Farie Khalid Al-Moslmi
Current Position:-
An Associate Professor of English Language (Curricula and Methods of Teaching English)- Faculty of Education, Sana’a- Sana’a University.
1. Personal Information:- Institutional Address:-
Department of English, Faculty of Education
2. Education (Qualifications)
- D. ELT ( Curricula and Methods of Teaching English), University of Assiut-Egypt, 2010- 2011.
- Edu., ELT (Curricula and Methods of Teaching English), Sana’a University, 2004.
- Post-Graduate Diploma in (Preliminary courses), University of Sana’a, 2002.
- A., English Language, University of Sana’a, 1993-1997.
- Secondary School (Literary Section) 1992.
- A in Law-Sana’a University,2019.
3. Professional Experience:
- Teaching Experiences:-
· Permanent Position:
Sana’a University: – (parallel & regular & Academic Responsibilities (2005- August 2007 as a lecturer, and from 2011 – now) and I taught many different courses at many universities.
1. B. A Level:-
- Teaching a number of
Writing courses 1, 2, 3, & 4;spoken Courses 1, 2, 3, & 4; Grammar courses 1, 2, 3, Reading 1, 2, 3, & 4; Methodology I & II; phonetics & phonology; Discourse Analysis; Morphology & syntax; Curriculum; Theoretical Practicum 1; Research Methodology (Theoretical Course); English 102. & 102. For different departments, colleges, and specializations; Introduction to language 1, and 2, Medical English, Issues and Problems in Translation, semantics & pragmatics, Introduction to translation, Medical English, and business translation.
2. M. Edu. Level:-
- Teaching a number of courses in the preliminary master level as:-
- General
- Advanced
- Testing and
- Educational research
- English 1 & (Faculty of Languages M.A level Arabic and Translation Department)
- Semantics & Pragmatics.
- PhD level:-
- Approaches to syllabus
B. Administrative Experiences and Appointments:
- Vice-headmaster (agent) at Al-Eslah Belhetari Primary and Secondary School, 1998-2001.
- Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Languages at Al-Yemenia University, 01/02/2004 to 01/07/2004.
- Director of the Center of Quality and Accreditation- Queen Arwa University, March 2013-now.
- A Member of the Quality Committee in the Faculty of Education – Sana’a in 2013-till now.
- A member of the Higher Studies Committee in the College of Education-Sana’a (2016- up to date).
- A member of the Higher Studies Seminar in the College of Education-Sana’a (2017- up to date).
- The Head of the Committee of English Language Program Specification in the light of Quality Assurance
- A member of the Committee of Evaluating PhD programs in the college of Education –Sana’a January
C. Conference, Symposiums, & Workshops:-
- Workshop on the enrich of the document of English Language Teacher (7-9) and in the committee of the final draft of the document (Ministry of Education-Research Center and Educational Development) Ministry of education-Research Center and development).(3days) April 2015 and in preparing the final draft of the document (10 days) July
- Workshop on Modern Methods of Teaching – Alrazy University 01-03-2015.
- A Trainer of the training course (workshop entitled “Standards of Programs and Courses and Programs Specification” Queen Arwa University- April 2013 (3 days).
- A workshop on Reform of University Education and spreading the concept of quality (The Center of Quality Assurance –Sana’a University-2013).
- A Workshop on “Courses specification” for Primary Department-Faculty of Education-2013.
- A workshop in English for specific Purposes held at Sana’a University, Sana’a-Yemen-A Program sponsored by ” the American Cultural Attaché entitled” Global Involvement through Education & International Community Services”-2006.
- A mini-conference on: “Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers: Best Practice”-British Council- Sana’a-2010.
- A training Course on Reform of University Education, Sana’a University –Quality Assurance Center-2013 (6 days).
- A Workshop on “Courses specification” for Primary Department-Faculty of Education –Sana’a, 2013 (3 days).
- A mini-conference on: “Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers: Best Practice” British Council 2010 (2
- A workshop on “English for Specific Purposes” A Program sponsored by ” the American Cultural Attaché entitled” Global Involvement through Education & International Community Services”
–Sana’a 2006 (4 days).
