
PhD program

The college offers specialized programs in the fields of systems, science and information technology

Ph.D. in Sports Education


The program seeks to provide the labour market with scientifically qualified cadres in the field of sports education, sports training and various sports sciences and to conduct scientific research capable of actively participating in the provision of advisory services in various sports institutions that meet the requirements of quality, thereby contributing to the service of the community.


The Faculty of Sports Education looks forward to being an accredited and recognized educational entity capable of continuous improvement; in order to achieve excellence, leadership and competitiveness for its students, at the local and regional levels; In order to achieve the University's vision and meet the needs of the community, according to quality standards.

Program Aims:

 – Graduate qualified cadres with general knowledge, methods and means of modern technology in various sports education sciences.
 – Qualify researchers with a high level of creativity in studying issues and problems related to the field of sports education sciences in its various components.
 – Create opportunities for scientific and research growth for those who have a master’s degree in sports education.
 – Developing researchers’ ability to use scientific and technical information integrally when making decisions and implementing procedural research in various fields of sports education science.
 – Increase the opportunity for scientific cooperation in sports education sciences between faculty members and their counterparts in other Yemeni and Arab universities.
 – Rehabilitation of research cadres capable of providing specialized educational consultations in the field of sports education to the relevant sports institutions in terms of their design, application, evaluation and development.

Program outputs:

In the light of the program’s mission and objectives, the student enrolled in the doctoral program is expected to have the ability to:
– Planning and carrying out research in the field of sports education in a scientific manner and using its results in educational, educational and sports realities.
– Study issues relating to various fields of sports education.
– Preparation and dissemination of scientific research, in order to contribute to the provision of solutions to problems facing sports realities.
– Design and effectively implement training programmes to develop the educational process in accordance with its scientific standards.
– Analysis of data using statistical methods in various educational research.
– Using different research skills and ethics to study problems related to sports education.
– Evaluation of sports education curricula in accordance with academic accreditation standards.
– The use of modern techniques in the construction and implementation of sports education curricula.
– Employing scientific knowledge and skills in scientific and development institutions and serving the community.

Description of the programme and its system:

Pursuant to the decision of the University Council to amend the postgraduate system to the old system of the doctoral program of the thesis system, in addition to two published research, i.e., the student publishes two research papers, one at home, the other abroad, in scientific journals and a doctoral thesis, in accordance with the decisions and directives issued by the University Council, the prosecution of postgraduate studies and the relevant faculty.

Conditions for admission and registration:

Studies in Yemeni universities are subject to certain conditions, including:First: the applicant is required to be admitted to the PhD program:
– To have a bachelor’s degree in sports education with at least a good rating, the certificates issued from abroad shall be equated by the Ministry of Higher Education.
– The applicant must have a master’s degree in sports education with at least a very good rating from any recognized university in Yemen or abroad, provided that certificates from non-Yemeni universities are equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education.
– Taking into account the decisions of the Council for Higher Education regarding the requirement of foreign language.
– Take into account the postgraduate regulations on the conditions for admission to the doctoral programme.
– Pass the cognitive competence test with specialized materials.
– Pass the personal interview.
– Full-time study for the duration of the programme.

Requirements for PhD in Sports Education:

1- Fulfilling the requirements set out in the instructions of the doctoral program in the applicable regulations and decisions of the university.
2- Pass the English language requirement in accordance with the decisions of postgraduate studies and the Ministry of Higher Education.
3- Pass the cognitive competence test with specialty materials.
4- Study a specialized course in statistical analysis on the SPSS system statistical packages of educational sciences within and success in Sana ‘a University, so that the student analyses his thesis himself and is able to do so.
5- Published research in the field of specialization in the scientific journals of the Court, one published in an external journal and the other published in a local journal.
6- Attending seminars and workshops held by the College.
7- Attendance of 75% of research plans (samnars) and discussion of scientific messages.
8- Preparation of doctoral thesis within a minimum of three years, four years at a maximum, and success in public discussion examination.
9- Allotted 36 credit hours
10- Provide a report from a linguistic reviewer that the message is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Cognitive competence test in the field of specialization:

It is a comprehensive test aimed at measuring the depth of the student’s understanding and knowledge of the basics of his specialty, his ability to think analytically in order to address issues and problems related to his field of specialization, his ability to provide new solutions or innovations to theoretical and practical problems in his field of specialization, his ability to systematic scientific research and interpretation of knowledge data .

  • The cognitive competence exam is held once a year by the Graduate Studies Committee, which is responsible for setting the exam controls, questions, correcting answers, and setting criteria for success.
  • The student applies for this exam after fulfilling the conditions for admission to the program .
  • The student has the right to start the thesis project only by passing this exam .
  • The student has the right to take this exam twice during his registration in the program, and if he cannot pass the exam in both attempts, he will be dismissed from the program .
  • The test is conducted through two sessions on two separate days, the first day in which the field of Humanities and Social Sciences is tested, and the second day in which the field of motor and Health Sciences is tested .

