Over 25 years of solid management experience in international large corporations and government ministries and organizations. Management of development, and implementation of mission-critical custom solution for government-wide use. Broad knowledge of government accounting requirements and solutions. Specialized in Database Administration, System administration, System Analysis, Design, Build, Development. Designing and implementation Disaster Recovery Systems.
P.H.D. Doctorate in Organization and Management, Specializing In Information Technology Management (Dissertation in E-Government), Capella University, MN, USA, March 2007
M.S. in Telecommunications Systems Management, National University, CA, USA, October, 21, 2001
B.S. In Computer Science, San Jose State University, CA, USA, May 24, 1996
TMG Supply Chain Applications Award, Materials Division, TMG, Intel Corp
Data Warehouse Recognition Award, Materials Division, TMG. , Intel Corp
RAPID/WIINGS Awards, Materials Division, TMG, Intel Corp
Year 2000 Capable Award, Year 2000 Program, TMG, Intel Corp
Golden Key National Honor Society, San Jose State University
Expertise in managing organizations, projects, and assessing readiness to implement
e-government; familiarity with current trends in public financial management reform; implementation of Government Financial Management Information Systems.
Organization management, Department Management, Project management, World Bank procurement and finance procedures, and liaison skills of a high order.
Special Training:
E-government/Leadership in a Networked World Managing Projects to Success
Performing To Values Structured Problem Solving
Effective Meetings Constructive Confrontation
E-Business Decision Making Managing Personal Growth
Code of Conduct Transition Management
Promoting Job Quality and Productive Employment in the Middle East and North Africa
Information Security Awareness
July 2012 to present
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
The Deputy Minister of Labour Force
Some of the accomplishments and tasks preformed as the deputy minister are:
- Chair the National Task Force that developed Yemen National Youth Employment Action Plan (YEAP 2014-2016). The budget for the implementation of the activities and reform s included in the YEAP is estimated at USD 948 million over the implementation period. The Task force consisting of members of Public sector (all relevant government ministries and organizations), private sector(Yemen Chamber of Commerce, and the National Workers of Yemen), Emergency Non-Government Organizations , Emergency Capacity Development Facility and International Donors (UNDP, USAID, UKAID, The Department of State of United of States, Italy, and others). The National Youth Employment Action Plan is aimed at creating 250,000 jobs in total during the 3-year implementation period and increasing decent and productive work, particularly for the new young people joining the labor market each year. The YEAP was approved by the donors’ meeting on September 2014 in New York. Later the Yemeni Cabinet approved the YEAP.
- Lead the team of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour that supervised the Yemen Labour Force Survey 2013 – 2014 and represent the Ministry of Labour in the Steering Committee. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) of Yemen was carried out by the Central Statistical Organization of Yemen under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affair and labour and with the assistance of the ILO, and it was the first comprehensive labour force survey in over 15 years. The survey provided very useful employment indicators for policy makers especially for youth and women. Youth (age 15-24) unemployment stood at 24.5 %, youth unemployed and with no education stood at 45%. Out of all Yemeni women of working age, only 4.5% employed. The female unemployment rate stood at 26.1% comparing to 12.3% for men. Women also earned 40,400 Yemeni Rials (US$188) a month, compared to 53,300 (US$248) among men.
- Principal coordinator with the ILO to update Yemen National Employment Strategy and its action plan. The following important components are some covered in the action plan: Putting Employment at the Centre of Economic and Social Policies. It states the importance of decent and productive work for all and the creation of opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity; In addition, cross-cutting issues such as youth and gender are covered in the action plan. It lists steps needed to reduce youth unemployment rate and remove all institutional and legislative imbalances and forms of discrimination; raise awareness of women (especially in the rural areas) about job opportunities and relevant labour market information; increase the rate of women’s involvement in economic activities; and reduce the percentage of poor women.
- Lead the deployment and implementation of the labor market system as part of the Palestinian Yemeni cooperation. The system helps decision-makers in the adoption of policies, plans and procedures in a systematic and realistic toward the needs of the labor market as well as assist in the preparation of programs that will contribute to the mitigation of unemployment especially among the youth and women.
- Member of the Ministry Steering Committee which is in charge of the formulation of policies, plans, and strategies of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor in Yemen;
- Focal representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor of Yemen in the following international organizations, which is Yemen is a member : The International Labor Organization )(ILO), The Arab Labor Organization (ALO), and the Council of ministers of Labor & Ministers of Social Affairs in GCC States (GCC-LSA);
- Direct supervision over the Labour Force Sector. The sector has four directorates general. The Directorate General of Planning and Employing Workforce, which is responsible for issuing all employees work permits in the private sector of Yemen as well as issuing all work permits for labor offices in the country. Directorate General of Working Women, which, among other mandates, contributes to developing strategies, policies and plans aimed at the advancement of women working and seek to provide job opportunities for women in small and medium-sized production projects in urban and rural areas and aimed to provide job opportunities for women. The Directorate General of the Information and Data of Labour Market, which, among other mandates, provides quantitative and qualitative information on the labor force and make them available to the beneficiaries according to their needs. The Unit for Combating Child Labour, which contributes to the prevention and controlling and gradually eliminate child labor, as well as raise awareness of the risks posed by child labor, especially the worst forms of child labor.
