Abdul Hakim Ahmed Abdul Galil Al-Hammadi
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 1957
Place of Birth : Banihammad – Alhogariah – Taiz
Nationality : Yemeni
Marital Status : Married Number of children : 11 ( 4 sons , 7 daughters )
Abdul Hakim Ahmed Abdul Galil Al-Hammadi – Primary education Nassir school , Taiz – Medium education Al-kweit school, Taiz – Secondary education Al-Thawrah school, Taiz – B.Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah , KSA – M. Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt – Ph.D. in solid state (material science) of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt –
- Assistant at Physics Department and physics’ Lab, Faculty of Science , Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture and Education,. Sana’a University, September 1989- October 1992.
- Courses Teaching in Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Education, Sana’a University.
Electric Circuits and Measurements – Electronic Circuits – Thermo-Dynamic
Physical Optics -Waves and Vibrations -General Physics 1,2 and 3-Solid State Physics,1, 2
Material Science.(Strength of materials) – Electromagnetic Fields, 1,2 – Solid State Physics (Graduate Students)
- Assistance Professor – Teaching – Research and Supervision (Mar 2005-……)
- Head Department of Physics (2018 – 2020)
- Associate Professor-– Teaching – Research and Supervision (Aug 2020-
- Lecturer of Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Mars 2005-
- Overseer on most Laboratories for Science and Education Students.
- Courses teaching – Advance Solid State Physics ( Master students )
- Courses Teaching in Faculty of Education and Science, Marb, 2008/2009.
Conferences and Workshops:
- MASTERY workshop to finalize science and math courses description. , Sofitel Taiz, Feb 22nd – Feb 29th , 2008.
- Courses description in Faculty of Science 2021
Published and Accepted papers for publication.
1– A. M. Abo El Ata, M. K. El Nimr, D. El Kony and A. H. Al-Hammadi;
- Mag. Mag. Mater. , 202 (1999) 397.
2- A. M. Abo El Ata, M. K. El Nimr, D. El Kony and A. H. Al-Hammadi;
- Mag. Mag. Mater. , 204 (1999) 36.
3- A. M. Abo El Ata, S.M. Attia , D. El Kony and A. H. Al-Hammadi;
- Mag. Mag. Mater. , 295 (1) (2005) 28.
4- A. M. Abo El Ata, M. K. El Nimr, S.M. Attia, D. El Kony and A. H. Al-Hammadi;
- Mag. Mag. Mater. , 297 (1) (2006) 33.
5- A. H. Al-Hammadi; University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. ,
Vol. 14 No. 3 December 2010.
6- A. H. Al-Hammadi; University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. ,
Vol. 19 No. 1 April 2015.
7- A.H. Al-Hammadi, F.A.Ghailan, F.A.H. Abu Hulaiqah; AL-Baydha University Journal
(BUJ)., Vol. 3 No. 3 December 2021.
- MASTERY workshop to finalize science and math courses description. , Sofitel Taiz, Feb 22nd – Feb 29th , 2008.
Research and scientific papers:
- Thesis, Co- Supervisor and Supervisor of M. Sc. Thesis entitled.
- Study of the electrical transport mechanism of (Tri-Indium Sulfide) and (Mono-Indium Sulfide) thin films – Noura Ali Ismail Kalaf Alla (2012)
- Synthesis of (Cadmium Selenide) thin films by chemical bath deposited and studying its structural, optical and electrical properties.- Yasser Ali mohammed
Al-madsem (2013).
- Thermal analysis and creep curve for some
- Study of Corrosion and Toxic Metals Produced by 8xxx- aluminum. – Abdulrakeeb Noman Mahuoub Ali –Al-Jawbery (2020).
- Deformation Curves and DC Electrical Resistivity of Sn-5wt%Sb Near Eutectic Compositions- Abdalla AL-Ardoni (2017).
- Study of Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Zn(RE)1Fe1.9O4 – Azmi Othman (2020).
- Effect of melting at different temperatures on the structure and mechanical properties of solder alloy (Sn – Ag – In ). Fatma Abu Hulaiqah (2021).
- Thesis, Reviewer of M. Sc. Thesis entitled
- Investigation of the Structural, Electrical and Optical properties of Indium Selenide thin films – Mohammed Hamza Bahlol (2013).
- Preparation of Cadmium Oxide Nanoparticles by chemical path deposition technique and studing some physical properties. – Eman, Nassar (2015)
- Effects of Indium Concentration and Aging Temperature on physical properties of Sn – 9Zn – xIn Tennary Alloy – Mohammed Hazzaa Nagi (2019)..
- Effect of Aging Temperature and Time on Grain Growth of Eutectic (43Sn – 57Bi ).- Adeeb Abdulwahed Abdullah (2020).
- Study of concentration and elemental compositon of particulate matter PM 2.5µm in air samples collected from national oncology center (NOC) – Nabillah Ali AL-Sowaidi (2020).
- Study the influence of doping with some metals on structural, optical and electrical properties of Cd Se thin films prepared by chemical bath of deposition method – Asma`a Ahmed AL-Adhreai (Thamar University 2020).
- Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Nano -Oxide mixed with vandum, cupper and aluminum prepared by SOL-GEL with different molar ratio.– Mohammed AL-Mushaki (Thamar University 2020).
- Thesis, Co- Supervisor and Supervisor of M. Sc. Thesis entitled.
- Study of the electrical transport mechanism of (Tri-Indium Sulfide) and (Mono-Indium Sulfide) thin films – Noura Ali Ismail Kalaf Alla (2012)
- Synthesis of (Cadmium Selenide) thin films by chemical bath deposited and studying its structural, optical and electrical properties.- Yasser Ali mohammed
Al-madsem (2013).
- Thermal analysis and creep curve for some
- Study of Corrosion and Toxic Metals Produced by 8xxx- aluminum. – Abdulrakeeb Noman Mahuoub Ali –Al-Jawbery (2020).
- Deformation Curves and DC Electrical Resistivity of Sn-5wt%Sb Near Eutectic Compositions- Abdalla AL-Ardoni (2017).
- Study of Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Zn(RE)1Fe1.9O4 – Azmi Othman (2020).
- Effect of melting at different temperatures on the structure and mechanical properties of solder alloy (Sn – Ag – In ). Fatma Abu Hulaiqah (2021).