Thana Mohammed Abdulaziz
Personal Information:
- Name: Thana Mohammed Abdulaziz
- Surname: Shuga Aldeen
- Nationality: Yemeni
- Academic position: Associated Professor of Solid State Physics
- Local address: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Sana’a, Yemen
- E-mail address: th.shuga-aldee@su.edu.ye
Dr. Thana Shuga Aldeen received PhD degree in solid state physics from Cairo university- Arab Republic of Egypt. She joined the physics department, faculty of science, Sana’a university at 2013 as assistant professor. She teaches several courses for undergraduate students and supervises M.Sc. students. Dr. Thana has published a number of research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and has participated in a number of international conferences and training workshops. Her research interests include synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles, thin films used in solar cells, structure, magnetic and electric properties of perovskite materials and accelerators-based research including Rutherford Backscattering.
- Ph.D. in physics, (Solid State), University of Cairo, Faculty of science, Cairo – Egypt.
Dissertation: “Phase Transitions of a new Phosphonium Perovskite Family”
- M.SC. in physics, University of Jordan, Faculty of science, Amman – Jordan.
Dissertation: “Enhancement of Thermoluminescence Response of Thin Films used in Solar Cells” Using complementary Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS) and Thermoluminescence (TL) techniques.
- B.Sc. in physics, University of Taiz, Faculty of science, Taiz – Yemen, Excellent with honor degree.
- Associated Professor, Physics Department, Faculty of science, Sana’a University, Sana’a – Yemen (January 2022 – now).
- Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Faculty of science, Sana’a University, Sana’a – Yemen (May 2013 – 2022).
- Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Faculty of applied science, Taiz University, Taiz – Yemen.
- Demonstrator in Physics Department, Faculty of science, Taiz University, Taiz – Yemen.
- Member of the student affairs committee, faculty of Science University of Sana’a (2016- 2018).
- Supervisor and co-supervisor of M.Sc. theses at Physics Department, Faculty of science, Sana’a University.
- Examiner of M.Sc. theses at Physics Department, Faculty of science, Sana’a University.
- Supervisor of final year projects for undergraduate students at Physics Department, Faculty of science, Sana’a University.
- Teaching the undergraduate courses on: Solid State Physics (I) and (II), Semiconductors Physics, Statistical Physics, Solar Energy, Thermodynamics, Optics, Electric Circuits, Electronics, Static mechanics, Properties of Matter and Heat, General Physics, Physics for health sciences.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Yemeni team leader in the 7th international conference on women in physics (ICWIP), 11-15 July 2021(online conference).
- OWSD 5thGeneral Assembly and International Conference on Women in Science and Technology for the Developing World, Kuwait, 16-19 May 2016.
- The XXX international conference on Materials Science and Applications and workshop on Functional Materials, Marsa Alam, Egypt 24-27 November (2012).
- Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) 7th users meeting, Cairo, Egypt, November 21-22, (2008).
- Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) 5th users meeting Cairo, Egypt. (2006).
- Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) – Workshop in Molecular crystallography Cairo, Egypt. (2006)
- Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) – JSPS School, Cairo, Egypt. 17 – 22 November 2008.
- Training course on Teaching Large Classes, Academic Development Center, Taiz University, 2012.
- Training course on Identifying Graduate Core Competencies and Developing Learning Outcomes Framework of Industrial Chemistry Program, Taiz University, March 2012.
- Workshop on Functional Materials, Marsa Alam, Egypt 24 – 27 November 2012.
- Training course on Public Policy Development, AWAM Foundation, Sana’a, Yemen, 2014
- Project Management course, Yemen Forum 21 in cooperation with OXFAM Novib organization, 2015
- Short course in Computational Physics with Python, 2019.
- Workshop on Course Description for Bachelor’s Program in Physics, Faculty of Science in collaboration with Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center, Sana’a University, April 2020.
Research and scientific papers:
1- Thana Shuga Aldeen, Hamza Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed and Malik Maaza, ZnO nanoparticles prepared via a green synthesis approach: Physical properties, photocatalytic and antibacterial activity, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Available online 11 August 2021, 110313 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2021.110313
2- Thana Shuga Aldeen, Hamza Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed, Malik Maaza, Bio‑inspired Single Phase Monteponite CdO Nanoparticles via Natural Extract of Phoenix roebelenii Palm Leaves, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 30 (2020) 4691–4701. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-020-01600-y
3- M.F. Mostafa, A.K. Tammam, Th. Sh. El-Dean, S.S. Atallah, Mg doping of LaSrFe manganite: Magnetic and electric study, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 517 (2017) 10–18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2017.05.002
4- A. M. Mostafa, Th. Sh. El Dean and A. K. Tammam, Characterization, phase change and conductivity crossover of new luminescent ferroelectric Mn (II) organic-Inorganic hybrid, J. Materials chemistry and Physics, 180 (2016) 373-382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.06.020
5- Ahmed K. Tammam, Thanaa Sh. El-dean and Mohga F. Mostafa, Ferroelectricity in a New Luminescent Organic Inorganic Hybrid: [CH3(C6H5)3P]2MnBr4, Ferroelectrics, 481:1 (2015) 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/00150193.2015.1049483
6- M. F. Mostafa, A. A. Youssef, Th. Sh. El Dean, A. M. Mostafa, and I. S. Ahmed Farag, Synthesis, characterization and impedance spectroscopy of the new material [(CH3)(C6H5)3P]2CoBr4: a member of the A2BX4family. Crystal Research and Technology 43, No. 5 (2008) 547 – 560. https://doi.org/10.1002/crat.200711043
7- Mohga F. Mostafa, A. A. Youssef, Th. Sh. El Dean, Preparation, Characterization and Crystal Structure of the Room Temperature Phase of [(CH3)(C6H5)3P]2[ZnBr4] : A Member of the A2BX4 Family. Z. Naturforsch. 62a (2007) 549-554. https://doi.org/10.1515/zna-2007-0913
Paper in Conference:
1- Th. Sh. El Dean, A. K. Tammam and M. F Mostafa, Incommensurate and ferroelectric Phase Transitions of the new Ruddlesden- Popper perovskite: [ (CH3) (C6H5)3P]2CdBr4, 30th conference on Materials Science and Applications, (Eg-MRS 2012) Marsa Alam, Egypt 25 – 28 November 2012.
Poster in Conference:
1- Th. Shuga Aldeen and M. F. Mostafa, Phase Transitions in the New A2MBr4 Phosphonium Perovskite: [(CH3)(C6H5)3P]2ZnBr4, International Conference on ‘ Women in Science and Technology for the Developing World, Kuwait 16 -19 May 2016.
2- Thana Shuga Aldeen, Current Status of Women Physicists in Yemen, The 7th IUPAP international conference on women in physics, held virtually at the University of Melbourne, Australia July 13-19, 2020.