
Student Guide for Admission and Coordination Faculty of Physical Education - Sana 'a University

Faculty Scientific Departments

There is currently one scientific department specializing in gender sports education (girls – boys) and two departments: the Practical Materials Section and the Theoretical Subjects Section, headed by two academic faculty members.

Available disciplines

Sports Education

Specialization in postgraduate (Ph.D.) is determined in the case of a desire to pursue postgraduate studies.

Specific acceptance ratios:

50% for parallel and general systems

College Enrolment Conditions:

The applicant must be in possession of General High School with its scientific and literary section or equivalent.

The applicant is physically fit through the admission test.

All paperwork required for admission shall be submitted.

College Study System:

The study in the college follows the system applicable to most faculties of the University of Sana ‘a, where four years of study is required for a bachelor’s degree according to the quarterly system (two semesters)

There are female teachers of doctoral and master’s academies to teach female students, and women students’ halls and halls.

Different Study Systems:

The college has two school systems: –

1. public order.

2. Parallel system (if the applicant is overdue)

Required tuition fees:

· General order: SAR 4050 activity fees each year + first year registration fees.

· Parallel system: 40000 + activity fees

Post-graduate employment opportunities:

After completing the college, the job opportunities for the graduate are as follows:

· Sports education teacher in public and private schools.

· Management of the Ministry of Sabbath and Sports or one of the sports federations and institutions.

· Working with health and sports clubs and sports teams.

· Work in health centres and hospitals as a sports rehabilitation specialist.

· Completion of postgraduate studies (master’s degree – doctorate) in sports education.

About the system of study, evaluation, change of specialization, transition to higher level and separation from college:
A. Study system

– The College relies on the quarterly school system to provide courses and evaluate students in accordance with the system in force at the University. – The university year is divided into two semesters and each semester consists of 16 weeks including half-term and end-of-term tests.
– The study begins in each semester according to the university calendar based on the University Council, which sets the date of the end of the semester, holidays and holidays tests.
– The maximum period spent in college is 8 years and the lowest period is four years.
– A student may not re-examine a previously successful course.

Transfer to the College within the framework of the University:
A student may transfer from a higher college to a university college if he stumbles in his first year of school at the college from which he wishes to transfer under the following conditions:

1- The transfer before the beginning of the university year shall be in accordance with the regulation, based on the college’s capacity.
2- To submit to the Director General of Admission and Registration of the University an application for transfer according to the form prepared for this within a maximum period of two weeks from the beginning of the university year.
3- The student shall not have been dismissed from the college from which he is transferred, except if he is re-enrolled.
4- Be eligible for college admission.
5- The time spent in the college transferred from it shall be calculated within the maximum period allowed to study in the college.
6- The competent department shall decide on the courses from which the 7- student is exempt, if he has previously succeeded, and shall count against the student the courses from which he has already failed in the college from which he is transferred as failure courses if they are within the study plan in the specialization of the college to which he is transferred.
8- If the student converts to the second level, the highest calculates only 50% of the number of courses studied, in which case he must meet the conditions of admission to the college.
9- Any other conditions approved by the competent councils and not inconsistent with the Regulations.

Transfer to college from outside the university:

A student enrolled in an academically recognized and accredited university may be transferred from a corresponding college to the college under the following conditions:

– The student must submit to the Director General of Admission and Registration of the University a written application according to the prepared form together with the required documents.
– The student has passed the first level (at least) successfully in all courses of the university transferred.
– The student must meet the requirements for admission to college in the same year as enrolment.
– The student must not have dropped out of school at the university transferred from it more than one university year.
– A student who has previously been dismissed from any university shall not be entitled to transfer to college.
– Any other conditions approved by the competent councils that are not inconsistent with the Regulations.

Rules for moving to the following level or remaining at the same level:

The student moves to the following level of study in the following cases:

– If he succeeds in all curricula that are taught at the restricted level and his condition is restricted, he is new.
– If the student fails at most three of the courses taught at the restricted level or at the lower level, the student must study and perform the remaining courses.
– If the student fails or is absent without excuse in the exam, the student shall be deemed to have failed the course.
– A student who fails or absents with or without excuse in more than three courses shall not move to the higher level and shall remain for reinstatement at the same restricted level and shall study and perform the tests of those courses.