- Proposing polices and plans of the Labor Force Sector and oversee implementation;
- Simplification of work procedures and developing work methodologies;
- Coordination between general departments under his supervision and with other sectors of the Ministry;
- Day-to-day follow up of the activities and assignments of subordinate departments;
- Evaluation of activities and assignments of the sector and make proposals to the minister ;
- Issue executive and administrative instructions;
- Develop guidelines for work methodology;
- Oversees the sector plans and reports operating within the ministry’s plan and follow up its implementation within the Council of Ministers;
- Any other functions as contained in laws and regulations or as assigned by the Minister.
April 2012 to July 2012
Sana’a University, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
The Dean
Some of the accomplishments and tasks preformed as the dean of the college are:
- Chairs faculty board meetings, prepares proposed annual plan and discusses it in the first meeting of the board for approval ;
- Responsible for preparing for the faculty board meetings ;
- Day-to-day supervision over the faculty management and ensure the implementation of laws, regulations and decisions of the faculty and university boards;
- Prepares proposed faculty budget and submits it to the faculty board for discussion and further referral to the University Rector;
- Making expenditures from the approved budget;
- Secures faculty needs: equipment, and materials;
- Represents the faculty before third parties ;
- Submits a report at the end of every academic year to the Rector on the flow of educational process, research activities, administrative affairs and finance;
- Any other factions as provided for in the law and its executive regulations.
September 2008 to March 2012
Sana’a Community College, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
The Dean (The President)
Sana’a Community College is a state funded college. It is the oldest and largest community College in the Republic of Yemen. It caters for some 2000 full-time learners distributed in 11distinctive programs in the three year diploma and two programs at the four year technical Bachelor program level. Some of the accomplishments and tasks preformed as the president of the college are:
- Established Sana’a Community Center which offers short courses that serves all members of the community. Allowing them to enroll for second opportunity and informal training in more than 11 unique programs such as: English Language, IT/Computers, Fashion Design, Internal Design, Multimedia Design, Auto Mechanic, Medical Equipments;
- Act as the chief executive officer for the college and the College Committee;
- Start the Construction Skills Training Initiative in partner with the Qatari organization Silatech and both Pearson and Edexcel from the UK. Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, the wife Qatari Ameer and the Chair of the Silatech Board of Advisers visited Sana’a Community College and was very impressed on the success of the program and as a result of that success; she approved the expansion of the program to other community colleges throughout the country. Sana’a Community College, the government of Yemen, Silatech, and Pearson celebrated the graduation of Silatech’s construction skills training initiative at Sana’a Community College on the 6th of February 2011, where the first 1024 trainees of the program received their SilaQual certificate in Health and Safety/Life-Critical. This successful pilot delivered at Sana’a Community College has already elicited a very positive national and international response, and catalyzed the further collaboration of the private and public sectors in Yemen to build sustainable models of skills development at scale, which is accredited to an international standard;
- Establish a new partnership grant program with Eastern Iowa College District, Muscatine Community College, Tulsa Community College (all in U.S.A). This new program named “Economic Empowerment through Entrepreneurship” is a grant from the American Higher Education for Development, the American Council on Education (ACE), The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID), and is supported by the United States Department of Education and by the United States Department of States. Students in this program in the three community colleges will receive all training and skills necessary to succeed in today’s business world and Sana’a Community college students will receive duel certificates from the partner community colleges in the United States;
- Establish a new partnership grant program with both Community Livelihood Project (CLP) Yemen, the International Organization for Migration (IMO) to supply both Sana’a Community College and its Sana’a Community Center with equipments that will enable both to double the enrolment capacity and enhance the learning environment;
- Start a scholarship program with Community Livelihood Project (CLP) Yemen that serves students from rural areas. The project is aim to benefit students who live outside Sana’a and do not have the same opportunity as students who live inside the capital. CLP will provide full scholarship to these students which include full tuition, transportation, and lounge;
- Develop relationships with US Embassy in Sana’a via distinctive programs. These programs include: the embassy sponsorship to install an E-Library in the college, which allow college staff and students to benefit from the resources available in many popular American libraries via the Internet. In addition, the U.S Embassy sponsorship to make Sana’a Community College a center of the English Language to benefit the community and other community colleges;
- Submit annual budget to the Ministry of Finance and administer the approved budget;
- Oversee college operations, planning and supervision of college academic and student programs, administrative service and community programs.
