Doctorate of Researcher/Qais Mohamed Saleh Ali from Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

Doctoral researcher Qais Mohamed Saleh Ali received his doctorate in the department (Sports Education) Specialization (Sports Education) Faculty (Sports Education) of Sana ‘a university for his letter tagged with (Selection Indicators and Their Relationship with Athletic Achievement Level of athletic Achievement Among Junior of the National Football team players in the Republic of Yemen) Today, Thursday, 02/Spring 1/1446 AH, 2024/09/05 A.D. The Committee for Discussion and Governance was composed of Prof. Dr. (Ahmed Mohamed Jasser) Supervisor Chairman, Committee Member and Professor Dr. Abdul Ghani Mujahid Mutahir) Internal and Chairman of the Committee and Associate Professor (Abu Ali Ghalib Fattini) External Panel Member, The aim of the letter was to identify indicators of physical, skill, physiological and anthropometric capabilities and their relationship to the level of athletic achievement of Yemen’s national football team, The letter found a number of findings, including that the level of physical capacity indicators in selection helps trainers to know the physical levels of the young person’s stage, i.e. that (Range is equal to the largest value minus the smallest value) which included speed, strength, flexibility, agility, endurance and tenure ranks, and results from the normative aspect showed that there were varying differences in the level of athletic achievement from (Higher to lower value) According to the indicators of skill abilities and their relationship to the level of athletic achievement, the PhD researcher made a number of recommendations in his letter. During the selection of the junior category, trainers must be guided by physical and skill tests and work with them to develop physical and skill abilities, especially in the junior category, and focus on the preparation period and knowledge of individual differences between players.
The discussion was attended by T. Amin Jamaan, Deputy Secretary of the Capital, President of the Local Council of the Capital and President of the Sana ‘a Unity Club, T. Adel Al Hababi, Media Adviser to the President of Sana’ a University, Captain. Amin Al Sinini, former National Team Coach, and a number of academics, researchers, students and interested and several fellow researchers and family members.
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