
Abdulkafi  Mohammed  Mohammed Al Eriany


Personal Information:

Eng.Dr:  Abdulkafi  Mohammed  Mohammed Al Eriany

Assistant Professor, since 2003

Sanaa University, Faculty of Engineering, El. Eng. Dept.



I was born in 1954 in  Irian – Alkafr – Ibb. I studied in Taiz (Primary and Secondary  school)

In 1976 I has got a scholarship to study in CZ. In 2003 I have finished my MSc. In Telecommunication Eng.). In 1996 I traveled again to Czech republic to continue my further studies toward  the PhD. Degree. In 2993 I have got my PhD. Degree and since that time I continue my work at sanaa Univ. Faculty of Eng. As an assistant professor>


      1998-2003    Ph.D.     Measurement Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ.

        1976-1982    MS.c.     Radio Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ

        1969-1975                   Secondary school, Taiz, Yemen Republic.

        1962-1968                   Primary school, Taiz, Yemen Republic.


I have teach the following subjects

Electrical and Electronics –  Measurements and Instrumentation –  Electronic circuits (1) – Electronic circuits (2) – Electronic Systems Design – Circuit Theory (1) – Circuit theory (2).

Logic circuits 1&2.

Conferences and Workshops:

Attendance a lot of workshops inside the faculty and outside.  Assist a lot of graduated student projects. Attendance a lot of an ABET workshops including finishing all specification templates of all my courses  in Elect. Eng. Dept. and Dept. of Mechatronics.

Research and scientific papers:

[1]. Josef Vedral, Jan Holub, Milan Andrle, Abdul Kafi Al-Iriany: Testing of  Digital     Oscilloscopes, Applied Electronics 2000, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, September

 2000, pp.179-182. ISBN80-7082-650-9.


[2]. Al-Iriany, K., Andrle,M., Holub,J., Vedral’J.: Time-Versus Frequency Domain  Methods for High Resolution ADC Testing, ETW’02 IEEE European Test Workshop, Greece, May 26-29, 2002.


[3]. Al-Iriany,A. K., Andrle, M., Holub, J., Vedral, J.: Measuring system for testing digital oscilloscopes, proceeding workshop 2001, Prague 2001, vol. A, p. 344-345, ISBN 80-01-02335-4.


[4]. Al-Iriany, A. K., Andrle, M., Holub, J., Vedral, J. : Histogram test of Sigma-Delta ADC, 8-th. IEEE International mixed Signal Testing Workshop-IMSTW 2002, Montreux, Switzerland, June 20, 2002.


[5]. Al-Iriany, A.K., Andrle, M.,  Holub, J., Vedral, J. : Methods for testing of high resolution ADC, 8-th. IEEE International mixed Signal Testing Workshop-IMSTW 2002, Montreux, Switzerland, June 20, 2002.


[6]. Al-Iriany, A.K., Andrle, M., Holub, J., Vedral, J.: Testing of Static and Dynamic Parameters of Digital Oscilloscopes, Applied Electronic 2002, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, September 11, 2002.