- Ensure the college meets educational and accreditation standards as established by the both the Ministry of Technical Education & Vocational training and the Ministry of Higher Education;
- Function as the representative to local businesses and industry, civic, local, state and federal governmental agencies, and other educational institutions;
- Develop and sustains a high performing executive leadership team;
- Provides executive leadership in the development and achievement of the vision and goals of the College’s Master Plan and Student Success Initiative;
- Develop and approve Administrative Rules needed for effective College operations.
June 2009 to March 2012
Sana’a University, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Head of Information Systems Department
The Information Systems program applies information systems theory and concepts to modern information systems development through classes where students learn and use the latest software for projects. The discipline uses hardware and software as tools to solve business and organizational problems. Information Systems combines business principles such as accounting and management, with the study of computing. Some of the tasks perform as the Head of the Information Systems Department are:
- Lead the department’s meetings and prepare the annual plan for the department;
- Oversee the faculty members in a daily basis and make sure all lectures and labs are given according to schedule;
- Make sure all decrees from the department, the faculty and the University are implemented according to the law of the University;
- Report to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs about all issues and scientific research, and all other activities of the department at the end of the year;
- Discuss the department’s decisions in the faculty committee;
- Supervise the academic schedule and the scientific research of the department;
- Prepare the department’s budget and report it to the dean of the faculty;
- Perform any other tasks directed from the dean and vices deans regarding the department.
May 2008 to present
Sana’a University, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Associate Professor
Some of the courses taught in upper division are:
- Information Systems;
- E-Business;
- Project Management;
- E-Learning;
- Strategic Management.
- IT Project Management
- IT Management
March 2006 to August 2008
The World Bank, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Executive Director, Accounting and Financial Management Information System (AFMIS) Project
The Accounting and Financial Management Information System (AFMIS) Project is a World Bank funded project is designed to address three major parts of public finance management reform; those are budget preparation, budget execution, and accounting. The World Bank in Washington D.C nominated me for the position. Some of the tasks preformed by the Executive Director are:
- Lead the country’s main reform project;
- Manage the redesign of the system from decentralized to centralized system, which saved millions of dollars to the government namely in equipments, services and maintenance;
- Responsible for managing a team of highly skilled World Bank funded staff, locally funded specialists and staff;
- Oversee all functional, operational, administrative, financial, and technical aspects of the 15 million dollars project;
- Manage the successful turnaround, completion of AFMIS in the 4 major ministries, namely: the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Work and Roads, and the Ministry of Education, which make up about 80% of the country’s budget;
- Supervise the planning, development and implementation of key reform programs, and supporting IT systems including the Documentation Management Tracking System;
- Manage a team responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Ministry of Finance’s IT infrastructure, comprising of 500+ PCs, 19 servers, the local network;
- Oversee the capacity building and training programs that benefited more than 900 public officers across government.
June 2003 to March 2006
Ministry of Finance, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Principle Local Advisor, Accounting and Financial Management Information System (AFMIS) Project
The government of Yemen is conducting a Civil Service Modernization Project (CSMP), which comprises, among other components, the computerization of a Financial and Accounting Management Information System (AFMIS), supervised by the Ministry of Finance and funded by the International Development Agency (IDA). AFMIS is designed to address three major parts of public finance management reform; those are budget preparation, budget execution, and accounting. Some of the tasks preformed are:
- Ensure progress of AFMIS implementation in relation to timing and resources.
- Supervise and support the technical team.
- Ensure that all software components comply with the approved conceptual design document.
- Perform application software test process in accordance with all General Condition’s clauses and special condition clauses stated in the contract signed by MOF and the World Bank.
- Report to the AFMIS Ministerial Committee on a bi-monthly basis.
- Build capacity and transfer knowledge.
Feb 2002 to Feb 2003
Intel Corporation, Folsom, CA, USA
Project Manager
- Designed and managed flawless deployment of Veritas backup and recovery solution to SAP environment within Intel worldwide which include full migration to Veritas from several backup software such as ArcServ, Alexandrea, Native Backup. The new backup solution provides maximum tape capacity, upgrade the speed of many of the backup drives, provides maximum number of tape drives, and will be able to integrate future Intel’s systems into the design
- Serving as a Program Manager overseeing Strategic Transition Program across the organization to define, analyze, and transition special first level support tasks to other Information Technology groups.
- Planning, coordinating, and managing an Enterprise Backup and Recovery transition team for SAP R/3, Enterprise Data Warehouse, and Enterprise Data Management systems, Enterprise Application Integration Business-to-Business systems to standardize Backup and Recovery utility and support for more than 2000 systems.
- Primarily responsible for complex customer engagement model process to be adopted by different key engineering organizations.
