
Fadhailah Ali Abdullah Al-Herdy

Personal Information:

Name: Fadhailah Ali Abdullah Al-Herdy  / nationality : Yemeni / born : Ibb

Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

I got my Bachelor from the University of Sana,a /Pre- masters of the Faculty of Science, Sana,a University ,and I work as a teaching assistant at the College of Education , Khawlan.


Certificate of Secondary Education : 2004/2005

Bachelor,s Degree : 2011

Clearing certificate of the Faculty of Science , Sana,a University : 2018

Pre-Masters Certificate : 2019/2020


Teaching Assistant at the college of Education , Khawlan

Teaching practice in schools.

Conferences and Workshops: two in Sana,a University

Research and scientific papers: nothing