- A workshop in program Redesign by the Association of Canadian Universities and Colleges and the Higher Development Project- Sana’a University 2005 (3 days).
- A workshop on Testing and Measurement in Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-service training and Qualifying Teachers 2005 (3days).
- A Workshop for the design and production of teaching aids from local materials -General Administration of Teaching aids of the Ministry of Education 2005 (15 days).
- A workshop of Teaching English Language Sana’a University-Faculty of Education 2005 ( 5 days).
- A workshop on “Training Trainers” Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-service training and Qualifying Teachers-2005 (3 days).
- A workshop on acknowledging teachers with the primary stage curriculum-Educational Office- Dhamar-Wesabalali-1999 ( 1 week).
D. Other Academic Responsibilities:-
- Supervising students’ graduate research
- Supervising students- teachers’ field training in schools in the higher Institute for In-service teacher Training –Alamanah Educational Office- and Faculty of Education Sana’a University-English
- Participating in the program curricula of the English Department –Faculty of Education-Sana’a.
- Participating in the examination committees of the two semesters
- Participating in many Admission test committees for many years for A level. (Writing, conducting, and marking exam papers- English Department –Faculty of Education-Sana’a).
- Supervising and following up all the academic and non-academic activities of the
- Participate in all Department and College
- Carrying out all the activities related to the English
- Solving all students’ problems in the
- Participating in academic and Non-academic activities of the Department in particular and the college of Education in general.
- Coordinating between the Department and the college and other English Departments at the same
- Representing the Department everywhere either inside the college or outside
- Participating in many Admission test committees for many years for M. Edu. Level. (Writing, conducting, and marking exam papers).
- Participated in the committee of evaluating PhD programs in the Faculty of Education –Sana’a Dec.
- Participating in the committee of the Higher Studies Seminar in the College of Education –Sana’a.
- Participated in the main examination committee of the final exams first and second semesters in the academic year 2006-2007 (the committee of the literary departments), and Second semester of the academic year 2011-2012.
- Participated in the committee in charge of the Dean of the Higher Institute for In-Service Training for preparing the Qualification the document of the internal regulations of the Institute and worked as the reporter of the committee in the academic year 2005.
- Participated as a member of the committee in charge of the Dean of the Higher Institute for In-Service Training and Qualification for preparing the strategy of the institute in
- Participated as a representative of Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-Service Training and Qualification with a paper at the workshop hosted by the private sector, training and rehabilitation at the Ministry of Education in 2005, under the title (analytical indicators for the reality of the current curriculum of the higher Institutes for training and qualifying teachers in Yemen).
- Participated in the committee of restructuring the programs of the Department of English at Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-Service Training and Qualification,
- A member in the committee in charge of the Minister of Higher Education to evaluate the European University International Postgraduate November 2013
- A member of the Students’ affairs committee in the Faculty of Education-Sana’a (2018-now).
- One of the committee members of evaluating the research work of four candidates from different Yemeni universities for the purpose of promoting them from assistant professors to associate professors.
E. Evaluation, Writing reports & Plans, and research:
- The Chairman of the committee of English and Translation program specifications at Iqra’a University 2017-2018.
- Participated as a member in the workshop of revising the courses of the programs of English Language (linguistics) and of (Translation) at the Faculty of Arts and human sciences, Dar Alsalam International University 16-17/5/2018.
- Evaluating staff members of the Department
- A member of the committee of evaluating Azal Private schools (2015-2016).
- Preparing different evaluation sheets for quality evaluation in the college of Education- Sana’a.
- Writing final yearly and periodical reports about overall performance at the department to higher
- Participating in the evaluation committee of evaluating, updating and developing the program curriculum with other members of the English Department –Faculty of Education-Sana’a.
- Writing plans of the Department for each semester and year.
- Participated in the main examination committee of the final exams first and second semesters in the academic year 2006-2007 (the committee of the literary departments), and Second semester of the academic year 2011-2012.
- Participated in the committee in charge of the Dean of the Higher Institute for In-Service Training for preparing the Qualification the document of the internal regulations of the Institute and worked as the reporter of the committee in the academic year 2005.
