Radwan Mohammed Taha AL Bouthigy
Personal Information:
- Associate Professor Dr. (Eng.) Radwan Mohammed Taha AL Bouthigy.
- Mobile Number: 775284933.
- Associate Professor (Electrical Engineering Department) and (Mechatronics Engineering Department).
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the Faculty member at least 3 lines):
- Associate Professor Dr. (Eng.) Radwan Mohammed Taha AL Bouthigy.
- PhD from Assuit University –Egypt- 2013
- Member staff in Electrical department
- Member staff in Mechatronics department
- Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from College of Engineering –Sana’a University in 1997.
- Master Degree in Electrical Engineering (Power and Machine Engineering) from Assuit University Egypt in 2009.
- D. Degree in in Electrical Engineering (Power and Machine Engineering- Renewable Energy) from Assuit University Egypt in 2013.
- Teaching different specialized subjects in Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Departments.
- Supervisor of the graduation projects.
- Supervisor of multiple courses in the field of Electrical power and Machine.
- Participation in many workshops in the area of the quality assurance.
- Description of a number of Mechatronics programs for a number of national universities.
- Resident of a number of Mechatronics programs for a number of national universities.
- Team member for description of the master’s program in Electrical power and machine
- Team member for description of the master’s program in Mechatronics Engineering.
- Head of the description of the doctoral program in the department of Electrical Engineering
Conferences and Workshops:
- Participation in different workshops for the quality assurance.
- Participation and presenting a scientific paper in the area of the Wind Renewable Energy in Egypt.
- Participation and presenting a scientific paper in the area Electrical machine in Egypt.
- International Computer Driving License (European Computer Driving License Foundation)
- Effective Presentation (Faculty and Leadership Development Center Assuit University.
- Research Team Management (Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assuit University.
- Conference Organization (Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assuit University
- Strategic Planning (Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assuit University.
- Participation in many (ABET) workshops.
- Participation in workshops describing the master’s program of Electrical power and Machines
- Participation in workshops describing the doctoral program of Electrical Engineering.
Research and Scientific Papers:
- T. Al-Bouthigy; A. A. hafez; J and I. Al-Sadey” Performance Optimization of Self-Excited Induction Generator Using Simulated Annealing Technique ‘Journal of Electrical Engineering, JEE, vol. 1, pp. 96-101, 2012.
- A. hafez; J. I. Al-Sadey and R. T. Al-Bouthigy” STATCOM for Dynamic performance Optimization of Grid Connected Wind Power System” Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol.9 No.2 , 2013.
- T. Al-Bouthigy; A. A. hafez; J and I. Al-Sadey” Robust STATCOM Control Design Using P-Q theory for Wind Driven Induction Generator” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 14, 2014.
- A. hafez ;T. Al-Bouthigy; J and I. Al-Sadey “Viable Adaptive Neural Controller for STATCOM in Stand-Alone Wind Power System. Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 14, 2014.
- Radwan M. AL- Bouthigy, “Selection of capacitance for compensated self excited induction generator using meta-heuristic approach,†International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 20-27, 2016.
- Radwan M. Al-Bouthigy, “Critical points of simplified model for ferroresonance phenomenon in single phase power transformers,†International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 44-49, 2016.
- M. AL-Bouthigy.” Static Synchronous Compensator Based on Neural-Network Controller for Mitigation of Current Source Harmonics ” Journal of Modern Science & Engineering Vol.1, No.2 (2017) 33-41.
- M. AL-Bouthigy, Abdul Raqib Abdo Asaad,“ Viable Adaptive Neural Network Controller for Static Synchronous Series Compensator to Mitigation of Voltage and Current Source Harmonics “ Journal of Modern Science & Engineering Vol.1, No.3 (2017) 1-10.
- M. Al-Bouthigy, Ahmed A. A. Hafez,”Performance Optimization of Self Excited Induction Generator Using Particle Swarm Technique” Journal of Science and Technology Volume 22 -NO.2 (2017) 1 -23.
- Radwan M. AL-Bouthigy, Adel A. AL-shogairy, Saleh Y. M. Bakrain, IbrahimA. M. AL-Qadhi, Mohammed M. A. Almassabi, “ Protection of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Embedded System” International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET), Volume 05 – Issue 08 , August 2019, PP. 01-10 .
- Abdel- Salam, A. S. Abdallah and R. M. AL- Bouthigy, “A Simplified Model for Ferroresonance Phenmenon in Single Phase Power Transformer,” Accepted in The 13th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’2009), 20-23 December, Assiut, Egypt, 2009, pp. 122-127.
- M. AL- Bouthigy and A. A. Abd Elhafez and J. I. AL- Saady, “Wind Energy: Past, Persent and Future ,” The 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEENG 2012), Military Technical college, Cairo, Egypt, 29- 31 May, 2012, pp.EE07 1-28.