Haifaa Mohammed Ali Abdullah Alhussini
Personal Information:
Was born in November 14th 1992
Bachelor Degree of Dental Surgery from Sanaa University faculty of Dentistry in 2016
Teaching Assistant in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Sanaa University faculty of Dentistry. First Year Master Student in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2022. General Dentist at Cosmetic and Orthodontics Dental Center.
Bachelor Degree of Dental Surgery from Sanaa University faculty of Dentistry in 2016
. First Year Master Student in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2022.
* General Dentist at Cosmetic and Orthodontics Dental Center. 2017- now
* Teaching Assistant in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Sanaa University faculty of Dentistry. 2019-now
* General Dentist at Aman Dental center 2017-2018
* Experience in working at governmental fields.
* Basic Periodontal Surgery course , was conducted at Saba University Collage of Dentistry Sanaa Yemen on the 26th and 29th of April 2017.
* Rotary Endodontics Systems course , was held at Ideal Dental Clinics on the 3rd and 4th of January 2018.
* Mastering fixed Orthodontic “ level 1” , was held at the Collage of Dentistry Saba University on the 16th and 17th of August 2018.
*Attended many dental related events.
*Participate in preventive event in primary school packed by Sana’a University.
Conferences and Workshops:
1- The 1st Sanaa University International Dental Conference (Sanaa –Yemen)
2- The 3rd Scientific Conference of Yemen Dental Association and 45th Scientific Conference of Arab Dental Federation during the period 18th -20th December 2014 (Sanaa-Yemen)
3- The Sixth scientific Meeting which was held by Yemeni Dental Association and B&B Dental implant company at 24th -25th of May 2017 (Sanaa-Yemen)
4- The 2nd Scientific Meeting of Dentistry which was held by the University of Science and Technology Hospital during the period of 18th -20thApril 2017 (Sanaa-Yemen)
5- The 4th Scientific Dental Conference which was held by Yemeni Dental Association and the Arab Dental Federation in Sanaa-Yemen from 9th to 10th February 2017