Mohammed Saleh Saleh Qusailah
Personal Information:
Name: Mohammed Saleh Saleh Qusailah
Place of Birth : Ma’aeen ,Amanet-Alasimah-Sana’a
Date of Birth : 07-07-1972
Married, 5 sons .
Summary: (A brief profile )
Muhammed Saleh Qasila, born in 1972, Ma’in District, Sana’a, is married and has five children. I studied secondary school at Hayel Saeed Anam School and joined Sana’a University, Faculty of Science in 1990-1991, and graduated in 1994-1995 with a grade of very good with honors and first rank from the Department of Physics, majoring in Physics – Mathematics. I was appointed as a teaching assistant in 1996. In 2001, I was sent to India for higher studies and to obtain both master’s degrees, specializing in nuclear physics and a doctorate in gravitational waves – general relativity – space and universe sciences. In 2006-2007, I was appointed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, and a youth major and then assigned as chearman of the physics department. At the present time, I hold the position of Dean.
2003 – 2006 & A candidate of Sana’a University-Yemen, Scholarship of Ministry of Science and Technology-India , Raman Research Institute(RRI) – Jawaharlal Nehru University – India.
2003 – 2004 & Attend and Passed many mandatory courses (such as Quantum Mechanic, Soled State physic, Mathematical Physics and so on … ) at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) – India, under a common PhD program between IISc & RRI .
2000 – 2002 & A candidate of Sana’a University-Yemen, Scholarship of Indian council of culture relations(ICCR) – India , Mysore University – Mysore – India.
1991 – 1995 & Physics-Mathematics , Det. Of Physics – Faculty Of Science – Sana’a University – Sana’a – Yemen.
1985 – 1995 & English Language Courses at many Institutes in – Sana’a, such as British Cancel Institute, American Institute, Canadian Institute and others.
1985 – 1995 Attending and passing English language courses in many specialized institutes in Sana’a, such as the British Council Institute, the American Institute, the Canadian Institute, and others.
Very good knowledge and experience in the Physics experiments for Undergraduate classes particularly in General and Nuclear physics.
Very good knowledge and experience to fabricate and design physics experiments and small devices.
Long experience in the training and lecturing process in many physics, mathematics and computer courses in the number of colleges
Excellent administrative and practical experience in student affairs, control works, monitoring committee, student academic record (SAR) program, and completion of final exams.
Works :
1996 – Present & A Government Official Employer :
1996 – 2000 & Assistant Lecturer at physics department , faculty of Science, Sana’a University – Yemen .
2000 – 2006 : A candidate of Sana’a University – Yemen, to presume MSc. and PhD. degrees in physics.
2006 – Present : A Lecturer at physics department , faculty of Science, Sana’a University – Yemen.
2007 – 2011 : A College’s Youth Coordinator at faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
2017 – 2018 : A Chairman and Head of Physics department.
2019 – 2020 : The voice dean for students affairs and Head of Control committee/panel at faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
2020– Present : Dean of faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
Workshops and scientific conferences
The first workshop for the establishment of the Scientific Research Foundation 1998 Course in academic development 2007 Multiple courses and workshops in the automation of the university student’s record and e-mails for students and faculty members. And completed the final tests. 2019-2021
One of the founders and coordinators of the first national conference for flowers in Yemen, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
One of the participants in the International Science Fair at the University of Mysore with a small personal device that works as an accelerator for the shipments’ Vend graph and using it to rotate the jet propeller for shipment. It was admired by the organizers of the exhibition and had a great role in facilitating my obtaining a scholarship from the Indian Ministry of Education in addition to passing the admission test and personal interviews to prepare the PhD thesis at Raman Research Institute.
The Fourth International Scientific Conference in 2004 for General Gravity and Relativity, Cochin Kerala, India 2004
International Scientific Conference on Liquid Crystals and Raman Research Institute in India
The Fifth International Scientific Conference in. 2005 Gravity and general relativity of Jaipur Punjab India
Many invitations could not be met due to lack of access to get the visa
- An invitation from the Albert Einstein Institute and
- the Planck Institute in Germany and
- the Astrophysical Institute Paris, France and
- the Abdul Salam Institute in Italy and
- the Department of Physics, University of Britain and
- the National Space Center in the Emirates. The invitation was sent by one of the affiliates of the American MIT Institute of Technology.
Assistant Supervisor of M.Sc. Students:
- Ghamdan Al-daby (2012), Use of Green’s function method for developing a 3D mathematical model for Studying the photoresponse of fibrously grained polycrystalline silicon solar cells. ” 2011: Three Dimensional Math Model for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell, G. Al-daby, M. Al-Motawakel, M. Qusailah.”
Research and scientific papers:
My Theses: Generation and Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: 3PN luminosity, 2PN linear momentum flux and applications.
- Gravitational Recoil of Inspiralling Black-Hole Binaries to Second Post-Newtonian Order, Luc Blanchet, Q Moh’d S S, Clifford. M Will, Astrophys. J. 635 (2005) 508; astro-ph 0507692.
- Testing the post-Newtonian theory with Gravitational Wave observations, K G Arun, B R Iyer, M S S Qusailah and B S Sathyaprakash, Class. Quant. Grav. 23 (2006) L37-L43; gr-qc 0604018.
- Probing the non-linear structure of general relativity with black hole binaries, K G Arun, B R Iyer, M S S Qusailah and B S Sathyaprakash, Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 024006; gr-qc 0604067.
- Gravitational wave energy flux from inspiralling compact binaries in quasi-elliptical orbits: The instantaneous terms, K G Arun, L Blanchet, B R Iyer and Moh’d S S Qusailah.
- Tail effects in the 3PN gravitational wave energy flux of inspiralling compact binaries, K G Arun, L Blanchet, B R Iyer and Q Moh’d S S, Published in Physical Review D (03/2008).
- Inspiralling compact binaries in quasi-elliptical orbits: The complete third post-Newtonian energy flux, Arun, K. G, Iyer Bala , Blanchet Luc, Q Moh’d S.S, Published in Physical Review D (03/2008).
- Summary of session B3: analytic approximations, perturbation methods and their applications, Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity (06/07/2008).
- The 2.5PN gravitational wave polarizations from inspiralling compact binaries in circular orbits, , Arun, K. G, Iyer Bala , Blanchet Luc, Qusailah Moh’d S.S, Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity (07/21/2005).
- The 2.5PN gravitational wave polarizations from inspiralling compact binaries in circular orbits, , K G Arun, BR Iyer, L Blanchet, Q Moh’d S S, Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity (08/07/2004).