June 96 to Feb 2002
Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Database Administrator
- Involved in design, administration and maintenance of Worldwide Indirect Inventory Next Generation System (WIINGS) and Worldwide Information System Accelerated Receiving and Distribution (WISARD) servers. Involved in migrating WIINGS servers to meet the performance, fault tolerance and network load balancing goals. Managed load and stress testing of WIINGS system for response times, manageability and stability under constant load. Prepared and owned system design documents, installation scripts and runbooks for transition to support personnel.
- In the process of replacing all WIINGS/WISARD NCR 4300 servers with Compaq DL 380 G2 servers worldwide (12 production sites, 2 in each site). During the switch, NT4.0 OS will be upgraded to WINDOWS 2000 Advance Server. Prepared all documents required for the upgrade: system design build document, slow build documents and Server switch Document. The whole upgrade will be very minimal to customers.
- Lead developer for design, development and implementation of disaster recovery system for WIINGS application. This system is based on a distributed scheduling system developed in SQL Server. This system is designed to provide a three hour recovery for 12 domestic and international servers. Remote monitoring and supporting of the system are provided by Tivoli and Landesk utilities.
- Provided development environment support of WIINGS. Involved in system conversion from SQL Server 6.0 à5 à 7.0à2000. Developed and implemented security and performed quality analysis of database objects. Developed and maintained scripts for automated upgrade of WIINGS system. Supported object version control and application patches using PVCS and SourceSafe.
- Designed and setup several web servers (development, test, production and Disaster Recovery) for WIINGS/WISARD. Used IIS host headers to setup multiple web servers for development using Visual Interdev. Used local HOSTS based name resolution to reduce network overhead. Setup database connectivity, database and file level security.
- Provided 24X7 Level 3 technical support for all WIINGS/WISARD Servers in different geographical regions. Involved in handling incidents of rebuilding servers with all their components, Cleaning servers from Viruses, recovering from database corruption, connectivity between database servers and web servers etc.
- Installed production servers at domestic and international sites, developed a support structure with IT and Service Level Agreements (SLA) with customers. Prepared and trained OSC (Level 1 support) with all server support scripts such as OS, Network, SQL Server, TIBCO troubleshooting etc.
- Owned and managed the development environment and the WIINGS Bullpen PC’s with all components required for WIINGS and WISARD interface testing. Designed and setup all new NCR and Compaq Servers and their components. Schedule all servers maintenance backup and monitoring tools.
- Owned all the new releases testing of OS, office products, and all other software (WINDOWS 2000, SP1, SP2, Office XP, the WINDOWS 2000, Office XP, WINDOWS XP, SQL 2000, SQL 2000SP1/2…etc). The primary contact with MIIS , IT Teams. I insure that WIINGS/WISARD work successfully with all products prior to certifying these products.
March 95 to June 96
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
Computer Lab Assistance – Tutor
- Installing and configuring new software’s
- Administered the university’s PCs and servers
- Analyzed system problems
- Assisted students in designing programs in PASCAL, FORTRAN, UNIX, C, C++, and SQL
- Updated software on all classroom and lab computers
- Calibrated, optimized and pattern tested hard drives, Upgraded microprocessors, RAM memory for systems
International Conferences attended:
- ILO Decent Work and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through decent work, Turin, Italy, April 2019
- ILO Tripartite Arab Meeting on the Future of Work, Beirut, Lebanon, April 2017
- ILO School-to-work transition data analysis for evidence-based policy, Turin, Italy, March 2016
- ILO Academy on Labour Market Statistics and Analysis, Turin, Italy, November 2015
- GCC Labour & Social Affairs 31st Conference in Kuwait, November 2014
- International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, June 2014;
- Regional Conference on Labour Admission Policies in GCC Countries, Abu Dhabi, May 2014
- United Nations, ESCWA Regional Conference on Youth unemployment in the Arab Countries, in Beirut, Lebanon, November 2013;
- Global Conference on Child Labour in Brasilia, Brazil, October 2013;
- International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, June 2013;
- World Bank MENA Community of Practice on Active Labor Market Program and Social Safety Net, in Istanbul, Turkey, January 2013;
- Regional Tripartite Conference on Wage Policies in the Arab Counties in Amman, Jordan, September, 2012;
- A joint ILO-World Bank, Promoting job quality and productive employment in the Middle East and North Africa: what works?, Turin, Italy, October 2010
- Community Colleges International Development (CCID) 36th Annual Conference, Cedar Iowa, the United States of America, March 2010;
- The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention in New Orleans, the United States of America, April 2010
REFERENCES: Furnished upon request.
Scientific Research and Papers
- Business Continuity in the Telecom Sector During Turbulence Time in the Republic of Yemen (Case Study: TeleYemen Corporation)
- Toward Better Resilience during the War Crisis; Case Study of Three Microfinance Institutions in Yemen
- Agile Project Management In Non-Software Sectors During Turbulent Times