Hajar Hussein Ahmed Nawas
Personal Information:
- Name: Hajar Hussein Ahmed Nawas.
- Place & Date of Birth: Sana’a – 27\11\1993.
- Nationality: Yemeni.
- Profession: a lecturer.
- Education: Faculty of Education, Humanities & Applied Science – Khawlan
- Marital Status: Married.
- Cell Phone No: 776278640 \ 782270422
- WhatsApp: 776278640
- Email Address:- 25batol@gmail.com
- [ License\Computer Science ]- Faculty of Education, Humanities & Applied Science – Khawlan .
- Teaching assistant in the Department of Computer Science, College of Education, Humanities and Applied Sciences – Khawlan, starting 3/23/2021.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Several workshops in the field of education in general.
Research and scientific papers:
- .Bachelor’s degree research.