- Assistant Professor at Electrical Engineering Department – Computer and Control Section
- A Member of the teaching staff in the Department of Electrical Engineering after graduating in the year 2000.
- He completed his postgraduate studies in the French city of Rouen as a scholarship student from Sana’a University and obtained his master’s and doctorate degrees there. He returned to work as an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering – Computer and Control Division since 2009.
- He Participated as one of the founding members of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering in the College of Engineering from the beginning until the establishment of the department. He also participated in the preparation of some of the department’s subjects and is currently teaching in this department also for some of the subjects that he prepared.
- He also participated in the establishment of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and he is currently a member of the department’s council.
- He worked as a member of the central control of the Faculty of Engineering, as a representer of the Department of Electrical Engineering after returning from scholarships abroad, then as head of the central control later. During his work, the control was completely transferred to a central database for the first time in the faculty, replacing the semi-manual methods used previously. He continued his work in the central control of the college for about seven years.
- He headed the Information Unit in the college for about four years.
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering – Division of Computers and Control from the College of Engineering – University of Sana’a – Yemen – 2000 AD.
- Master’s degree in Computer Systems Technology – Rouen University – France – 2003 AD.
- D. in Computer Systems Technology – National Institute of Applied Sciences – France – 2008.
- Teaching of various specialized subjects in the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering.
- Founding member of the departments of Mechatronics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.
- Supervising many graduation projects in the departments of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering.
- Participant in many workshops within the framework of academic accreditation.
- Participated in the establishment and development of academic programs within the departments of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees).
- Participant in the preparation of several scientific courses within the departments of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.
- Experience in administrative work related to student affairs by working in the central control in the college.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Participation in several workshops in the field of quality and academic accreditation.
- A member of the founding team of the Mechatronics Engineering Department under the supervision of the World Bank.
- Member of the founding team of the Biomedical Engineering Department.
Research and scientific papers:
- 8 research papers in several scientific conferences.
- Supervisor and discussant of many graduation projects since 2010 until now.