Ahmed Abdulwahab Al Arashi
Personal Information:
Ahmed Abdulwahab Al Arashi
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Power and Machinery Section, specialized in the distribution of electrical networks, computer applications and artificial intelligence in the field of electrical power systems. A National expert and consultant in renewable energy and its applications. Carried out a large number of consulting work and training programs in the field of new and renewable energy for a number of national institutions and international organizations. Developed course specifications and taught several basic and specialized subjects for the electrical engineering and mechatronic engineering departments at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Conducted and supervised many researches ad studies in the field of electrical power systems, including the design and feasibility study of renewable energy systems.
More than 13 years of experience in managing internationally funded development projects, including planning and programming projects, including preparing executive plans, designing monitoring and evaluation systems based on performance indicators, following up on implementation, and preparing performance and evaluation reports. In addition to the experience of preparing and evaluating tenders in line with the Yemeni Law of Tenders and Increases, as well as the procedures of donor organizations.
- Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering), UMIST, Manchester, UK. 1995
- M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering), UMIST, Manchester, UK 1991
- Diploma (Elect Eng.) University of Bradford, Bradford, UK 1990
- Sc. University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan 1987
- Assistant professor Aug. 1996 to Dec. 2003
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
- Associate professor of distribution systems Dec. 2003 to date.
As Academic staff member, Main activities are:
- Teaching post graduate and under graduate courses and projects. Main subjects taught include power system planning, procurement for Electrical Engineers, renewable power systems, transmission and distribution system, electrical measurements, circuit analysis, programming for electrical engineering students, artificial intelligence, and operation research.
- Supervising post graduate and under graduate academic research projects such as:
- Feasibility study for 50 and 100 MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants in Al Hodaydah and Aden.
- Feasibility study for 100 MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants in.
- Design number of Grid-connected solar systems (particular attention was given to technical issues and institutional requirements for introducing grid connected solar system in Yemen).
- Design number of stand-alone, PV-Deiseal and grid connected solar using professional Packages such as Homer and Pvsyst.
- Editorial Board member for two Universities journals.
- Reviewed various works and publications for local and international university staff members..
- Developing Course plans and specifications for number of Electrical and mechatronics Departments at the levels of B Sc. And M Sc.
- Freelancer Consultant Jan. 2013 to date.
Worked with number of local and international agencies. Main areas of experience include:
- Solar Energy Expert:
- Technical Team leader, for number of solar energy consultancies.
- Solar Energy Trainer/Training Need Assessment Expert
- Project Management and Planning
- Investment Planning Advisor.
- Project Feasibility Studies.
- Strategic and Operation Planning Expert.
- Information System Analysis Consultant
- Donors financed Project Implementation and M&E Specialist
- Developing Training Programs for Project Management Unites.
- Developed M&E Systems and manual and conducted number of consultancies in project Monitoring and evaluation as well as on the job training for project staff.
- Developed M&E Systems projects procurement manuals, developed number of bidding goods and consultancies document, carried out bid evaluation and held on the job training.
- Electrical Engineering
- Designed/developed design criteria and Term Of Reference (TOR) for Electrical Distribution System Design.
- Managed Electrical Power Investment Company and technically supported planning and implementation.
- Director, Program Administration Unit (PAU) 2007 – Dec. 2011.
Basic and secondary Education Development Projects. Over 250 million USD multi donors financed projects.
- Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, 2000 – 2007.
Basic Education Development Project (BEDP: 40 Million USD World Bank Project.
- Deputy Director for Co-ordination & Planning 1998 – 2000
Co-ordination Unit, Education Sector Investment Project (ESIP), 33 Million USD World Bank Project
Conferences and Workshops:
- International Arch of Europe convention, Frankfurt, Germany, May 2014.
- From Primary to Secondary Education: Lessons for Equity and Quality Improvement, UNESCO, Paris, France November 2011.
- Successful Project Management, Strategia Human Resource & Organization Development, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2010.
- Team Effectiveness for Cross-Sectoral Coordination, IMA International, Sana’a, Yemen, January 2009.
- Leadership and Project Team Management, SETYM International Inc., Montreal, Canada, October 2008.
- Effective Management Skills, IMA International, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2008.
- Project Management in World Bank-Funded Projects: control of project delivery (time, scope, procurement, budget and resources), International Labor Organization, International Training Centre, Turin, Italy, July 2006.
- Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies, International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO, Paris, France, September 2005.
- Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, ELDAR ALARABIA for industrial and management development, Cairo, Egypt, February 2004.
- Project Management training workshop, the government of Yemen and the World Bank, Sana’a, Yemen, March 2000.
- Supervision of postgraduate research workshop, UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 1998.
- Using Modern Learning Resources in Teaching Workshop, Career Development Center, UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom. August 1998.
- 32nd Universities Power Engineering Conference 1997, UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom, September 1997.
- The Third Libyan Arab International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya, 25-28 March 1996.
- 30th Universities Power Engineering Conference 1995, the University of Greenwich, Greenwich, United Kingdom, September 1995.
- 28th Universities Power Engineering Conference 1993, Stafford University, Stafford, United Kingdom, September 1993.
Research and scientific papers:
Major publications are: –
- “Feasibility Study of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant for Sana’a Wastewater Treatment Plant”, Journal of Environment and Sustainability Development Studies, Arab Association for Environmental Science, No. 2 Vol. 5 Dec. 2018.
- “Application of Expert System in Industrial Distribution System Design”, Journal of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, Yemen, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2002.
- ” A model-based Document Structure Extraction System”, A.M.S.E., France, 1998.
- “ A New Method to Modeling of the Control by Thyristor Circuit for Static VAR Generator”, Journal of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, Yemen, Vol.2, No. 4, 1997
- “Expert System Application in Power System”, Third Libyan International Conference On Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Libya, 1996.
- “A Knowledge Based System for Distribution System Design”, UPEC 95, Greenwich, England,1995.
- S. A Qurashi and Ahmed Al Arashi, “Procedure for Development of Accurate Lumped Parameter Transformer Model for VETO Studies”, UPIC 95, Stafford, England, 1993.
- S. A Qurashi and Ahmed Al Arashi, “ Transformer Model for VFTO Studies in Gas Insulated Substation”, UPEC 95, Stafford, England, 1993.