د.صالح العسلي

Dr. Saleh N. Abdullah

Personal Information

Dr. Saleh N. Abdullah

Associate Prof., Khawlan College, Sana’a University, Yemen.

E-mail: khawlaa


Marital status: Married

n  Nationality: Yemeni

n  Age: 52

n  Sex: Male

n  Place of Birth: Taiz  – Yemen   in 1966

Summary of qualifications
  n  Ph Degree in cryptography from SRTM University NANDED  India , 2005

n  M.Sc. in Computer Science , Department of Computer Science , Faculty of Science Pune  University India , 2000. Grade: high second class .

n  B.CE. In  Computer Engineering , Faculty of Engineering , KSU, SUDIA ARABIA , 1988 Grade: Good

   topice interested to teach
  ·         Data security (teaching& programming)

·         Network security (teaching& programming)

·         C, C++, JAVA Language (teaching & programming)

·         Data structure (teaching& programming)

·          Computer  algorithms design and analyses(teaching& programming)

·         Introduction to programming Language (teaching)

·         Computation theory (teaching)

·         Computer Networking (teaching)

·         Operating systems  (teaching)

·         Logic design (teaching)

·         Computer architecture & organization(teaching)

·         Computer concepts (teaching)

·         Computer simulations (teaching& programming)


Personal Skills
  ·         Teacher.

·         System Designer & Analyst.

·         Programmer.

·         Computer Consultant


  ·         Arabic: Native Language.

·         English: Very good reading, writing, and speaking.

Community activities
  He is author to the following books

·         Data structure

·         Algorithms design and analyses

·         Information security

·         C++ language

                                     ·         Working as Associate Prof., Khawlan College, Sana’a University, Yemen.

·         Working as Associate Prof in Andlus University, Computer Science dept since 2005 till now.

·         He was the head of Compute Science department since, UST, since 2005 till 2008 .

INtersts and Activities
  ·         Researcher in security area, random number generator, algorithms deal with very large numbers