- Participated as a member of the committee in charge of the Dean of the Higher Institute for In- Service Training and Qualification for preparing the strategy of the institute in
- Participated as a representative of Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-Service Training and Qualification with a paper at the workshop hosted by the private sector, training and rehabilitation at the Ministry of Education in 2005, under the title (analytical indicators for the reality of the current curriculum of the higher Institutes for training and qualifying teachers in Yemen).
- Participated in the committee of restructuring the programs of the Department of English at Al- Amana Higher Institute for In-Service Training and Qualification,
- A member in the committee in charge of the Minister of Higher Education to evaluate the European University International Postgraduate November 2013
- Carried out a training course entitled “quality standards of the specification of programs and courses” Queen Arwa University from 6-8 – April
- A teacher in the Open school, Ministry of Education Yemen, 2020 (English for third Secondary)
- A member of TERA – Teaching & Education Research Association
- A member of the Editorial Board of the Journal (Millennium Journal of English Literature, Linguistics , and Translation. https://milljournals.org/es-journal/
- One the Reviewers in the following Journals:
- Arab World English Journal (AWEJ). https://awej.org/editorial-team/
- International Journal of English and ( http://www.tjprc.org/ugc-approved-journals). Scopus Indexed.
- International Journal of Educational Science and Research (http://www.tjprc.org/ugc-approved-journals). Scopus Indexed
- The Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences. https://www.ajsrp.com/journal/index.php/jeps/about/editorialTeam
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation. http://appllinguist.org/index
- Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies. http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/peerreviewers?journalid=240
F. Scientific Researches & Studies:-
- An Analysis of Undergraduates’ Academic and Professional needs in the English Department, Faculty of Education, Sana’a University, Sana’a, 2004 (Master Thesis).
- Evaluating the English Language Teacher Preparation professional Program in the light of Quality Assurance Standards, 2011 (PhD Dissertation).
- The Influence of Proficiency and Designed Task on Yemeni Students’ Use of Communication (Published paper- International Multidisciplinary E-Journal (IMEJ) India.).
- An Analysis of the Committed Errors by the English Department Students’ (Published Paper- Psychological and Educational Sciences Journal-Faculty of Education-Sana’a. 2012).
- The Effect of Using Portfolio on the Development of Students’ English Business Writing and their Attitudes towards the course at Sana’a Community College (Published in the international Journal of Applied Linguistics-India-Vol. 1-Issue10-Part F 2015).
- The effect of cooperative learning strategy on English reading skills of 9th grade Yemeni students and their attitudes towards the Strategy, 2016. (http://oaji.net/articles/2016/488-1458039610.pdf).
- The Difficulties of Reading Cultural-based Texts among Yemeni EFL Learners (Published in: International Journal of Language and Literary Studies Volume 2, Issue 3, 2020. Homepage : http://ijlls.org/index.php/ijlls).
- Pronunciation Errors Committed by EFL Learners in the English Department in Faculty of Education – Sana’a University (published in: MILLENNIUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS AND TRANSLATION. https://doi.org/10.47340/mjellt.v1i2.5.2020.
- Pragmatic Analysis on Leech’s Maxims: Approbation, Modesty, Agreement, and Sympathy in the Fourth Crescent English Course for Yemen. (Published in: Alandalus Journal for human and Social Sviences.http://andalusuniv.net/AUSTNEW/magazine/sh/2020/7/34/69fb0162b09a8fb2f711166983367d51.pdf).
G. Conference, Symposiums, & Workshops:-
- A workshop on the enrich of the document of English Language Teacher (7-9) and in the committee of the final draft of the document (Ministry of Education-Research Center and Educational Development) Ministry of education-Research Center and development).(3days) April 2015 and in preparing the final draft of the document (10 days) July
- Workshop on Modern Methods of Teaching – Alrazy University 01-03-2015.
- A Trainer of the training course (workshop entitled: ” Standards of Programs and Courses and Programs Specification” Queen Arwa University- April 2013 (3 days).
- A workshop on Reform of University Education and spreading the concept of quality (The Center of Quality Assurance –Sana’a University-2013).
- A Workshop on ” Courses specification” for Primary Department-Faculty of Education-2013.
