Ghamdan Abdullah Al-Harazi
Personal Information:
- Ph.D. in orthodontics, from 2001-2004
Volga grad University, Russia
23 years in the field of orthodontics
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Sheba University 2019-2021
Sana’a Private Dental Clinic Center 2005-2019
Lecturer in Orthodontics 2004-2021
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Sana’a University 2011-2012
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen 2006-2011
Head of the Oral Surgery Department. Sana’a University 2005-2006
Head of the orthodontic department. Sana’a University 2004-2011
Head of Dental Control, Sana’a University. 2004-2010
Faculty member at the New College of Dentistry 2006-till now
Conferences and Workshops:
- Participated in the Improving curriculums of Collage of Dentistry, Sana’a University, Yemen Republic. (2005)
- Participated in (ADEEC) the international dental exhibition which held in Dubai, (2006).
- Participated in Implants seminar held in Sallanches, France 2006.
- Participated in computer guided implantology conducted by SimPlant Academy, Belgium (2006).
- Participated in the Improving curriculums of Collage of Dentistry, IbbUniversity, Ibb, Yemen Republic. (2006).
- Participated in the seminar “Yemen towards excellence quality in higher education”.
- Attended the (ADEEC) the international dental exhibition which held in Dubai, (2007).
- Attended the seminar on the subject of “Self-Evaluation is the key”, conducted by the University of Hamburg, Germany & Sana’a University 2007.
- Participated in “Educational Activity lilted” from The American Academy of continuing medical Education which held in Dubai.2007.
- Participated in FDI Annual World Dental Congress- Dubai 2007.
- Attended the IDS. International Dental Show, Germany.2007.
- Participated in the training course for research methodology and scientific paper writing organized by the centre for Medical Education in collaboration with W.H.O. (University of Sana’a, Yemen Republic 2007).
- Participated in a workshop in curriculum reform held in collaboration with W.H.O.2007.
- Participated in third Yemeni Saudi Conference of Clinical immunology and allergolgy (Sana’a University, Yemen Republic 2008).
- Attended “The first dental demonstration of dentistry” which was held at Kuwait, 2009.
- Participated in (ADEEC) the international dental exhibition which held in Dubai, 2010.
- Attended the IDS. International Dental Show, Germany.2009.
- Attended the IDS. International Dental Show, Germany.20013.
- Participated in the seminar “Yemen towards excellence quality in higher education” Sana’a W.H.O. 2013.
- Attended the IDS. International Dental Show, Germany.20015.
Research and scientific papers:
- Effectiveness of enamel infiltration after radiation therapy in patients with oral cavity cancer
- Tools and Methods of Telemedicine for early Detection of dental AnomaliesMarch2020.
- Maxillary lateral Incisor Agenesis Among a Sample of Yemeni populationJuly2020.
- Prevalence of Congenitally Missing permanent Teeth in a Group of Yemeni Population :A Radiographic StudyOctober2019.
- Prevalence of Impacted and TransmigratedCanine in a Dental Yemeni population ; a Radiographic Study25.6.2019.
- Maxillary lateral incisor Agenesis Among a a Sample of YemenOctober2019.
- Evaluation of orthodontic treatment option for the impacted maxillary caniue.
- Cleft lip and palate.
- The indication and advantages of orthodontic treatment in partially edentulous adults prior to prosthetic.
- Validity of Demirjian methods for dental age estimation for a sample of Yemeni children
- Investigation of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars inYemeniOrthodontic Patients
- Prevalence of congenitally missing teeth in orthodontic patients in Sana’a Yemen