2004.
- Curriculum evaluation and development workshop at Sana’a University 2005.
- The Eighth Arab Creative Forum in the Field of E-Learning. At Sana’a University 2005.
- Teacher Conference in the Third Millennium. Isra’a University, Jordan 2006
- The Second Conference on Higher Education, Its Outcomes and the Labor Market. Sanaa University 2008.
- Yemen Conference in the First Ottoman Era … Uşak University, Turkey 2015.
Research and scientific papers:
- Building a training program for heads of scientific departments in Yemeni universities in light of their administrative competence. PhD thesis 1998.
- The educational competencies of e-learning media and its importance in updating knowledge in higher education institutions. Research published in Sana’a University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Issue 3, 2008.
- Determining the training needs in classroom management for secondary education teachers according to the extent of their practice of administrative competencies from the point of view of the mentors and teachers themselves. Published research. Sana’a University Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Volume (9), Issue (1) January. June 2012. (single).
- Requirements for promoting democracy education at Sana’a University. Perceptions and proposals. Published in the Journal of the University of Andalusia. Sana’a 2014.
- Bibliography of modern historical writings related to the first Ottoman rule in Yemen (1536-1538). 2015.