- A workshop in English for specific Purposes held at Sana’a University, Sana’a-Yemen-A Program sponsored by ” the American Cultural Attaché entitled” Global Involvement through Education & International Community Services”-2006.
- A mini-conference on: “Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers: Best Practice”-British Council- Sana’a-2010.
- A training Course on Reform of University Education, Sana’a University –Quality Assurance Center-2013 (6 days).
- A Workshop on ” Courses specification” for Primary Department-Faculty of Education –Sana’a, 2013 (3 days).
- A mini-conference on: “Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers: Best Practice” British Council 2010 (2
- A workshop on “English for Specific Purposes” A Program sponsored by ” the American Cultural Attaché entitled” Global Involvement through Education & International Community Services” – Sana’a 2006 (4 days).
- A workshop in program Redesign by the Association of Canadian Universities and Colleges and the Higher Development Project- Sana’a University 2005 (3 days).
- A workshop on Testing and Measurement in Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-service training and Qualifying Teachers 2005 (3days).
- A Workshop for the design and production of teaching aids from local materials -General Administration of Teaching aids of the Ministry of Education 2005 (15 days).
- A workshop of Teaching English Language Sana’a University-Faculty of Education 2005 ( 5 days).
- A workshop on “Training Trainers” Al-Amana Higher Institute for In-service training and Qualifying Teachers-2005 (3 days).
- A workshop on acknowledging teachers with the primary stage curriculum-Educational Office- Dhamar-Wesabalali-1999 ( 1 week).
H. Training Courses Attended: Participating in:
- A course in Applications Programs- 2 Months-2000, Yemeni-Indian Institute-Sana’a.
- A course in First Aid (17 days)- 2002, Yemen Red Crescent-Sana’a.
- A course in Testing and Measurement in the Higher Institute for Teacher Training –Sana’a (2005), three days.
- A course in Training Trainees (2005), three days, in the Higher Institute for Teacher Training –Sana’a.
- A course in “ Designing Teaching Aids from the local environment Raw Materials” 2005, in the Higher Institute for Teacher Training –Sana’a.
- A course in Teaching English Language (2005), Faculty of Education –Sana’a , 5 days.
- A course in redesigning Educational Programs (2005), Canadian Association and the Project of Higher Education Development, Sana’a University, 3 days.
- English for specific Purposes (2006), Sana’a University, 4 days.
- A Course on Directing Higher Studies at Sana’a University how to design Scientific Researches in Human sciences (6 days)-2007, Sana’a University- Psychological and Educational Directing
- SPSS Course (18 Days)-2007, Computer Centre-Sana’a
- A course on the Standards of Quality in Teaching Process (3 Days)- 2007, Faculty of Leadership Development Centre-Assuit
- PowerPoint Course (9 Days)- 2008, University Development Centre-Sana’a
- A course on Designing Electronic Files and Internet Sites (FrontPage) (5 Days)- 2008, University Development Centre-Sana’a University).
- A Course on “Preparing Interactive Lessons and Lectures Using Multimedia (5 Days)- 2008, University Development Centre-Sana’a University.
- A Course on “ICDL” (55 Days)- 2009, A networking Centre- Assuit
- A course on” Credit Hour System” (3 Days)- 2009, Faculty of Leadership Development Centre- Assuit University.
- A Course on ” SPSS” (10 Days)- 2011, Psychological and Educational Counseling Centre-Faculty of Education Assuit
- A Course on “Scientific Publication”(3 Days)- 2011, Faculty of Leadership Development Centre- Assuit University.
- A mini-conference on: ” Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers: Best proud” (2010), British Council Sana’a.
- Worked as a trainer on “Programs and Course Specifications” (2013), Arwa University, 3 days.
- A course on “ General View on Quality Culture” (2014), Quality Assurance Center –Sana’a University, 6 days.
- A course on” Modern Methods of Teaching” March 2015), Alrazy University, one day.
I. Recognition Certificates and Awards:
A number of appreciation certificates for conduction of many workshops in quality and many other academic and non-academic activities from head of the English Department, dean of the college, university rector.. etc. Also, many recognition certificates from heads of many preparation committees of graduation ceremonies. These will be available upon request.