Class Rules of the College:

The student shall be separated from the college in the following cases:

1- If it appears that the student’s admission to college is not in conformity with the conditions and rules of admission.
2- If the student in the first academic year is absent more than 50% of the courses.
3- If the student has failed for two consecutive periods at a single school level or exceeds the maximum duration of university study, the students of the fourth level shall be excluded after the approval of the boards of the department and the college, taking into account the maximum period of the student’s stay in the college on the basis of good conduct and conduct.
4- A student commits any offence punishable by dismissal in accordance with the penalties provided for in article 37 of the Common System for Students’ Affairs.

Suspension, return and excuse absence:

According to articles 28-32 of the Common System of Students’ Affairs:

– A student may temporarily suspend his registration if he applies for a suspension of registration to the Dean of the College at least two weeks prior to the end of the class examinations and applies to the application for a justification for the suspension of the registration.
– Registration may not be suspended in the following cases:
1- The student must be one of the students enrolled in the first level of college.
2- The student must be among the students transferred to college in the conversion year.
3- The student must be the remainder of the return at the level.
– The maximum limit for suspending enrolment is two years or four consecutive or separate classrooms.
– A student whose registration period expires must apply for a renewal of the registration suspension or re-registration to the Deanship of the College within a maximum of two weeks of the commencement of studies at the College.
– A student or a person acting on his or her behalf shall submit the justified excuse not more than three days before or after the performance of the final examination of the course in case of any emergency circumstance during the performance of the final examinations of the semester and the submission of the evidentiary documents thereby in order to monitor the student’s absence of an excuse.
– The absence period is calculated with an excuse from the upper limit to stop the registration.
– Accepting the excuse does not exempt the student from any fees prescribed.

Withdrawal from study:

The student is entitled to withdraw from the college in accordance with the conditions set out in the Common System of Students’ Affairs in articles 33-36 and the Financial Regulations governing this subject to the following:

– Failure to submit a withdrawal request during the College’s coordination period.
– Do not apply for withdrawal during the exam period at the college.
– The college is not required to return any fees previously paid by the student.

Examinations and University Evaluation:

Under articles 59-65 of the Unified System of Students’ Affairs, the assessment of the grades of the student/student in the course is conducted on the basis of tests held during the semester and calculation of his or her success or graduation in the course in accordance with the Unified System of Student Affairs of Yemeni Universities (Government) as follows:

The grades of different activities are distributed in the course based on the course’s description document, and the final result is calculated from 100 degrees and the minor score is 50% for the student.

The student is considered successful in the course according to the following:

– If the student receives at least 50% of the final degree of the course or above.

In the following cases, the student shall be deemed to be in the course:

– If he gets less than 50% of the great class of the rapporteur.
– If the student is absent from performing the final test in any course without an acceptable excuse, he/she shall be registered (g) and poorly assessed in that course.
– If the student’s absence from the final test is an acceptable excuse, he or she shall be registered as an excuse to disclose the grades of that course and shall retain the appreciation he or she receives upon re-examination of that course within a period of study not exceeding one university year.
– If the student’s absence exceeds by an acceptable excuse or no excuse for performing final tests for more than three courses, he or she is not allowed to move to the next level of study.
– All deposition materials in which the student has moved to the following year shall be allocated an acceptable rating upon success in those subjects even if he or she receives a higher rating.

Second round test (DoraOctober):

The second-round examination will be held for students of the final level (IV) only who remain on their graduation for not more than three courses of study within the time limit prescribed by the university calendar and after paying the necessary fees.

Correction and monitoring of grades and estimates:

Estimates for decisions are calculated under rules 57-58 of the Uniform Regulations and are as follows:
Percentage estimate Code to be written

From 90% to 100% Excellent (m)
From 80% to less than 90% very good (G)
From 65% to less than 80% good (JL )//
From 50% to less than 65% acceptable (L)
Less than 50% weak (z)
Zero absenteeg
Absent excuse absent with acceptable excuse (GB)
Disadvantaged (H)

Award of honors to students:

When graduating, the College grants the student honors if the following conditions are met:

1- If the student gets a very good rating at least at all levels during his college studies.
2- If the student fails or is denied any course during the course of his or her studies in the college or college transferred from it.
3- If the student does not receive an acceptable rating in any of the courses of specialization in accordance with the decision of the department during the period of his studies at the college, college or university transferred.
4- He has not been subjected to any disciplinary punishment.

