Akram Thabet Mohsen Nasher
Personal Information:
Akram Thabet Mohsen Nasher
Sana`a – Yemen
Tel No. 00967771181082
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
Assistant professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery ; Faculty of dentistry – University of Sana`a .
First consultant of oral and maxillofacial surgery ; Kuwait hospital – Sana`a University
PhD in oral and maxillofacial surgery – 2012
Faculty of graduate collage – University of Khartoum – Sudan
MSc in oral and maxillofacial surgery – 2008
Faculty of graduate collage – University of Khartoum
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S) – 2001
Faculty of Dentistry – University of Jordan – Jordan
High school – 1995
Sana`a national school – Yemen
7/2001 – 2/2005 Register at the Faculty of Dentistry – University of Sana`a
Responsibilities include:
- Teaching dental students at the clinical level
- Supervising and evaluating students in their practical session in dental clinics
- Providing assistance to undergraduate students in conducting their researches.
8/2001 – 2/ 2005 Dentist at the Zahrawi Medical Centre and private clinics , Sana`a
My main task was providing all types of dental treatment to the
3/2005 – 8/2008 Registrar at the Khartoum teaching hospital – University of Khartoum- Sudan
Responsibilities include:
- Teaching dental students at the clinical level for oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics.
- Supervising and evaluating students in their practical session in oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Providing assistance to undergraduate students in conducting their researches.
- Doing lectures and seminars for dental and post-graduate students.
- Outpatient clinic for the oral and maxillofacial surgery department.
- As the first surgeon / first assistant for minor and major operations in the oral and maxillofacial surgery department
5/2009 – 4/2012 Researcher for the PhD degree
Conducting a research about the prevalence of human papilloma (type 16 & 18) and Epstein-Barr viruses in oral squamous cell carcinoma and their association with other risk factors in some Yemeni patients as the first molecular study about the oral cancer in Yemen.
10/2008 -until now Consultant of oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the Al-Jomhori Teaching Hospital – Sana`a
- Doing all minor and major operations in the oral and maxillofacial surgery department
11/2012 – until now Assistant professor of oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the faculty of Dentistry – University of Sana`a
Responsibilities include:
- Teaching dental students the theory lectures in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
- Teaching dental students at the clinical level for oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics.
- Supervising and evaluating students in their practical session in oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Participating in the academicactivities and eventsat the college.
- Assistance in the businessmanagementsat the
12/2013- 7/2019 The head of the oral and maxillofacial surgery department- Faculty of dentistry – Sana`a University
- Responsibilities include Organizing all the work of the oral and maxillofacial surgery department.
12/2013 – until now The head of the oral and maxillofacial surgery department- Kuwait hospital – Sana`a University
- Responsibilities include Organizing all the work of the oral and maxillofacial surgery department.
5/2010 – until now Private Dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic
– Providing all types of dental , oral and maxillofacial management and treatment to the patients
Conferences and Workshops:
4/2002 A participant in the 10th Scientific Dental Workshop , The Doctors Syndicate , Sana `a – Yemen.
2/2006 A participant in the first Cranio Maxillo-facial conference , Khartoum – Sudan
10/2006 A participant in the workshop on Research Methodolgy and Bioststistics, Khartoum – Sudan
2/2007 A participant in the second Cranio Maxillo-facial conference , Khartoum – Sudan
3/2007 A participant the first African – Arab dental conference , Khartoum – Sudan.
7/2007 A participant in the seminar of Ao- principles of Crainomaxilloacial ,
Khartoum –Sudan
10/2013 A participant in the 1st Sana`a University International Dental Conference , Sana`a – Yemen
12/2013 A participant in the second Yemeni international Dental Conference , Aden – Yemen.
2/2022 A participant in the 2nd Sana`a University International Dental Conference , Sana`a – Yemen
Research and scientific papers:
1- Viral infection and oral habits as risk factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma in Yemen: a case-control study
Akram T. Nasher, PhD,a Nezar N. Al-hebshi, PhD,b,c Ebtisam E. Al-Moayad, PhD,d and Ahmed M. Suleiman, PhDe Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen; University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, Yemen; Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia; University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan
2- Exome sequencing of oral squamous cell carcinoma in users of Arabian snuff reveals novel candidates for driver genes
Nezar Noor Al-hebshi1, Shiyong Li2, Akram Thabet Nasher3, Maged El-Setouhy4, Rashad Alsanosi4, Jan Blancato5 and Christopher Loffredo5
3- P23: Mutational landscape of Arabian snuff-associated oral squamous cell carcinoma
Nezar N Al-hebshi *, Shiyong Li , Maged El-Setouhy , Rashad Alsanosi , 4 5 5 Akram T Nasher , Jan Blancato and Christopher Loffredo
4- Robust species taxonomy assignment algorithm for 16SrRNA NGS reads: application to oral carcinoma samples
Nezar Noor Al-Hebshi1*, Akram Thabet Nasher2, Ali Mohamed Idris3 and Tsute Chen4
5- HISTOLOGIC AND RADIOGRAPHIC STUDY OF PATHOLOGIC CHANGE IN COMPLETE IMPACTED THIRD MOLARS DENTAL FOLLICLES Shafiqa Mohammed Haidra Masdoose1, Akram Thabet Nasher1, Monya A. El-Zine2, Ameen Abdullah Yahya Al-Akwa3, Hassan Abdulwahab Al-Shamahy4, Mohammed A Al-labani3