
Quality Assurance Unit

Faculty of Commerce and Economics

Quality Assurance Unit

The Quality Assurance Unit is responsible for internal evaluation and review to ensure the quality of the Faculty’s educational, research, and community service activities. It also evaluates the factors that influence these activities and seeks to enhance their quality and the Faculty’s performance level. This includes identifying shortcomings and barriers, recognizing good practices, and developing proposals for continuous improvement to obtain accreditation.

The Unit’s Functions and Terms of Reference:

  • Promoting quality culture and concepts among faculty members, students, and staff at the faculty and the surrounding community.
  • Establishing an electronic database for faculty human resources, material infrastructures, academic programs, and study courses to utilize such data in developing policies, and improvement plans and setting appropriate mechanisms for updating them.
  • Documenting the faculty’s vision, mission, and strategic objectives and putting appropriate mechanisms for updating them.
  • Arranging with relevant institutions to train faculty staff as quality management trainers to ensure institutional capacity building.
  • Evaluating the needs of various faculty activities and working to develop and qualify human resources through training, preparing, and maximizing the use of available material resources.
  • Adopting academic standards for assessing the programs awarded by the faculty and taking the appropriate measures to ensure the standards’ achievement.
  • Preparing specification documents of the academic programs and study courses of the faculty.
  • Following up the preparation and documentation of the study course profiles and program reports at the faculty.
  • Establishing a follow-up and evaluation system at the faculty which covers the following:
  1. Academic performance of faculty members
  2. Students’ performance
  3. Students’ activities
  4. Community services and collaborative activities
  5. Research and scientific activities
  6. Mechanisms and procedures followed by the academic and administrative departments to achieve the faculty’s plans.
  7. The Faculty’s resources to maximize their utilization and propose improvement plans.
  • Creating a system for receiving and following up on the students’ complaints and putting an appropriate mechanism for dealing with them.
  • Creating a system to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of implemented systems and policies.
  • Creating a system to follow up and communicate with the graduates/alumni and the beneficiaries to identify the types of services that the faculty can offer to the community and evaluate the quality of its performance.
  • Preparing and publishing an annual progress report that monitors the level of performance in all activities at the faculty. The annual report includes an implementation plan for development to ensure the quality of educational and research processes as well as community engagement based on documented data.
  • Working with the faculty administration and all academic and administrative departments to prepare the faculty for obtaining academic accreditation.
  • Communicating and interacting with all concerned authorities regarding performance evaluation and quality assurance issues through the Faculty administration, and the Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center (ADQAC) at the University.