Complaint of decisions:

1- The applicant is entitled to complain about the outcome of any decision after payment of a sum of money as insurance for the applicant’s entitlement to appeal in accordance with the Financial Regulations within two weeks of the date of the announcement of the result, after which his right to appeal is dropped.
2- The right to complain about the result of the test is limited to the disclosure of the student’s answer pamphlets and the review of the monitoring or collection of grades only. If it appears that the answer to any of the questions has not been corrected or graded, the competent control will call the course corrected in writing through the dean of the college to present the case to him and correct the error if any.
3- All these cases are documented in official records approved by the Dean and copies of them are distributed with the lecturers to the relevant bodies of the University and the result of the complaint is announced to students within one month of the date of the announcement of the result.

Tadibi rules and types of penalties:

The College applies disciplinary rules as stipulated by the Unified System of Students’ Affairs.

– Oral alert or writing.
– Written alarm.
– Denial of certain student services or privileges.
– Deprivation of lectures of a course, or a number of lectures in a manner that does not affect the student’s status in the exam.
– Cancel the student’s exam in a course.
– Denial of testing in one or more decisions.
– Denial of the result of one or more semester tests. It shall be decided by the Rector or Vice-President of the University.
– Deprivation of study or testing for one or more semesters, by decision of the university’s rector or vice-chancellor.
– The final chapter of the University shall be decided by the Rector, subject to the provisions of the regulations.
The decision on disciplinary punishment may be declared in the university and the student shall be informed thereof. The decisions on disciplinary penalties shall be kept in the student’s file.

Directing penalties:
A student shall be liable to oral alert or written alert if he commits one of the following offences:

1- Collect signatures that would offend the university and its faculty.
2- Seek to form federations, bodies or associations outside the framework of the laws and regulations governing this.
3- Carrying, possessing or concealing a weapon on campus and at any university facility.
4- Breaking into any of the buildings, university offices or official meetings of the university where the student is not entitled to be or attend.
5- Organize, invite or participate in the holding of parties, lectures, public symposiums or on-campus meetings in any of the university’s halls and buildings without the prior permission of the Dean of the College or the Vice-Presidency of the University for Student Affairs.
6- Distribution of leaflets or leaflets or placement of posters within the University without its designated places and in contravention of the Constitution and the laws in force.
7- Riot or attempt to attack any individual on campus.

Note: If the offence is repeated, the penalty shall be extended to the final dismissal penalty.

A student shall be liable to a penalty of deprivation of lectures of one or a number of courses if he commits one of the following offences:

1- If any faculty member or their assistant or any university employee is subjected to abuse.
2- If he incites the disruption of studies or refrains – rebel – from attending classes, lectures or university work that are required by the regulations to attend them, and not in contravention of the laws in force.
3- If an abuse or insult is directed at another student on campus.
4- A student’s exam shall be cancelled in one course if the exam system is disrupted inside or outside the exam hall if it is related to the exam.
5- A student is deprived of one course if he starts cheating on the test, and if he commits cheating on the test and seizes it in flagrante delicto or more depending on the nature of the fraud.

A student shall be punished by final dismissal if he is found to have committed one of the following offences:

1- Any act contrary to morality and public morals within the university.
2- Physical abuse of any faculty member, assistant or university staff.
3- Falsification of university documents or use of forged papers and documents in any of the university’s work.
4- Vandalism or deliberate destruction of university property and installations resulting from riots.
5- Proof of impersonation during tests, or any university work requiring proof of personality.
6- The student’s right to engage in student activity or to obtain any of the student services and privileges offered by the University in the event of any act or conduct contrary to the rules and regulations governing student activity shall be forfeited.

Bodies competent to impose penalties:

Student Professor.
Dean of the College
Rector or Vice-Chancellor

(For further review: Unified System of Students’ Affairs of Right-wing Universities)

For More Inquiries:

Contact the following numbers:

Deputy Dean for Student Affairs: 773417424

College Registrar’s: 777664124

Or visit the college building at official working hours.