Shakib Moqbel Ali Alsowidy
Associate Professor
Date of Birth: 1971
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Yemeni
Address: Street no 16, Sana’a, Yemen
Telephone: +9671472599
Dr. Shakib Alsowidy, Bachelor from Taiz Higher School, Taiz. BSc in Physics Science, Al-Mustansria University, Baghdad 1994. MSc in Theoretical Physics – MSc thesis in Semiconductor Heterojunction (H:a-Si / c-Si), Baghdad 1997. PhD in Applied Physics (materials science Physics), Egypt 2004. Assistance Professor in Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Jan 2005. Associate Professor in Physics Science (December 2013).
- PhD in Applied Physics (Solid State Physics), Egypt 2004
- MSc in Theoretical Physics – MSc thesis in Semiconductor Heterojunction (H:a-Si / c-Si), Baghdad 1997
- BSc in Physics Science, Al-Mustansria University, Baghdad 1994
- Associate Professor in Physics Science (December 2013)
- Assistance Professor in Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Jan 2005
- Teaching the Following Courses: Physics 1 – Physics 2 – Electromagnetism 1 – Electromagnetism 2 – Statics – Modern Physics – Radiation Physics – Solar Radiation and Energy –Medical Physics – Materials Science (For Master) – Advanced Semiconductors – Properties of Matter – Electric Circuits 1,2 – Electrical Measurements
- Head of Team Work in Yemen Standardization and Metrology Organization, From 2009 – Present
- Head of Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, 2007-2009
- Head of Computer Science Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Modern Science, Sana’a, Yemen, 2010 – Present
- Installation of Experimental Equipment and Devices of Physics Labs in Mastery Project
- Construction of Research Labs of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Materials in Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University
- Supervisor For a number of Students in Master in the Following Research:
- Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Binary Lead-Free Solder Alloy.
- Electrical Properties and Microstructure of Ternary Near-Eutectic Lead-Free Solder Alloys.
- Electrical and Optical Properties of Some Thin Films
- Reviewer For number of manuscripts in solid state physics
- Reviewer For number of Researches in Master related to Electrical and Optical Properties of Some Thin Films
- Courses Specification for Colleges of Education (Sana’a – Al-Hodeida – Dhamar) in Mastery Project
Conferences and Workshops:
- Training Course in Analysis Techniques (IBA & XRF) Used in Archeology and Materials Science, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2011
- Training Workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education II within the Framework of the Yemen-Dutch Cooperation Project Mastery, Sana’a University, Sana’a, 20-21 July 2009
- Training Workshop on Methods of Assessment of Learning Outcomes Acquired, Mastery Project, 2009
- Training Workshop on Planning Strategies, Mastery Project, Sana’a University, 2009
- Trainer in Mastery Training Workshop for Teacher Assistances and Technicians, Sana’a University, From 19 July to 6 August 2008
- Training Workshop on Courses Specification, Mastery Project, Taiz, February 2008
- International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation and Methods of Protection, Ministry of Telecommunication and IT, Sana’a, 28-30 April 2007
- Training Course on Teaching Skills for Assistances Professors, Administration of the Academic Development, Sana’a University, From 17 December 2005 to 1 Jun 2006
- Toefl From Amideast Education Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 28 July 2003
- Workshop on Materials Science and Radiation Physics, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, 20-22 December 2003
- Training Course on MS-DOS, Zagazig University, Egypt, From 13 April to 13 May 2002
- Training Course on Windows, Zagazig University, Egypt, From 18 Mars to 11 April 2002
- Training Course on Spsswin, Zagazig University, Egypt, From 11 February to 14 Mars 2002
- Training Course on English Language, Zagazig University, Egypt, From 29 September to 12 November 2001
Research and scientific papers:
- Aging Temperature Dependent Resistivity of Sn-Ag-Cu eutectic Solder Alloy, Turk J Phys. Under Review.
- Stress-strain characteristics, dynamic recrystallization, grain growth, and melting point of the binary and ternary solder alloys, Turk J Phys 35 (2011) 311-321.
- Strain rate and temperature dependent-deformation behavior for Pb-10wt% Sn solder alloy, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 37, 1 (2012) 163-169.
- Effects of isothermal aging on the resistivity of lead free Sn-3.5wt%Ag solder alloy, Hadhramout University Journal Of Natural & Applied Sciences, 10, 1, (2013) 37-44.
- Time-dependent deformation behavior of lead-based bearing alloys during transformation, J. Materials Chemistry and Physics 83 (2004) 96-103.
- Effect of Zn-addition and structural transformation on the creep behavior of Pb-10wt. %Sn alloy, J. Materials Chemistry and Physics 85 (2004) 163-170.
- Superplastic deformation behaviour of lead-based bearing alloys, Workshop on Materials Science, Radiation Physics and Medical Physics, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt (20-22) December 2003.