Abdullah Mansour Bin Al-Zoa
Personal Information:
Name: Abdullah Mansour Bin Al-Zoa.
Date of birth: Hadramoot – 29/12/1952.
Marital state: Married and has three children.
Email : a.binalzoa@su.edu.ye
Dr. Abdullah Mansour Bin Al-Zoa. Was born in Hadramoot, Yemen 1952. Achieved MBBCH, MSc and PhD., Ain Shams University, Egypt. Senior consultant of Pediatrics and neonatology. Professor of Pediatrics, faculty of medicine and healthy sciences – Sana’a University.
Education and Training:
- Primary School: Al Quatin, Hadramoot 1965.
- Intermediate School: Al Quatin, Hadramoot 1969.
- Secondary school: State of Kuwait 1974.
- B.B.CH: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt 1980.
- Sc. [Pediatrics] Ain Shams University, Egypt 1997.
- D. [Medical childhood studies]: Ain Shams University, Egypt 2002.
- Training course in Neonatal intensive care, Ain Shams University, Egypt 1.10.2001 – 31.3.2002.
Work Experience:
- House officer, Ain Shams University Hospital 1981 – 1982.
- General practitioner in pediatric department and its associated neonatal care unit, Kuwait hospital, Sana’a, Yemen 1983 – 1991.
- Pediatric registrar, faculty of medicine and healthy sciences, Sana’a University 1990 – 1994.
- Visiting pediatric registrar at Ain Shams University Hospitals [during the postgraduate study] 1994 – 1997.
- Lecturer of pediatrics, Sana’a University 1997 – 2002.
- Training house physician in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo-Egypt 1.10.2001 – 31.3.2002. - Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University, 2002-2016.
- Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University, 2016-2022.
- Professor of Pediatrics, Sana’a University, currently.
- Head of pediatric department Al-Gumhori teaching Hospital Sana’a from 2003 – 2013.
Other tasks and participations:
- Supervisor of the training program for the Yemeni Board and the Arab Board in pediatrics, Al-Gumhori teaching hospital, Sana’a, Yemen, 2003 until now.
- Participation of making the national guidelines for treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM), 2005.
- Member of the scientific council for the Yemeni Board and the Arab Board in pediatrics, the Yemeni council for medical specialties, currently.
- Head of the Yemeni Pediatric Society, 2016 until now.
- Vice-president of the Yemeni Medical Council 2013 – 2016.
Seminars, Conferences and Workshop participation:
- The 11th conference of the union of Arab pediatric societies. December 2 – 5, 2003 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Training course in Medical Education, October 18 – 22: 2003. Faculty of Medicine and health sciences. Sana’a University, Sana’a Yemen.
- Workshop on the adaptation of the integrated management of childhood Illnesses (IMCI). Ministry of health and population, 2004. Sana’a Yemen.
- Training course in the management of moderate and server malnutrition in infants and children below the age of 5 years, December 3-8, 2005. Sana’a. R.Y.
- Advocacy workshop on Development of national protocol on management of severe and moderate acute malnutrition for the under five children December 18 – 19 , 2005. Sana’a R.Y.
- Workshop about the international code of marketing of breast milk substitute and maternity protection at the workplace, November 13 – 14 2005. Sana’a R.Y.
- The conference for development of the curriculum for the Yemeni Board and Yemeni specialty certificate in pediatrics, Sana’a, Yemen, 2005.
- The national conference for childhood and youth. February 19- 22, 2006. Sana’a, R.Y.
- The 13th Congress of the union of Arab Pediatric societies, March 6 –8, 2006. Aden, R.Y.
- Inspiration consensus forum about the respiratory tract infection and the emergence of resistance to antibiotics. February 2-3 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
- Pediatrics and pediatric surgery symposium. 4-5 April, 2007, Sana’a – R.Y.
- Training course on medical research methodology including statistics. Ministry of public health and population 10 – 15 February 2007 Sana’a. R.Y.
- First National Evidence Based Medicine course. April 30 – May 3 2007, Sana’a R.Y.
- Symposium about the prevention of rheumatic fever. May 2007, Sana’a. R.Y.
- The second Arab ISPCAN Regional conference on Child Violence, Abuse and Neglect. June 18 – 20, 2007 Sana’a. R.Y.
- Workshop about prevention of maternal to child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), July 3 – 4, 2007, Sanaa. R.Y.