Topics of the cognitive competence exam for doctoral students in physical education

The field of Humanities and Social Sciences includes subjects:

the field of motor and Health Sciences includes subjects:

applications of sports psychology

physiology of physical exertion

curricula and methodsof teaching physical education

applications of Sports Training

Science Management in sports education sports


scientific research methodology in sports education

science of motor performance

measurement and evaluation in sports education


Criteria for acceptance of refereed scientific journals:

According to the regulations of the Scientific Council of the University:

  • The journal must be issued by a scientific or research institution, local regional or international.
  • The journal should be a court, have a chairman and members of the editorial board, and have publishing rules.
  • It must have been issued four regular issues, and it has been issued for at least two years, with the exception of magazines of Yemeni government universities.
  • The journal should be in the field of Physical Education Aand in the field of education in general.
  • The name of scientific journals should be specified by name, for example Journal of An-Najah National University for the humanities, journal of Physical Education Sciences, King Saud University ………………. Etc .
  • Scientific journals that publish scientific research are not accepted as it is without modification or evaluation of this research .
  • Domestic scientific journals are not accepted because they are weak and take for material payment for the publication of scientific research.
  • Scientific journals that take a penny for the publication of research are not accepted .

Supervision provisions:

  • The main supervisor of the thesis shall be with the degree of Professor or associate professor, according to the regulations.
  • The researcher has the right to choose the first or second supervisor after the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee of the faculty and submit to the department and faculty councils provided that the topic of the dissertation is related to the supervisor’s specialty.
  • The researcher has the right to choose a supervisor from outside the faculty after the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee and the councils of the department and the faculty.
  • A decision تكليف to entrust supervision of the dissertation is issued by the vice-rector of the University for postgraduate studies on the recommendation of the department and faculty councils .
  • The Council of graduate studies and scientific research approves the Draft thesis plan on the recommendation of the department and faculty councils.
  • The main supervisor submits at the end of each semester from the date of approval of the thesis in the department a detailed report on the progress of the researcher in بحثةtwo versions, one for the department and the other for graduate studies.
  • Any amendment to the title الاطروحةof the dissertation shall be subject to the procedures approved by the الاطروحةdissertation and appropriate amendments may be made to the plan in a manner that does not contradict the title of the dissertation and within the first six months of registration of the title.

The upper limit for dissertations that a professor or associate professor has the right to supervise as a first supervisor is only from five to seven, provided that the exception is at the request of the department and faculty councils and for special cases when specialists are not available to professors.

Provisions for registration of the thesis topic and follow:

  • The researcher, after consultation with the first supervisor selects the topic the dissertation and submits the draft plan to the vice dean for graduate studies.
  • The plan is presented to the Graduate Studies Committee to ensure the conformity of the subject specialization with the supervisor’s specialization, his right to supervision, and the importance of the subject in serving Yemeni sports and solving its problems, otherwise it is returned again to the researcher.
  • The researcher discusses the draft plan at the seminar held by the Graduate Studies Committee of the college andthe student then makes the necessary amendments before submitting it to the department and faculty councils.
  • The Graduate Studies Council approves the draft plan basedon the recommendations of the department and faculty councils.
  • The period of preparation of the dissertation is calculated from the date of approval of the department Council, provided that it is not less than three years and not more than four years from the date of approval of the department Council by registration until the date of approval of the department by formation.

Provisions for the formation of discussion and governance committees:

  • Leave the main supervisor of the thesis and consider it ready for discussion and submit a written report from him to the Department.
  • The first supervisor proposed a number of names equal to twice the number of members of the discussion Committee.the names of the doctors are written three times, the exact specialization of each member is determined and submitted to the department and faculty councils to choose the discussion Committee from among them.
  • If an internal or external Debater is assigned for the first time a copy of the appointment and promotion decision, if any, will be attached.
  • Provide a statement from the Graduate Studies department to the faculty that the researcher has fulfilled the requirements for discussing the thesis according to the form of the validity report of the thesis for discussion and the form of fulfilling the period and paying all financial obligations.
  • The formation of the discussion Committee anddetermining its date is issued by a decision of the vice president of the University for graduate studies on the recommendation of the department, faculty and graduate studies councils.
  • The discussion and judging committee consists as follows:
  • The first supervisor.
  • A faculty member who meets the supervision requirements of the department and whose specialty is related to the topicof the dissertation.
  • A member from outside the University whose specialization is related to the topic the dissertation and the conditions of supervision apply to him.

Provisions of the discussion:

The thesis is discussed as follows:
1- The researcher presents a summary of his thesis to the Committee on Discussion and Governance.
2- The Discussion Committee is chaired and moderated by an internal or external examiner rather than a supervisor in accordance with the Graduate Rules.
3- After the conclusion of the debate, the Debate Committee deliberates and decides by a majority of its members one of the following outcomes:
– Thesis leave.
– Leave of thesis with necessary adjustments by the supervisor.
– Leave of thesis with necessary modifications with the knowledge of all members of the Committee.
– Not leave the thesis.
– The decision of the Committee for Discussion and Judgement shall be sent after its adoption by the boards of the Department and the College with all the required documents to the Council for Postgraduate Studies for a maximum of two weeks from the date of the conclusion of the discussion and in any event the researcher shall be granted the degree only after the modification of the thesis if it so requires.