Yahya Abdullah Ahmad Al-hadi
Personal Information:
Nationality : Yemeni
Birth date : 26/12/1974, Married.
Address :Yemen – Sana’a –al-asbahi old city
Mobile : 771264113
Unfortunately All detail listed in this CV less valuable than one night sleepingin defiance area against aggression on yamen.SO I asking GOOD to subject me for people serves and benefit them with our knowledge and bless us Testimony for the sake of Allah.
1- B.D.S., College of Dentistry, Bagdad University. (1995-2000)
2- Post graduate Diploma in oral and maxillofacial surgery-Damascus university.(2002-2004)
3- Master. clinic dental implant). in oral and maxillofacial surgery department -Damascus university.(2004-2006)
4- Arab Board of oral and maxillofacial surgery (2003-2008)
5- PHD. Clinic (orthognathic)in oral and maxillofacial surgery- Damascus university.(2007-2009)
- Dentist in OCD(the specialist in orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry) dental center in Yemen – Sana’a from 1-12-2000 to 1-10-2002.
- Demonstrator in oral and maxillofacial surgery department College of Dentistry Sana’a University(2000 – 2001).
- Senior in oral and maxillofacial surgery department in Damascus University(2002 – 2006) as apart of diploma and master requirements.
- Lecturer in the faculty of dentistry -Kalamoon University-Syria from 1/2/2006to 1/7/2009
- Assistant professor and head. Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, faculty of dentistry, IBB University (9-7-2009 to 1-1-2013).
- Consultant in oral and maxillofacial surgery from comity of high Yemeni medical council since 23-11-2011.
- DEAN of dental college (Dar al-salam university for since and technology) since 9-2013 tell 30-10-2014.
- Consultant in oral and maxillofacial surgery in King Khalid Hospital Najran and Najran general hospital (KSA) from 9-11-2014 to 4-2-2015.
- First-consultant in oral and maxillofacial surgery from comity of high Yemeni medical council (since14-04-2019).
- Assistant professor. In Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, faculty of dentistry, sanaa’a University (since 3-2013) to 2019.
- Associate professor. in Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, faculty of dentistry, Sana’a University (since 2019)
- DEAN of dental college (privet Queen arwa university ) since 1-10-2013 tell 30-12-2013.
- DEAN of dental college (Dar al-salam university for since and technology) since 1-1-2014 tell 30-12-2014.
- Deputy Minister(first) of high education ministry – Yemen- 31-1-2016 to 30-1-2019.
- Head of Scientific committee in Yemen board training program of maxillofacial surgery consul since 2018
- Head of academic, Scientific and continuous medical education committee of high Yemeni medical council since 2018.
Lecturer and Chairman in many Local and word-wide Conferences and workshops in the period of (2000 -2021) in the field of:
- General dentistry Conferences
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery Conferences.
- Dental implant Conferences
- Laser in dentistry work shop and Conferences.
Research and scientific papers:
1- Research under the title (accuracy of dental tomography in determination of inferior dental canal in comparison with spiral CT scan)Publishedin Damascus University medical journalin 17-5-2006.
2- Research under the title(Maxillary rapid surgical expansion under local anesthesia through grater palatine canal)Published in Damascus University medical journal in 24-10-2008.
3- Research under the title(Immediate facial changes associated with maxillary rapid surgical expansion through lateral photography)Published in Damascus University, medical journal. In 20/5/2009.
4- Research under the title(Clinical evaluation of temporomandibular joint disorders amongdental students at the University of Science and Technology,Sana’a, Yemen) Published Indian Journal of MULTI DISCREPANCY DENTIISTRY. Volume 9 | Issue 2 | July-December 2019.
5-Research under the title (CAUSES FOR EXTRACTION OF PERMANENT TEETH IN GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICES IN YEMEN) Published in Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. In Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019.
6- Research under the title ( The Association of Elevated Serum IgE and Xerostomia with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis) Published in Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health. March 29, 2019.
7-Research under the title (Prevalence and Pattern of Third Molar Impaction in Sample of Yemeni Adults) Published in Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health. In March 13, 2019.
8- Research under the title (Occurrence of retromolar canal among a sample ofYemeni adults obtained from cone-beam computedtomography) Published in International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Vol. 8(2), pp. 35-41, June 2020.
9- supervisor and examiner for number of master and PHD thesis in oral & maxillofacial surgery department – faculty of dentistry – Sana’a university.
10 –head of scientific committee of Yamani professional master and board in oral & maxillofacial surgery – Yamani committee of medical specialty – ministry of health – republic of yamen.
11- supper visor for 8 master theses since 2018 at maxillofacial surgery – Sanaa university- Yemen.
12- external examiner for number of research in maxillofacial surgery field