- Workshop on revision of the national protocol on management of severe and moderate acute malnutrition for the under 5 children. October 19 – 23, 2008, Sana’a. R.Y.
- A forum about the management of recurrent respiratory symptoms in infants as young as 6 months of age. November 8 – 9, 2008, Beirut – Lebanon.
- Educational Activity about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Treatment 6th of August, 2008, Sana’a R.Y.
- Workshop on Assessment of medical education. Faculty of medicine and Health science. Sana’a University. February 16 – 18, 2009, Sana’a. R.Y.
- The First national conference on Education and training on Autism, March 28-30, 2009, Sana’a R.Y.
- Workshop on SWOT analysis and making 5 years strategy for the faculty of medicine and Health sciences. Sana’a university 28 March – 1 April 2009, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen.
- A new era in the management of recurrent respiratory symptoms in infants as young as 6 months of age. November 8 – 9, 2008, Beirut, Lebanon.
- Workshop on ethics in medical practice and researches. Faculty of Medicine and health sciences – Sana’a University March 8 – 10, 2010, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Endorsement of national neonatal health strategy workshop – April 25 – 26, 2010. Sana’a, Yemen. June 2-3, 2010, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Workshop about the national protocol for early detection of handicaps in children.
- Scientific Meating about the prevention of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. January 26-29, 2011. Sana’a, Yemen.
- Workshop for the revision of the national protocol for infant and child feeding. May 15-19, 2011, Sana’a. Yemen.
- The first epilepsy congress of the Yemeni Association Against Epilepsy. March 12-13, 2014, Taez-Yemen.
- Pediatric expert summit of the American Academy of Continuing Medical Education. March 7-8, 2014. Dubai-UAE.
Research and scientific papers:
1-Diagnosis of Gastro-esophageal Reflux in Infants and Children Using 24 hours pH Probe monitoring, 1997. (Thesis for master degree).
2-Upper Gastrointestinal Morphological Changes and Gut Contamination in Childhood Constipation, 2002. (Thesis for PhD).
3-Prevalence of Convert Bacteruria Among Female School Children in Sana’a City, Yemen. Faculty of Science Bulletin, Oct. 2009; Vol. 22:137-146.
4-Intestinal parasitosis among Yemeni patients with cancer, Sana’a, Yemen. Journal of Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Dec 2012;Vol.42(3):727-34.
5-Treatment of Hospitalized Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition Following the National Guidelines: Experience of Al-Gumhouri Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen. Hadramout Journal of Medical Sciences (HJMS), Dec 2012; Vol. 2, No.2: 58-63.
6-Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality in the Neonatal Care Unit in Al- Gumhouri Teaching Hospital , Sana’a, Yemen. Hadramout Journal of Medical Sciences (HJMS) Dec 20013; Vol. 2, No.2: 200-206.
7-Pediatric Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Al-Sabeen Hospital , Sana’a City, Yemen. Hadramout Journal of Medical Sciences, June & Dec 2014; Vol. 3, No.1: 239-242.
8-Effectiveness of Low Dose Hydroxyurea in Yemeni Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Hadramout Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014; Vol. 3, No.1: 239-247.
9-Clinical Profile of Convulsive Disorders in Children Admitted to The Pediatric Ward in Al-Gumhouri Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen. The Int. J.Child Neuropsychiatry, May 2017; Vol.14, No. 1: 9-14.
10-Determinants of mortality of acute bacterial meningitis among Yemeni children in a tertiary referral hospital in Sana’a. The medical Journal of Cairo University, June 2017; Vol. 85, No. 4, :1543-1549.
11-Aetiologies, patterns of presentation and mortality of acute bacterial meningitis among Yemeni children in a tertiary referral hospital in Sana’a. Medical Journal of Cairo University, June 2017; Vol. 85, No.3: 1055-1063.
12-Cyclospora cayetanensis: First Report of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Infections among Immunocompetent Children with Diarrhea, Sana’a, Yemen. EC Microbiology, July 2017; Vol. 10,Issue 1: 11-18.
13-Nutritional Status of Children Admitted to the Pediatric Department at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, May 2021; Volume 6, Issue 5: 1539 – 1544.
14-Cerebral Palsy among Yemeni Children: clinical profile, comorbidities, etiology and risk factors. The International J. Ch. Neuropsychiatry May 2022; Vol. 19 Issue 1 & 2 (March & Sept.): 1-7.
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