Omar Hassan Saleh Al-Sakaf

Omar Hassan Saleh Al-Sakaf


Personal Information:

  • Dr. Eng. Omar Hassan Saleh Al-Sakaf
  • Mobile Number: 773332328/733772328
  • Full Professor (Electrical Engineering Department/Power Engineering Group)


  • Dr. Eng. Omar Hassan Saleh Al-Sakaf.
  • Professor of Power Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering/Sana’a University.
  • Consultant and Trainer in the fields of Energy, Environment, Project Management, Safety and Development.


  • D. (Dr. Eng.) in Electrical Engineering/Power Engineering, Aachen University of Technology – Aachen, Germany 1995.
  • + MSc. in Electrical Engineering/Power Engineering, Ilmenau University of Technology – Ilmenau, Germany 1985.


  • Long academic experience in university engineering education.
  • Long experience in specialized engineering training.
  • Wide experience in scientific research in the fields of energy and environment, particularly in renewable energy.
  • Long experience in engineering consulting for diverse clients.
  • Experience in specification of engineering education programs.


  • Hayel Saeed Engineering and Technology Award 2014.
  • Award of the Distinguished Maintenance Engineer 2008, Al-Hariri Arab Award of Operation and Maintenance 2008.

Conferences and Workshops

  • Participation in different workshops on quality assurance and accreditation.
  • Participation in diverse engineering conferences on renewable energy and Operation & Maintenance.
  • Participation in renewable energy and environment workshops and training.

Research and Scientific Papers

  • A lot of published papers in the fields of renewable energy and environment.
  • Published Books on Project Management, Industrial Safety, High Voltage Substations Design and Modern Management of Maintenance.